Troy – Aug 24th – 1 Mo

Look who is turning into a little butter ball??? :)?? UH-MAZING too considering how much he vomits a day.?? Seriously – the vomiting is making me CRAZY.?? I am so tired of wearing it!?? Good thing Jodi gave me extra burp clothes because I have to use huge ones and I go through one a feeding.?? The oatmeal cereal isn’t helping him a bit in terms of keeping it down.?? Hopefully though, it IS keeping him from aspirating it when he projectile vomits it.?? A little curious about a possible lactose intolerance.?? I THINK this is a reflux issue and not an allergy one but who knows.?? I did notice him getting a rash on his face (mostly sides, eyebrows and into hairline) that I thought could have been an allergy but then it went away.?? It resurfaces but I think I have narrowed down to his temper.?? :)?? Like, Ty, they turn themselves red (even their eyebrows) when they are crying.

His right eye is still gunky everyday too and I am starting to wonder now about a clogged tear duct.?? I have rejected that idea because I thought it way too coincidental that he would have an icky eye issue that started at the same time as Tori and Jim (who had the same symptoms).?? This has gone on for a few weeks now though and hasn’t spread to the other eye so I am getting suspicious a this point.

He is getting so many darling rolls that cleaning the spit up out of his neck rolls is becoming a challenge LOL.?? He is, by far, the chunkiest baby I have had to date (and I have to admit to being a little excited about that – six month pictures are going to be great!)
AND….guess what he has done the last THRRREEEEE nights??? (Brooke don’t hate me!)?? Slept SEVEN hours in a stretch.?? Midnight to 7:00 AM (pretty much Jim’s normal schedule).?? Now I don’t count this as sleeping through the night yet because mommy needs nine hours of sleep so until he sleeps a nine hour stretch, he doesn’t get the “sleeping through the night status” with me.?? Tori and Ty both made it to 9 plus hours in their second month and he hit two months today (8/25) so it is reasonable to think that he just might be sleeping through the night before he hits three months just like his other two siblings.?? Tanner was six months before he slept through the night but he was my first so I didn’t have the tricks of the trade down yet.?? :)???? I also think the cereal may be helping Troy in this department too.?? He is now starting to take several 4 ounce bottles a day and then goes a little longer between feedings (three to four hours).

Setting:?? Me giving Tori a foot rub at bedtime

Me:?? Don’t foot rubs feel so nice?

Tori:?? Yep

Me:?? They are so relaxing they can help you go to sleep.

Tori:?? Or they can make you wake up.

So much for that idea.?? She outwits me at every turn.


Tori:?? I got an Easter Egg!?? (Goose egg)



6 responses to “Troy – Aug 24th – 1 Mo”

  1. These pictures make me so sad! He has changed so much in the last few weeks. I hate that you have to be on lock down and we can’t see him :(. I can not wait to hold him again.
    He really is a little butter ball ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. OMG!!! He is getting chunky, I love it!!! As the mother of 2 chunker babes I am a FAN of the rolls. Yes they do pose a cleaning issue but it’s worth it ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Doni! He is SO CUTE!!!! And I’m telling you, he reminds me of Jim! Do you not see it??

  4. A-DOR-A-BLE!!! Keggan and Devin were both pukers – every day all day every meal. I finally got smart with Keegan and started using receiving blankets as “burb” cloths. Give it a try they cover more area. And yes I’d go through several a day. I don’t think I ever left the house without a minimum of three – that would last an hour or two. They do eventually grow out of it. And they were always a good healthy weight inspite of them puking up half (or more) of their meals. I hope Troy decides to keep more of his meals soon.

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