Ever Seen…?

A Hummingbird moth?

The other day Jim and Tanner insisted that our flowers in our front yard were covered with baby hummingbirds. When I first saw them I thought they were adorable and they did appear to be baby hummingbirds. The next day they appeared again and I took a closer look. The body didn’t look quite birdish, the beak looked kinda curved, the wings looked layered differently….hmmmm….looks kinda moth like really. So on a whim, Jim and I googled Hummingbird moth’s and sure enough…that is what they are. I think I have a favorite bug now! ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the only insect that I think is cute (okay – and ladybugs oh and lightening bugs too but I have only seen those once in Missouri).

These little creatures are pretty big for a moth species I think. Most of them were probably had body sizes that were over an inch. The pictures make them look very moth like but when you see them in person they do give more of a hummingbird appearance. Their wings beat so fast while hovering over the flowers that it’s tough to see their moth like qualities. Also because they are moving so quick it’s hard to see that the beak curves.

Apparently they often appear in the evening in late August and they aren’t afraid of people. I tried to get pictures tonight and they appeared right at 7:00 like the last three nights. Taking pictures of these little creatures takes more skills than I posses though so the above three were the best I could do. They were too darn fast. Kinda like taking pictures of Noah and Graham this week…but that is another story:).

23 responses to “Ever Seen…?”

  1. very cool! what fun! kinda funny we were chatting about homeschool because this is just the kind of example i’ve had in my mind of ways i might incorporate homeschooling into our family life… take a walk, find a cool leaf/bug/rock… go home… look it up… learn. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Very cool. Although the idea of moth creeps me out a bit! ๐Ÿ™‚
    We have lightening bugs in the park we live across from. Sam loves them.

  3. that is totally not what I expected…I figured, “beautiful picture, wonderful lantana”….not, send me a dead bug in the mail!

    you don’t have lightening bugs? those georgeous sunsets and landscape and no lightening bugs? What do you put in jars and use for nightlights? What splats on your windshield at night and freaks u out? Next I guess you’ll tell me there’s no green grass!

  4. doni, do remember our friend from high school (maybe more my friend and brenda’s) whose boyfriend had one get IN HIS BOXER SHORTS and sting him 3 times on his backside? YOWWWW!!!!!

  5. I’m loving how Jennifer’s mom is signing in as “Jennifer C’s mom”. LOL! Cute! Heidi, have you seen on the news how Frisco (among others) is being invaded with scorpions right now? Ack!!

  6. I have never seen that before! Very neat in a weird bug sort of way. Okay so just read Melissa’s comment. I knew there was a reason we moved from Frisco! First it was the coyote’s and now those nasty scorpions. We only have roaches the size of my Yorkie here in Houston.
    Bitten on the backside that puts a whole new meaning to bed bugs. eeeeeeee. . .

  7. So of all the topics I post THIS thread gets 14 comments? Sheeeeeshhhh! Am I too edgy and this was the only posting everyone could come together on? Shoot a monkey! LOL.

  8. i have nothing to say but just to take this further in #s i’ll share what came to mind… a few out loud giggles and “shoot a monkey indeed”

  9. Ok…you are using my “catchphrase” more than I do. Good glory.

    I wish I could remember where that came from. I’m sure there’s a story there.

    Hope all of you are feeling well. Read about Ty’s virus. YUK.

  10. LOL at Heidi. Ya’ll are gonna think bugs next semester when I call on you for help w/ Ryan’s collection. So far I have about 20 or so in the freezer.

    I can’t for the life of me remember it if there is a story. I guess it came out of nowhere.

  11. those are so cool never heard of them before!!

    I agree with you on lighting bugs after 4 years hear I’m still like a little kid when they appear on summer evenings. ๐Ÿ™‚

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