How to Ruin an Abortion Celebration

Years ago I read a book about a young girl named Gianna who was a late term abortion survivor. At the time it was not significant to me that she was born at 7 1/2 months and weighed 2 pounds later to develop cerebral palsy – has whole new impact to me post Ty.

Last month, the House of Legislature in Colorado was looking at a bill to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Planned Parenthood in the Rocky Mountains. Much to their suprise, Gianna made an appearance. I read the following article about this today and tears are streaming down my face! Thanking the Lord for the courage of Ted Harvey and Gianna Jessen! OOOHHHHHH I wish I could have been there to see this!!!!

Article HERE.

3 responses to “How to Ruin an Abortion Celebration”

  1. taking deep deep breaths after that one… unbelievable story… only God may know just what an incredible difference that day made. thank you Lord for the impact of gianna’s life. be with her today and let her sense your presence and purpose in her life. encourage her and give her joy in the journey – thank you for saving her those years ago, for enabling her to endure the suffering…may it all be for your sake that your name would be glorified.. thank you for drawing her to you today and giving her a voice.

  2. Doni, I was thinking about you earlier this week. We recently found out that we are expecting our 3rd baby! I???m about 8 weeks along and should deliver at the beginning of February. And just as the other pregnancies went I have had the pleasure of several trips to the ER. (Thankfully, my insurance has finally agreed to give me the medication that I need and I should be getting much better soon.)
    But, the reason I was thinking of you was because of a question I was asked while in the hospital. The nurse asked me if I have ever had a ???therapeutic abortion???. I thought that was a lovely way to word it. But, then it got better. He asked me if I have ever had a ???spontaneous abortion???. I stared at him blankly and then I realized what he was actually asking me. Apparently, we no longer call it a miscarriage when a woman loses a child she dearly loves. That would not be politically correct. Now we refer to it as a ???spontaneous abortion???. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you and in light of that story it seemed even more relevant.

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