Fink Fink Fink

A conversation this evening with Tanner worthy of recording:

D: Jim, Tanner told Miss Barb yesterday that he likes our house.

T: I don’t like anything in this house.

J: I thought you said he liked it?

D: He does he is just saying that because I drew attention to it.

T: I don’t like it.

D: Tanner. You are not being kind to Mommy and Daddy. You need to give compliments. That means to say nice things about our home. I want you to come up with one thing you like about our new house.

Extended silence and little whines.

D: Tanner????? Tell me one thing you like about this house!

Extended silence and little whines.

D: Alright Tanner. Go into the Living Room and sit in the the thinking chair. You may not come in with us until you can think of one kind thing to say about our home.

About 15 minutes goes by.

T: Mommy! Can you bring me some paper so I can draw something?

D: No. You cannot do anything but sit in that chair until you can tell me one kind thing about our home.


No more silence because mommy was bent over laughing. He finally decided upon the backyard. Good golly kid.

5 responses to “Fink Fink Fink”

  1. a thinking chair? Hmmmm, where can I put one? BTW, do you or anyone in your family like to put together puzzles and is Ty’s room still John Deere?

  2. Speaking of John Deere – I too saw the JD items in Party Express. So cute & great colors! Now I’m wondering where I can “copy” this look & make a JD room! Maybe the children’s bathroom? Thought for the day…lol…did you know that Kenny Chesney has a JD “tractor” song & someone actually had a JD wedding using that song? Yup! ๐Ÿ™‚

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