Failing Forward

My mom told me this week that Ty “Fails forward”. I thought that was an interesting concept worthy of introspection. She is right. That is exactly what Ty does. He doesn’t seem to realize that some things are harder for him. He just plunges on ahead anyhow. If he falls. He doesn’t even whimper. He treats it like an everyday occurrence (which of course it is), he gets up and moves on. There are a lot of life lessons contained there. Forward motion is forward motion. If it takes failing to still be moving than failing is good. It’s when we are rendered into no motion or backward motion that failing becomes a bad word for us. Ty seems to get this because the way he goes about his day serves as a wonderful example for how far failing can get a person when they refused to be labeled by it. He simply falls often. Then he gets up. And he is a couple inches closer when he gets up. So what. Nothing worth crying about. You just keep moving.

Under any circumstances it’s hard to keep my happy boy down. He is just a happy happy little person (unless he is mad but even that is usually short lived – just give him what he wants ๐Ÿ˜‰ – just kidding – usually.) Speaking of “happy”, I have been laughing at Ty lately because when he see’s Micky Mouse pictures he say’s “Happy Mouse” instead of Micky Mouse. I guess Disneyland truly is the happiest place on earth. Even the mice are happy;).

Time And Season Under Heaven

In Ty’s world, there is a “time” for everything and he likes it that way. He loves “Lunch Time”, “Bible Time”, and “Toof Bwush Time” the best. He loves “time” so much that he enjoys each moment of each activity without dread. For example, Ty does NOT like to go to bed however he loves all the many “times” that happen before bed so he gets excited about each interval. First is “Bible Time” and then “Toof Bwush Time” and then “Jammy Time” and then “Prayer Time” and then since I am sitting on the floor next to the crib, I kiss his little sweet lips through the rails and he is batting his long lashes at me and smiling and happy happy happy…and then I leave…and then he screams. Each day though he knows that the end result is going to be going to bed and mommy leaving the room but he doesn’t show any amount of anxiety over this at all until the final moment. I think Ty understands another adult concept that I struggle with. Never worry about things that haven’t happened yet. Enjoy what is. ๐Ÿ™‚

Mr. Motormouth

Ty is a talker. Recently Jim and I were trying to watch a movie and Ty just would not be quiet. We begged him for silence over and over to no avail. At one point Jim even put his hands over Ty’s mouth for a moment to further illustrate the point. Didn’t work. Finally we settled for tuning him out. A few minutes later I noticed that Ty was sitting on the couch saying “Hi Ty! Hi Ty! Hi Ty! Hi Ty!” Apparently he is not above carrying on a conversation with himself if the rest of us tune out. LOL. Funny boy.

I Love It When He Say’s….

Love Ty (meaning tell Ty you love him:)
Hold You ( meaning hold me)
Chicky O or Chicky Ittle (meaning Chicken Little)
I Turn (my turn)
Me Self (Do it myself!!! Recently I came in the door with food from Panda and Ty starts screaming “Panda? Panda Wice? Wice? Me Self! Me Self! = translation = Did you get food from Panda? Did you get me rice? I want to feed myself!”)

And my very favorite …lately when I say “I love you” he adds “sooooooo much” ๐Ÿ™‚

One response to “Failing Forward”

  1. It just always amazes me when I read about Ty. He’s such a testament of God’s faithfulness. I can’t imagine him talking and being such a little man. I always see the picture on your front page of the site of Ty holding that finger and it saying our latest addition…. sigh….
    You know I think it’s that second child thing that brings out the talking. Jordan and Sam were both good talkers and neither of them rarely stop! I think they are “keeping up” with older siblings. We have often begged Sam for silence. We are rarely granted it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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