Sad State of Affairs…

I bet a few of you check in JUST to see what I have to say about the elections. Because I am tired and have a sick little one (Ty has had a fever for 4 days), I am going to be surprisingly brief.

I fear that many Conservative Republicans chose not to vote yesterday for a variety of reasons. The one I have heard most often is that “State elections aren’t that important”.

Consider this:

* We no longer have the advantage of a Republican dominated House and the Senate is still undecided.

Folks – that IS a BIG deal! Ask the celebrating Democrats! They are throwing big parties over their victory.

AZ election results are breaking my heart. It looks like we kept Kyl but we lost Hayworth and Munsil did not get elected. Munsil would have been a huge win for pro family value legislation. (Side note: At the State Fair last week I signed a petition to allow AZ license plates to be printed with a “Choose Life” option. Janet Napolitano had vetoed it because it was “too controversial”. Never mind all of our taxpayer money that goes to Planned Parenthood. Shheeeeessssh! And it is an optional license plate!)

I am less than satisified with several of the props too. ESPECIALLY Prop 107!!!! I believe in the marriage ammendment stating married couples as one male and one female! Looks like this prop is going to fail and I am very sad about that.

That is all I will say for now. Frankly, I am too disappointed.

6 responses to “Sad State of Affairs…”

  1. I hear ya…. not real amuzed with Minnesota results either, why, why, why weren’t there more voters???? Anyway I just felt bummed this morning when I turned the news on. Big sighs with you…

  2. i just looked through the list of texas votes and we lost a lot of republican positions too… not that I choose only replublican… but as a values voter – those with values most-closely related to my own just so happened to be republican.. i’m so so disappointed. at least some of our judges remain conservative in nature… how discouraging.

  3. I am SUPER disappointed. Nancy Pelosi is now the most powerful woman in government and 3rd in line to the presidency. That scares me to death! Living in MN, I am very disappointed in my fellow citizens. The fact that 25% of the country decides what is going to happen for all of us is a sobering statistic. More people need to get out and vote whether you are fed up with politics or not.

  4. It’s just unbelievable. So many on the news outlets are saying Republicans were fed up and wanted a change. No, what happened was Republicans chose to stay home. I would think if you always voted republican and hold those values as your own you would not change and all of a sudden vote democratic all the way down.

  5. Just wanted to comment on how very proud I am of our President. With all the after effects, snotty comments, out and out put downs, he comes out with his head held high and said what is done is done, it is time to move forward and work together. He is such a great gentleman, we need to keep him in our prayers daily. I believe with all my heart that as God is his certain leader his values could even trickle down yet and he could influence the “influencers” in Washington. Wouldn’t that be great? I pray that he might still be vindicated and looked up to for making some very hard decisions in a war torn world that he couldn’t have forseen or wished on any of us. I remain proud of our President!

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