Trouble Has An Object

…and his name is Ty! LOL! Our little man cannot be stopped this week. He has so far opened two of my presents and Noah’s as well. He has gotten himself stuck underneath the coffee table and can throw himself BACKWARDS out of his bumpo chair. He is only rolling at this point but he is making every roll count…believe me!

I laid him on my bed beside me this week and next thing I know he is pulling the stuffing out of a hole in my quilt…gobbs and gobbs of it. Yes I was right there…don’t ask me how I didn’t notice until he had a huge hand full!

You know what though? I am so excited at his curious nature and if he is “trouble trouble trouble” I will count myself blessed. My grandfather always used to say “I’d far rather tell a kid “whoa!” than “GO!”. I am with my grandpa on that point. Kids that are on the go can be interesting to say the least as toddlers but I think it serves their future very well. Dad always say’s “You got little kids you got little problems. You got big kids you got big problems”. LOL. I am only laughing because I am in the “little problems” stage. Isn’t it truly a blessing though to see my little boy mischevious enough to unwrap my presents this Christmas, when I wasn’t convinced he would survive the year? Unwrap away baby boy! I’ll just wrap them again. I cherish watching you explore your world. I cherish that you are still in our world. I cherish you.


Nope. He still isn’t eating solids. Jim told me to give up for 2 weeks to see if we can get him to forget about his apparent aversion because he just gets angrier and angrier when he see’s that cereal bottle in my hand. He shakes his head no, pushes it, gags if the nipple even touches his tongue, and will try to throw it if he gets his hands on it. We are going to take a pause on this. I just got word today that I have a speech therapist who can come to the house on Monday to help! Yeah!!!


He is now saying “Baaa Baaa”, “Maaaa maaaa”, and “Daaaaa daaaa”. Do these words mean anything to him? Mostly……no:).


I had another frustrating medication event this week and I am only sharing to vent. I have been trying to wean Ty off digestive drugs ESPECIALLY Reglan!!! Now that he is not eating, he has been choking and his tummy is sloshing again so I am having to reintroduce the drugs aaaaghhh! Anyhow, his GI specialist put him on Prevacid. Last week the pharmacy called me and said the GI specialist changed his prevacid to omeprazole. I knew nothing of this. I picked up the drug and they told me to give Ty 4 ml twice a day. That is a HUGE amount for what Ty has been on. The most of any one drug he has ever been on was 1 ml twice a day. I tasted it and the stuff is nastier than you can imagine. I called the pharmacy and told them I thought the dosage was wrong. They verified that the Dr. prescribed 2 ml twice a day but that was at a different strength (which they don’t think they can make…naturally), therefore, Ty has to take twice as much to get the dose he needs. Mommy said “no”. I told them they have to change the concentration AND flavor the medication and if they can’t, I will simply have to go to a pharmacy who can make the compound (I already have to do that for another drug Ty is on anyhow). We’ll see. In the meantime, I am giving Ty a half dose. Can you imagine making his formula incredibly bitter when we are already having a taste aversion issue? Sheeessshh! These are the things that drive me crazy.

Ty’s Size

Weight (as of 12/10) 18 pounds 3 ounces. Length: 31 inches

He can wear 12 month clothes but I am now buying 18 month because he is too long for many 12 month clothes (and he should be wearing 6 to 9 month clothes based on his corrected age). Crazy isn’t it?

3 responses to “Trouble Has An Object”

  1. Oh, those moments are so precious. When you write about them the moment they happen you also give them the weight and “humor” they deserve. I marvel at you not being an overprotective mother in spite of all you’ve been through. I’m still not sure how to let my son touch animals, though I’ve grown up with them my hubby thinks they are germs on wheels. I even get tense when my son is on the carpet knowing we’ve walked on it and is not washed every day. You seem pretty cool at Ty bumping his head and taken a picture of him. I would have been all over him. Thanks for your paradigmatic behaviour

  2. Love these updates!

    I’m sure you have tried *everything* but just in case……as I was introducing my little guy to solids over the last week he started fine but then developed an aversion to the spoon and refused it. In the end I put some on the end of my (clean!) finger and he sucked it off which worked really well, got loads into him that way! Then reintroducing the spoon later worked too 🙂 Good luck with it anyway, as I said I’m sure you’ve tried this!

    PS: Can you tell us something about your photographs which I *LOVE*. What kind of camera do you use? What lens? What Shutter Speed and Aperture? How do you get the lighting so perfect? I just bought a Digital SLR (Nikon D70) and have a 18-35mm lens, a 300, and a 50 for portraits but I am such a novice that I don’t get great results (sob!).

  3. My dd is on omeprazole (Prilosec) for reflux, too. It has REALLY helped her. The highest dose (at the concentration we’re able to get) she has taken was 3ml/day. The pharmacy we use (that compounds) can flavor it, but we add it to her formula, so we don’t get it flavored. We’ve actually been able to start cutting back on the dosage now that she’s eating more “real” food.
    Also, she has the same birthday as Ty. 🙂 One more month until we’re mommies of one-year-olds! It’s gone by WAY too fast.

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