
Scene:? I am sitting at dining room table with Tanner teaching his math lesson shortly after I have bathed Tori.? Tori preferred her bunny towel that Aunt Brooke made her as opposed to getting dressed.

Me:? Oh Tori!? Can I take your picture?? You look so cute.? Hold on right there and don’t move until I get back.? (I rush to go get my camera).

Tori:? I have to say yes first.

Me:? (Sigh).? Tori.? Will you say yes?

Tori:? Yes.

What a little PUNKin she is.


Tori stats at (late) 3 year well check (was actually done at 3 years and 3 months).

Weight:? 26 pounds – 3rd percentile
Height:? 25%


I hesitated to share this next story with you so I called and ran it through Sweetie first.? When she laughed I thought I was safe.? (Note to Kristi Simpson – you will love this).

Setting:? Sitting in Tori’s room with her playing dolls.

Tori:? Do you smell that?

Me:? No.

Tori:? Did your bottom do it?

Me.? No it did not.? What do you think you smell?

Tori:? Strawberries.

LOL!? Love it!? My baby girl thinks so highly of me.? Even if I did commit this social faux paux (which I did not), apparently the end result would have the scent of strawberries.? How fabulous is that?


Tori Quote:? “Can you get me some orange juice please?? My chocolate milk melted.”

I assume this means she likes her milk cold?


Sweetie Quote:? “Do you know what I love about Steven Tyler?? The feathers in his hair.? It just looks so normal.”


If I should ever give you clothes that belonged to my children and they are missing the tags, they are size 3.? All three of my kids started asking for tags cut out at the age of 3.?? They also begin to overuse the word “actually” at the age of 3.? I must say that a lot.?? Tori exercises it just like a woman.? To change her mind.?? Example:

Tori:? Mommy I tired.? (Which I think means cuddle me).

Me:? Are you?? I think you should go take a nap then.

Tori:? Actually…(pause)…I am not.


Me:? You are a smart three year old.

Tori:? Thanks.? A lot.


At a recent IHOP trip, Ty got food all over his shirt.? I look over and Tori is cleaning him up with her napkin.? She then follows with “Don’t do that again and next time use a napkin.”


During bath time recently, Tori and I were discussing the future of girl time.? The lunches, movies, shopping trips, etc we would go on in the future.? I also added that one day I would be her babies grandma and that I would help her and hold her babies.

She says “No.? I don’t want that.”

“You don’t want what?” I say.

“I don’t need help to hold her.”

Figures she would say that.


Tori:? What are you doing?

Me:? I am putting on some makeup so I look better when Daddy comes home.

Tori:? What will he say?

Me:? Probably nothing.

Tori:? He will say “You are so cute!”

Me:? Do you think?

Tori:? Yes he will!


Scene:? Outside of Circle K going in to get a drink

Tori:? You go in and get a drink and I will outside for you.


Tori:? “Ty!? It’s your patch time!”e

As she has his patch in hand and is hunting him down to apply it.? (He has to wear it on his right eye for 2 hours a day because he tends to ignore his left eye and if he doesn’t learn to use it he will lose vision).


Tori:? “Ty come follow me.? I am going to go log you on to your school now”


Oh does this child make me laugh.? I love three year olds.

On a softer note, I saw some girly girl in her this week.? Tanner had a mild abrasion and Uncle Dusty put an enormous bandaid on it.? Tanner was concerned that peeling it off was going to be very painful.? I came in to the room to check on things when I heard Tori crying.? When I got there, I hear her saying “Tanner!!!!!? Don’t do it!!!? Don’t take it off!!!”.? I ask her what she is crying for and she returns “It is going to HURT him!”

Her tears gave Tanner just the courage he needed.? Pretty funny.

And here are my two boys because I couldn’t resist a shot of them after the above bunny towel shot.? Yes Tanner was thrilled.? LOL.



4 responses to “Strawberries”

  1. Um….have you ever noticed the smell of your refrigerator after you put strawberries in there? It does NOT smell good! ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe that’s why she said strawberries. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Again – Mama Tori cracks me up. Those boy’s are going to have a funny life with their extra mother (I mean little sister) around!!!

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