Go Fish Guys Concert

Anybody interested? Go Fish Guys will be in concert at aLa Casa de Cristo Lutheran in Scottsdale on July 24th. Tickets are $7.00 per person and children 2 and under are free. Tanner and Ty LOOOOOVVVEEE Go Fish Guys! I don’t think I’ll take Ty yet because I don’t think he has the attention span to sit through the whole concert but I will be taking Tanner (and Noah too since baby sister is supposed to be born that same week:).

I am going to announce this to the other mom’s at church and see if anyone wants me to order tickets. If you would like to attend with your little one(s), I need to order tickets by July 10th so let me know! It should be a fun night!

Note to Kristi Simpson – I am counting on you to get a baby sitter for Luke and be my co-sponser for this mom’s and tots event :). Beau, unlike Ty, DOES have the attention span for this I bet ๐Ÿ™‚

8 responses to “Go Fish Guys Concert”

  1. You will have so much fun!!! They have a great light show and I think we danced and sang the whole time we saw them! Fun, Fun, Fun glad they’re out your way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Definitely count Beau and I in!! Tom can have a much needed father-son bonding evening with Luke! Let me know what I can do to recruit others.

  3. I forgot to mention that there is no way Beau would forgive me for missing this concert considering we have to listen to the cd you made for us every day now!! ๐Ÿ™‚ He may be their biggest fan!

  4. Count Brayden and I in!

    We went to see the Wiggles a couple of weekends ago and he was in awe the WHOLE time. He should be ok for the whole thing.

    Much love,


  5. Another count for Jacob and I, maybe even Landen if I get brave. Let us know how, where and when you need the money.

  6. I’d love to go especially since some of the Grace Girls are going, but I don’t know how the twins would react. They love music but they have never been to something like that.

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