BSF Update

I was so nervous all morning but when I went to pick up Ty the director met me and told me that if I wouldn’t have told her anything about Ty they would have NEVER known! Yippppeeeeee! He did so great and seemed to really have fun! Thank you Jesus and thanks to everyone that was praying for him. HE DID IT!

Picture above is Ty on Grammy Rene’s golf cart today at lunch ๐Ÿ™‚

7 responses to “BSF Update”

  1. That’s so wonderful, Doni. I was so sure he would do just fine. I remember having this conversation with you back in July. I can remember last year when we finally got the twins in their own age group classes at church, after a big fight about it, I was so nervous the whole time, but they are 2 of the best behaved in their classes.

  2. Way to go, Ty! Who could tell that beautiful boy with the spikey hair not to come back!!? He’ll be running the place before long. God hears and he responds.

  3. Doni-

    I love nothing more than when somebody tells me that if they didn’t know anything about Kenslie and how early she was and her diagnoses of PVL, that they would had never guessed anything was different about her…….YES, as I new all along, all those prayers are working!!! Go Ty, keep on fooling everybody with all your darling little boy charm.

    I bet if you were to be back in the Nicu right now you would have some nurse approach you and ask you if you would be able to talk to the “other” mom over there whom is having a terrible day. Her little boy was just diagnosed w/ PVL, and since we know that your older child has PVL and is doing JUST FINE I thought maybe you could give her some hope to cling to……..what do ya think about that? And I bet you would step right up to that plate and even gain a great friend out of the whole deal:) I new Ty would turn out just fine (well after I found out that he had only moved hospitals that is..LOL!) He has proven that PVL is not that dreaded diagnoses we thought that is was. Ty and Kenslie both are amazing miracles, if that isn’t something to smile about then I dont know what is. This filled my heart full of happiness today, thank you Heavenly Father.

  4. wooohooo…Ty-man not only climbed that mountain but it looks as if he’s ready to swing over to the next one!

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