P & S Trip Diaries

(For you Jennifer ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Papa and Sweetie are in Tennassee today! Wish I was there too. They have now been in New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania…am I missing any? Not sure.

Dad bought mom a huge cauldron while visiting Amish places in Pennsylvania. She has ALWAYS wanted one. For what? What on earth will she do with it? Mom loves to go “antiquing”. I hate it! Nothing about antiques amuses, entertains or otherwise interests me. Thankfully, her sisters do enjoy this activity so she has girlfriends to run around and “antique” with. I am sharing this with all of you because if you are an antiquy person, apparently a huge black cauldron from Amish territory is a good thing to have????

So far their favortie state has been Maine. The love the colors and the trees and the ocean. Mom said it’s a very romantic place.

They plan on going to Branson, Missouri still and visiting family in Oklahoma. They were in Big Stone Gap, Virginia yesterday visiting my Dad’s Aunt Kat who he hasn’t seen in over 15 years. They are not committing to when they are coming back either. Sometime late next week…maybe???? We are MISSING them but so glad they are having such a great time.

Brother Update Number 2: David’s CAT scan revealed a fractured cheek and concussion but he is healing well. Now Dusty is injured. He went cliff diving at the lake this week and landed wrong and his left side is very bruised. Sheeeshhhh.


New York


4 responses to “P & S Trip Diaries”

  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures! i’m so glad your parents are REALLY enjoy this trip slowly and taking it all in. if they end up near lawton oklahoma they won’t be that far from me… would love to meet them for dinner or “something” if they are in the area. ๐Ÿ™‚

    those BOYS! when will they learn some risks just aren’t worth the pain? sheeeesh! thank you Lord for sending angels to work overtime on their behalf. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I am so glad they are enjoying their time away. So deserved, I’m sure. And I’m glad to know I’m not the only person in the world who dislikes (ok, I hate them!) antiques! My last piece I am selling this weekend at a friend’s garage sale. They stink! And I mean – literally! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yes we miss them…but they so deserve this break to be with each other exploring the coutry. So glad they got to do this!

  4. Oh, how wonderful this trip sounds. I’m green with envy. The pictures are beautiful. How blessed they are to be given such a wonderful gift.

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