Troy – Day 22 – July 17th

Got it!? :)?? Four times was a charm.

I had to meet with my (hotty) engineer and devise a plan that would make the setup more seamless for Troy so that he wouldn’t get angry at mama.? Jim, being the wonderful man that he is, pitched an idea and then went out immediately to the store to purchase the materials that we needed.? He was smirking at my drive but if the truth is told, he is quite driven himself and I don’t think he was willing to let baby best us at this shot either hee hee.

I feel like I spend my whole day kissin this little man.? He is so scrumptious I just can’t help myself.


Do you recall in a recent post where I thought it so cute that Tori said “Mommy he blushed” when she meant that he sneezed??? I finally figured it out today.? Troy sneezed this morning and I heard Tori say “Blush you!”?? Aha!!!??? She was trying to say “bless you”, therefore he “blessed” instead of “sneezed”.? I like it.? Our baby doesn’t sneeze.? He blesses.? True indeed.


Houston.? We’ve got a problem.

Do you see trouble in this shot?? No.? I am not referring to her sleeping with a swim mask.? I have no explanation for that one.

Tori put her pacys away about 3 months ago or so and it has gone pretty well but I worried that the reintroduction with Troy might be hard for her.? I have caught Tori fast asleep with a pacy in her mouth several times this week.? It is getting frustrating too because she has advanced to hiding Troy’s pacys in her room which means I have to hunt for them.

Today I was changing Troy’s diaper in the front room and I saw Tori coming down the hall with the bear pacy in her hand.? She was about to get it into her mouth when her eyes met mine.? Without saying a word, she reroutes the pacy and starts swinging it around in front of Troy’s face as if she intended to use it as a toy to play with to entertain her brother.?? I wasn’t buying it.

Then she looks up at me and says “I am just going to go put this away”.?? She starts backing up towards the hallway in the direction of her bedroom.? I say “Tori that pacy stays here.? It does not get put up in your bedroom.”?? She says “Woopsy daisy” in typical serious Tori fashion.

So to my sister Jodi…remember when you told Brooke on Sunday that I was really good at depacification?? Would you like to recant that now?

I have no idea what I will do about this.? The worst part is, she is willingly putting herself down for naps and going right to sleep because she has a pacy and I have had so much trouble getting her to sleep during the day without it.?? Ah well…this too shall pass.

She tried to get me to carry her around in the baby wrap today and when I told her she was too big she said ‘No I am not.? I am small.? Look at me!”? Then she squats down as little as she can get.?? She is loving her baby brother but I think she is having a little trouble transitioning out of the baby of the family role.? Aunt Jodi can relate to this hee hee.? (You are still my baby sister Jodi – no worries).

Troy is really liking the baby wrap and wants cuddle time 24/7.? Between Tanner and I,? he isn’t down much.?? Tanner is Troy’s self appointed attorney.?? He keeps better track of Troy’s feeding times then I do and gives me five minute warnings frequently.? It’s pretty hilarious.? This morning Tanner and I had a minor conflict because he thought Troy was fed at 10:00 AM and I thought 10:30 AM so when Troy was fussing to eat (in my estimation a bit early), Tanner was trying to convince? me to get busy working on a bottle.? He and I went round and round about his last eating time and finally Tanner says “Mom.? Look at him.? He is hungry.? He wants to eat now.”?? I submitted finding it pretty comical that my 10 year old had evaluated the situation and determined that we had moved past the “time of last feeding” issue and now needed to focus our attention on the here and now.?? Got me thinking that Troy really does have it made.?? Tanner will defend him and lobby for him.? Ty will play with him.? Tori will nurture and baby him.?? No wonder he grins all the time.? He knows a good deal when he sees it.

Tori is begging for girl time.? She wants to go play dolls in her room with me before bed and Daddy is spending time with Troy right now so I best be off. Til tomorrow…

4 responses to “Troy – Day 22 – July 17th”

  1. I think the “No, I’m the baby” sincario is pretty common. We also delt with the Paci issue – when Keegan was born Devin was WAY overdue to give up the paci (2 1/2) but I couldn’t do it to him during the transition of a new baby in the house. We’d gone through a lot of different types of paci’s trying to find the one Keegan liked and he eventually grew into the type that Devin used. At that point we deemed that type Keegan’s paci’s and Devin could use the newborn ones (not as satisfiying) if he wanted one. He had long been restricted to only at bedtimes Then after a few months of that we made a sticker chart and said that if he could go to bed without pacis for a week then he could go to Monkey Joes (his favorite place). Thankfully it worked, he’s been paci free ever since.

    Giving Tori extra snuggles and extra one on one time, validating that she misses being the baby while reminding her that she is still special even through she’s not the baby and making a big deal of the big girl things she gets to do will help her through these times. I know you’re a pro mom and you’re already all over this. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love the hammock shot it’s precious! I’m glad you got it to work.

  2. Karsyn did the same thing that Tori is doing. We broke her of the paci just after three. All was well but Ryker having his was too much temptation and I would often find her hiding with pacis :). Honestly just recently she keeps taking Cooper’s and keeps saying ” I don’t know why I like these, I just do”.

    I am glad that my place is secure :)!

  3. how i love your family and am SO grateful that I got to be babied last year before your house got too full. ๐Ÿ™‚ however!!! i soooo wish i could come crowd the family and steal a little troy time myself. hmmm… gotta make that happen.

    soooo glad you got that white sling shot. gorgeous. and tori?? what are we going to do with that little turkey!!

    and i’m so glad that seth never was much of a paci baby. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Miss Heidi Jo,
    I still have 8 guest/buddy passes for US Airways that have to be used this year. You are more than welcome to a couple. If you are still on the East Coast, it would be about $200 round trip. If you can be flexible with your dates it is really worth it.
    If you would like more details on them let me know!

    Much Love!

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