Doggie Dryer

Yesterday afternoon I noticed our little pug/terrier named Brindi was missing. I tucked the thought away in the back of my mind because I figured she was probably hiding in my closet to get a break from the kids!

On a side note- Zandi and Zane absolutely adore Brindi and she is the most incredible dog I have ever seen with children. She takes everything in stride including Zandi picking her up and grabbing her by the tail, yet has never even made a growl or attempted to bite either of the kids. Brindi has also demonstrated an exceptional amount of patience with Zandi lately. Recently Zandi has insisted on having a leash on Brindi all day long so she can control Brindi’s every move! (I know, we have some control issues to work on!!!!!)

Back to the story…about an hour after I noticed that I had not seen Brindi in awhile, I remembered I had some clothes in the dryer to fold. When I opened the door, I jumped back and screamed in fear as this little black animal jumped out of the dryer! At first it scared me to death, but when I realized it was Brindi, I started laughing hysterically! Zandi had put our poor little doggie in the dryer (with her leash still on) and shut the door completely. I think she was in there for about an hour!
The good news is the dryer was never on, Brindi did not go potty on the clothes and she turned out to be absolutely fine. Now if I can just figure out how I missed Zandi putting her in there in the first place…
Sorry Brindi!


3 responses to “Doggie Dryer”

  1. oh my gosh aimee that is os funny nowthat we know the doggie is ok/ what fun times you all must have

  2. Oh sheeeeesh Aimee! Poor Brindi! Reminds me of when Dusty used to put our silky chicken in the garbage can. She would get sooooo mad and when you would let her out she would walk in circles balking her head off like she was giving Dusty what for. (We knew Dusty did it because on one such occasion Dusty was covered in spaghetti sauce from dinner and so was the chicken;).

    Can Zandi lift Zane? I hope not!!!!!

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