Princess Diaries Update

Turns out, the only kind of glass that shows up in Xrays is car glass therefore and Xray did not show the glass.? Dr. isn’t certain that glass is in my foot because he thinks that (a) glass rarely breaks off that way and (b) the pain I am in can be explained by the size of the piece of glass that cut into my foot.

He told me to keep off it is as much as I can (insert laugh), ice it, wear more protective shoes, and wait a week to see what happens.?? If he goes “digging” for anything, he thinks he is likely to inflict more damage than has already been done.?? So I got a tetanus shot and came home.?? My foot is still tingling though and it is really annoying.?? I guess I will just suck it up now and go on my merry way because doesn’t sound like there is much to be done about it.

I took a nice? nap and the kids were WONDERFUL so now I shall try to go get busy and catch my day back up.

2 responses to “Princess Diaries Update”

  1. Great news. I hope it’s the begining of your healing. I hope it feels better soon. Take advantage of the keep off the foot 🙂 as hard as that will be. Take Care

  2. Put a slice of potato on your foot and wrap it up! In the morning, unwrap and look for the glass. (It might take a couple of tries, it will eventually work though!!!)

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