What Happens In Rocky Pointe

…stays in Rocky Pointe.

I don’t happen to support that statement but apparently my siblings do. Any idea how hard it is to get information out of Mexico during an emergency when US cell phones aren’t working? I insisted SURELY there was a plan B but (as always) it was one of those situations where everyone thought everyone else was communicating to the RIGHT people and in fact, no one was. Let me define “right” people. As oldest sister, I am the Queen. I have been trying to convince everyone of this for years and I do not appreciate it when all my little royal realm refuses to acknowledge this point. ๐Ÿ˜‰

On Monday, David, Aimee, Darin, Jodi and all the kids were spending a luxiourious vacation in a beach house in Rocky Pointe. Jim and I are not pro Mexican vacation fans because we are paranoid. The incident I am about to describe did nothing to persuade us either:)

They decided to go body surfing. Sometimes while surfing you’ll catch a wave from the wrong angle and it will face plant you onto the ocean floor. Been there done that in CA and it is not fun. This experience in Rocky Pointe is worse because you don’t hit beach sand, you hit lava rock.

David’s head was slammed into rock and he came up from the water asking for help. He is lucky to be alive because that kind of head trauma could have killed him.

He ended up at a Red Cross Center (that could have used some sanitation) and he received 13 stitches above his lip. He may have a cheek broken as well. He was so swollen on Monday that Zandi wouldn’t go near him. Monday and Tuesday, we (we meaning all of those NOT in Mexico) were very anxious because we kept getting bits and pieces of information through dropped cell calls and static. David did email me two sentences once but his email was quite non descriptive and left me with more questions.

In the end, we were relieved to know that he will heal from these injuries. I am wondering if David will look a bit “Joaquin Phoenixish” after all this. Guess it depends on what 60 bucks buys you in facial stitches. Another reason to cross BACK over the border!

Good day in the mornin’!

I would post pictures but want David’s permission for that first and I have yet to actually talk to my brother.

P.S. I have been working on a San Diego trip update all week but that posting keeps getting derailed due to other topics. At this moment, Tanner has been crying because Ty won’t play with him so I have decided to change my plans for the day and go get Noah. Tanner just needs him. ๐Ÿ™‚ Brooke said that Noah has added one more imaginery friend to his buddy list. Now he regularly plays with pretend friends: Tigger, Kick, and Tanner. Nice to know I can make one of these friends REAL. ๐Ÿ™‚ San Diego post will get finished eventually.

UPDATE: David is home but on his way to the ER to get checked out. He is having some visual disturbances on and off. Please pray for him with this. He gave me permission to post these pictures. According to Darin and Jodi, the pictures make him look GREAT.

UPDATE 2.0: David went to the Urgent Care this evening because of his vision disturbance that is intermittent and they told him that he clearly had a concussion (duh) and he is getting a CAT scan tomorrow morning at 9:20. It will probably self resolve but they’ll check to be sure. Also the cheek which may be fractured, may be putting pressure on the eye. The CAT scan should answer those questions tomorrow. And just for Jana, here is a picture of David before the accident ๐Ÿ™‚ .

15 responses to “What Happens In Rocky Pointe”

  1. I’m going to reiterate my need for pictures on your Who’s Who page because I have no idea who belongs to who and what anyone looks like. I wanted to see what David looked like before and I have no clue… I do have to agree with Melissa:) that he sure is cute even with a swollen face and stitches:)

  2. To my most treasured commenter – the all important Miss Jana ๐Ÿ™‚

    David is Mr. Beautiful. If you go to my home page and look under Our Family and the Family Updates you will see pictures of each family member in their header for their page. There are also pictures of David in the photo albums. I’ll post a picture to this blog.

  3. oh david…. dear dear SMART david… he’s much smarter than recent events prove. ๐Ÿ™‚ hee hee… i love my brother.. .he’s a cutie alright but i’m afraid his head is already a little too swollen for this flattery talk!!!!! be careful! he might REALLY be in trouble with this swelling if you keep going!

  4. Alrighty then. I am the only person crazy enough to address “this” issue. Why in the sam hills is there a Christmas tree in one of the photos? Is it Christmas time in Mexico???? ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Oh my gosh! Did they photoshop a fake? Is the whole thing staged? Were they never IN Mexico? Is this all David’s way of one big prank on sissy? ROFL! I MUST get to the bottom of the Christmas tree:)!!!

  6. we also wondered why the house e rented had a christmas tree. The kids however had a great time with the ornaments. I am just waiting here for my my cat scan and was bored enough to see what my dear sister had to say. Thanks for the song I am fine and heidi yes I had a very big head before the swelling. thanks for the reminder. Love Ya

  7. Even though david has already addressed the Chirstmas tree I told Doni that I would actually post for the first time and I am sticking to my word :). Each of the rooms in the house was themed. The front room were David has his picture taken was Christmas themed. It had reinderr, nut crackers, and a Christmas tree that is now missing a few of its ornaments. I am assuming that the owners go to Mexico for Christmas and it is just easier for them to leave all of the decorations up (the Christmas tree is actually bolted to the wall).

  8. LOL – BOLTED TO THE WALL???? ha ha! or maybe they just have toddlers too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    oh david… you wrote to me on doni’s journal! i’m SOOOOOOO special! my big-headed brother who i adore. ๐Ÿ™‚ i love you man… and your beautiful family too.

  9. Well, I appreciate all the responses. Now I can sleep well tonight. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And Mr. David, may I add, you type pretty darn well for a guy whose eyesight is malfunctioning. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And wouldn’t it be cool to keep a Christmas tree up all year? What an awesome reminder of Christ. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. So what did the CAT scan show? Is there anything in there? Just kidding. It sounds like you are a pretty smart guy MOST of the time, David.

  11. yah – that’s what i was wondering… i’m sure there is SOMETHING in there – but just what exactly is that dark matter? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    i too wonder what the ct scan showed? results anyone?

  12. LOL Carrie!!! David is a fireman and a paramedic and when he got through all his schooling he made each family member memorize the fact that he really IS smart. Unfortunately, he now practices the principle of “I can break em’ cuz I can fix em’” ๐Ÿ™‚

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