About Frinkles

A few of you noticed that this website flipped out a bit last week. Not sure why or what happened but it corrected itself. Don’t you love THOSE kinds of problems LOL?

I have been working on several different projects lately so getting to this update has been tougher than usual. I don’t ever want to let it slide for too long though because this journal for my precious boys means too much to me. I already have so much invested in it. I love to do it but it’s hard to take the time lately.

My Tanner

Well he is just as adorable as always. Recently Jim and I purchased a flat screen TV so that we could frame it and have it play looping family slideshows. We could have invested in beautiful art instead but I am tired of the clutter of picture frames and I would much rather choose my own rotating art all the time – especially if the pictures are of my family. The boys love it too. Jim is going to set it inside the wall and I am waiting for the frame to come in. One more project I am anxious to see finished. Anyhow, Tanner looked up to see a picture of himself and was anxious for me to look because he wanted me to see his “frinkles”. ๐Ÿ™‚ Any guesses as to what frinkles are?

As a point of fact Tanner doesn’t have hardly any frinkles at this point but you’ve never seen a redder head so ultimately he will indeed have frinkles – just no avoiding that one. He is proud of the tiny few frinkles he has now but I wonder if that will continue? Doubtful. Never known a red head to appreciate their frinkles yet and I doubt Tanner will be the first. I, as mommy, find frinkles to be simply endearing. And I will keep that word:)

Tanner and Ty

Well what can I say…they ARE brothers and they act like it. They have good moments and bad moments. I’ll give little examples of both.

It is probably a reflection of the bad moments when Tanner hears I am on my way to the store and yells out “Mommy? Don’t you want to take Ty? Ty REALLY wants to go with you!” Ha! Not on your life! I am running away from home too ๐Ÿ™‚ ! Apparently, Tanner believes he needs a break sometimes as well.

As for the good moments, at night Tanner and I both kneel beside Ty’s crib. Tanner likes to pray first. Here is a typical Tanner prayer “Jesus. Thank you that Ty is hell-fee. Thank you we had fun. Thank for the zoo and the cars and sip and side we played today. Thank you Ty has fun. Thank you for a fun day. Amen. (And then he looks at me with a twinkle as if saying “Do you think God liked that one?” to which I always say “Jesus loves to hear you pray Tanner – definitely a good one;) Meanwhile Ty in the background is just repeating his amens.

Last week Tanner and Ty and I were in the backyard and Tanner said something of note and I looked at him and said “I love you kid”. Ty then looks at me and say’s “Uh huh”. Tanner gives Ty the “eye” and say’s “She was talkin’ to ME!” = Bad Moment

Then later Ty was playing with Tanner and Tanner say’s “Mommy – Ty makes me hilarious!” = Good Moment

Such is life with two little boys. Never a dull moment.

Tanner and School

As I said, I am not doing a formal Kindergarten year but we will do work informaly and see how far we get. Tanner loves “school” time and told me this week “Mommy you have to buy me more school books from Walmart. I have to keep learning.” :). Wouldn’t it be nice if I have this eager a student always?

Tanner and Order

I am going to write about there being time and season for everything under heaven in Ty’s post but Tanner also likes order. This morning when he woke up he told Ty first thing that it was going to be time to clean. Apparently Tanner remembered that I like to get my cleaning done on Monday mornings. (And YES I do save cleaning for only once per week and quick picks up after that – I don’t believe in being totally strapped to my house – far too many other interesting things to do). Anyhow, I reaffirmed to Tanner that yes we were going to clean up this morning and he say’s to both Ty and I, “We gotta clean up! I have tooooo many clothes on my floor. We gotta get workin!” And he did…that was the really amazing part. He did most of the pick up work in the whole house while I did the dishes and he even made his bed. Man….a gal could get used to that. Some woman is going to love me someday ;)!

8 responses to “About Frinkles”

  1. i loved this post! some gal IS going to love you! what a wonderful little frinkled helper you have!

    and as to frinkles? well, those silly angels are stealing kisses when he’s sleeping again! the nerve. ๐Ÿ™‚

    your boys are too precious. i read your journals and wish i’d take the time to write such inspriational tellings of our happy little life but tend to get too quick in getting the facts down sometimes. i’m sooo glad you have posted your journals to share. they touch me so.

  2. What a wonderful idea for a flat screen! I wouldn’t feel as pressured to scrap every photo I take….that would be nice! Heidi Jo is right…those finkles are angel kisses…that’s what my Mom has always told my boys…they love it!

  3. Sweet Tanner, I am so amazed at how BIG you are! You must be the smartest kid I know! I wish I could think of something lego inspired to send you. You never know what I might find. Those gummy eyeballs just JUMPED out at me one day in a store! You are such a good big brother. I bet Ty thinks you are the coolest kid in the world! Let me know if Mommy doesn’t get to work on finding you more school work. I may have to send a package! Love you bunches!

  4. Keep up that bed making, I started working on a morning rountine just because they do so well with the evening one. Their beds look pretty good too! I find the they always work better when we’re working together. Yeah Tanner for helping mommy.
    As for the brotherly love. Since I sat down to read this I’ve been tackled once by Eric seeking protection from Sam. I’ve been tattled two twice regarding proprety laws and spider man just found a new home on my lap! LOL
    Cherish the moments they are friends not foes, it seems to be less and less for me these days!

  5. oh yes – that housecleaning is awesome! i love the idea of cleaning once a week too (one MAIN cleaning i mean) becaues all my attempts to do it little by little each day means i have more dust piling up all the time (missing a day regularly) ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. LOL!!! About the Frinkles. I am ** yrs. old and still have my frinkles…..my parents also use to tell me that they were angel kisses, my sister went as far as to steal an cat off of the old movie “beaches” and name each new one that would appear.
    I hear ya one the brotherly love thing. Lately Landen and Ryan only ten months apart (6 mo. corrected ) cannot stand the fact that there is only one mama and they have to share her. Ryan is more aggressive than Landen, but Landen is a lot louder which seems to intimidate his younger brother. All I can say is stay focused on the sweet times and your right all brothers have there moments.

  7. I refer to my Faith’s frinkles as angel kisses too (as well as the moles….where maybe the angels zerberted her!)…..sometimes we play connect the dots and end up with a tickle party…..especially with the zerbert kiss spots! So much fun…hee hee.
    Faith “loved” school too until her preschool days were over and she had her “gradjewAtion”…..after which she decided “she was through. No more school, she was NOT going back,…because “ACTUALLY, she was gradjewAted!” ….thank goodness for “Mrs. Cooper”….the absolutely, BEST K teacher “in the UNIVERSE”….your Aunt is one special lady blessed many times over with the gifts of teaching, patience for little ones, love for them and the Lord, and a real ministry to parents I might add. We’re at a real quandry as to what to do about 1st grade next year…..we’ve tried giving her bribes to teach 1st grade just one year, but she won’t go for it! Just imagine!!

    You ought to give your local library a try, they probably have circle reading time, etc. for both Tanner & Ty…at least in the summer time. At won’t Tanner be excited to get his OWN library card.

    Love, love, love the idea of the TV with family photos….I’m really going to have ponder that one & keep it on my “when we redecorate/reorganize” list. Has great possibilities!

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