Our NEW OCOC Hick Horse

Miss me? LOL! I have been on email and web sabbatical for awhile because our list of house projects has been so long. My current project is staining my new cottage kitchen table! That is going to take several more hours this week and I am trying to figure out how to schedule that around you know who’s sleep times. You know who has been keeping me from sleep the last couple of days – the drama never ends. I’ll save that story for his post though.

I LOVE our new house and everything is coming together better than I had hoped. You always worry when you purchase a new home that your furniture won’t really fit right but I think this house was just made to be my home – literally:). I am so thankful for this gift. As for pictures (per request:), yes I will post them but I’ll have to post slowly as I get rooms done and I am NOT there yet. Still painting, hanging lights and fans, hanging shelves……. As a result, there isn’t any room that looks really put together yet but we are getting closer.

Tanner is adjusting well but did ask me last week if I could move our new backyard to our old house:). He finally conceded that the back yard was better LOL. At least its progress. Aunt Heidi mailing presents to our new address was quite helpful too! I told him he could only get mail box presents if we lived here so he is quick to bring this up.

I don’t feel adjusted yet – still too much to do and I haven’t even had time for a good clean yet. Cleaning a house really does bond you to it and we haven’t formed that relationship yet LOL. It shows to! Tanner is wanting me to make cookies with him today, I have a tax appointment, I need to balance my budget, my dryer is now up and running so I have a mountain of laundry, I have to unload more groceries……will I actually get to the cleaning today? Jury still out.

For years my Aunt Beck has compared me to the absent minded professor. She tells me that I am one of the most intelligent people that she knows (she runs in a small crowd hee hee!) but that I also have the least amount of practical sense:). I do many things in a week to demonstrate her point (unfortunately). In the last two weeks I have driven to our old house FOUR times and wondered why a red truck was in our driveway:). Ooops! Thank the Lord our new house is only a mile away – can you imagine how much gas I would have wasted if it was farther? I haven’t mentioned this to Jim yet – don’t need to give him harrassment ammunition right now;).

Heidi wants to know if I will be changing our OCOC Hick Horse address. Hmmmmm….well since it never was an accurate description anyhow, I think I like this reference to our current address as well. (For those that may not know, or may not remember, Tanner invented this address at 2 and insisted it was real so I have kept it:)

Ty has just woke up and will be demanding breakfast. I will post their updates later. Ty is doing well but here is your teaser for my Ty posting….I had to call the paramedics for him on Monday. Sigh…..more about why later. (He is ok – no worries).

P.S. Go Mandisa – she is still my girl:)

11 responses to “Our NEW OCOC Hick Horse”

  1. Doni, good to “see” you ๐Ÿ™‚ I will have to stop back later to read your entry in it’s entirity. I should know better than thinking I can “quick check” your site! Mandisa was awsome last night. I completely agreed with Simon on who bought their tickets home. I guess we’ll see. I have yet to post my notes with the gals.
    Totally hear you on the cleaning thing. My house and I need some reconciliation! We’ve recently parted ways and I may or may not get things worked out this week…LOL Either way I know we’ve bonded plently in the past!

  2. Man–I’ve known you’ve updated for a couple of hours and am not going to be able to read it all until after 10 tonight! Ahhh… the suspense is killing me!!! Glad to see you’re back! Looking forward to sitting down with my computer later tonight!

  3. WONDERFUL ARTICLE in Clearly Caring. Are the eyes under the title Tanner’s? What a nice surprise. I turned the page and said “hey that’s Tanner and Ty!” The last line was precious. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. AH! I’M SO MAD I MISSED AMERICAN IDOL LAST NIGHT AND MY VCR DIDN’T WORK! (any chance you can get me a copy?) uggh…

    i don’t think you are missing anything on the house-bonding thing… you can bond even MORE by MAKING the messes than cleaning them. ha ha!

    (ps – doni and i used to galavant around during high school years… we were often WAY too engrossed in conversation to pay attention to things like turning on the street going to her house (on our way home, of course)- heee heee!)

  5. I am so excited about the upcoming pictures of the house.
    I’ve been trying to figure out the perfect “mail” to send Tanner and I’m not quite there yet. I’m glad Heidi Jo is on the ball! What is Ty “into” these days? and I don’t mean when he is meddling or getting into things he shouldn’t! What are his favorite games, toys, books, etc?

  6. Doni….I need a picture of Tanner and Ty together…also, email me the one of Ty on the tree….I see a project in my future.

  7. Jennifer – Ty loves whatever is in Tanner’s hands:)!!!! He really likes books right now and cars and motorcycles too:). As for the pictures….Yeah!!! I love being on the receiving end of “Jennifer” projects! Yippppppeee!!! I’ll email the tree picture but I am getting ready to do sibling pictures – maybe next week so I might wait to send those to you:)

  8. HJ, don’t be..email a pic to me! Get Jason to take one of you and Seth or you take one of Jason & Seth…either way it’s needs to be a “you and me” kind of thing…whichever you prefer.

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