
Verdict in and mama was right.?? Troy does have Torticollis.?? I mentioned all this in an earlier post called “Pain In the Neck” but I will revisit and tell you where we are at with it.

Over the last couple of months we have noticed the shape of Troy’s head changing.?? It was flattening in the back, and growing asymmetrically through the front.?? Often times people jump to the conclusion that when a baby gets a flat head, it is because they are not held enough.?? Not a correct assessment.?? This can happen if a baby is laying on his back all the time BUT there are other reasons why it can happen as well.?? Here are a few:

*?? Babies who are premature (their heads are still very soft and mold easily)

*?? NICU babies

*?? Torticollis (a genetic condition or birth injury causing one side of the neck muscle to be shorter which causes baby to tilt head)

*?? Babies who sleep on their back (Hello.?? With the “Back to Sleep” campaign what baby doesn’t?)

Troy was affected by all of the above.?? Actually so was Ty.?? Instead of having a brachycephaly/plagiocephaly combo like Troy, Ty has scaphocephaly which is very common in micro preemies.?? It is from their constant rotation in a NICU with a VERY premature head.?? They end up with a toaster shape.?? Ty’s isn’t that noticeable seven years later but I wish I would have known I could have done something about it back then.

If you look in the pictures above you will notice:

*?? The back of his head is flat

*?? His overall shape is round when it should be oval

*?? It is a little assymetical

*?? It is taller in the back and slopes down

You will also notice in the front shots, the slight tilt to his right as well as cradle cap that has been coming back over and over (sorry for that – didn’t want to take the time to process it out).

Technically speaking, this is a cosmetic issue that doesn’t “need” to be fixed but the fact of the matter is, Jim and I have insurance that will help pay the cost and we think helping his head shape along is just the right thing to do.?? Kids don’t “need” braces either but sometimes it is what we want to do for them.?? Besides that, Troy wasn’t born with this shape.?? It developed due to his prematurity and torticollis.

I am posting these quick shots I took this morning on my blog because I want us to have something to compare to when he is finished with treatment.?? Because he is 5 months but a corrected 3 months, he should only be in treatment for 5 to 8 weeks.?? He is still young enough that his head shape will change fast.

We are taking him to Cranial Technologies at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.?? Next Thursday he will be getting his DOC Band (Dynamic Orthotic Cranioplasty) which he will be required to wear for 23 hours a day for the next 5 to 8 weeks.?? Basically, it holds the head in some areas where allowing other areas to “fill in”.?? It is amazing technology.?? Their 360 degree camera that captured his head on film yesterday was amazing all by itself.?? It takes a 3D shot of his head within millimeters of accuracy.?? From there they make this 3D Foam of his head and each week we will get to compare his head to the foam to see how the changes are developing.?????? We have to go down to PCH every week to have the inside of the band shaved to accommodate the new growth.

The Cranial Tech website has some intersting before and after shots if you are interested.

We also have to do neck exercises for his Torticollis five times a day for the next TWO YEARS.???? If we don’t see progress, he will have to start physical therapy.?? Insert big long sigh here.

I am not super excited about my baby having to wear the dang band for a couple of months but, it’s the right thing to do I think.?? They say we should see some changes in the first week even because he is so young.

So that is that.


2 responses to “Torticollis”

  1. Thank you for posting this… My baby has torticollis and has developed plagiocephaly because of it. I know it’s been almost two years… how is your baby doing?

  2. Glad to see your website. My 4 month old son has been referred to PT and am waiting for them to call us back so we can schedule an appointment soon! Really praying he doesn’t have to wear the head gear.

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