
…some things you have to see to believe.

As you know, in June and July of this year, Landen was about as close to death as a person could come.?? Heroic efforts were used on a daily basis to save his life.?? Conversations about DNRs were common.?? Ferris and Susie sought counsel and prayed about this decision and concluded that they were being led to continue the fight with all they had.?? If God was going to take Landen, despite all human effort, He would.??

By the end of July, much to everyones AMAZEMENT, Landen started coming around!?? We were shocked!?? We were so overwhelmed and grateful but also full of questions.?? Even if he ultimately survived…would he wake up??? Would he talk??? Would he know us??? Would he ever be able to communicate at all??? Would he ever crawl or sit up or walk??? After an MRI in July there was a lot of concern about this as the test showed that Landen has now had SEVEN strokes.?? (Strokes are VERY uncommon for children).?? We still don’t know what caused this near death episode nor what happened to pull him out of it.?? The best answer we have is “GOD”!!!!

Two weeks ago, I was sitting in church and got word that Susie had entered the foyer during the service with Landen.?? I rushed out to see him and found him sitting in a stroller.?? I knelt down beside him and he leaned his little forehead against mine and gave me the most precious smile.?? That was all it took and I was crying a bucket!!!

When he started talking to me, I was absolutely speechless.?? He told me that Kylie had put a sticker on his hand.?? After church, he walked, he jumped and he even ran!!!?? He tried climbing up the rock fountain and about gave me a heart attack.?? I just stood staring at him unable to comprehend what I was witnessing.?? I think everybody felt that way.?? The last time I saw Landen was on Christmas Eve.?? He stopped breathing for a moment in church that day.?? Remember I got some precious smiles when he woke up for a few moments and we were all amazed that he even had a moment of alertness???

His balance is quite “iffy” but the fact that he can walk at all, much less run and jump is beyond stunning.?? He is wearing the helmet because he is still struggling with seizures.?? If I tried explaining all this verbally you would still hear me stuttering….I am overwhelmed by it still.

He is scheduled to get his VNS implant soon and we are praying this will really help him.?? This is not the brain surgery we were trying to get last year.?? The Dr.s will not even attempt that surgery now for at least one year.?? This implant though may still help.?? It will be placed in his chest and will send electrical impulses to the brain to derail the seizure activity (basically).?? Please pray with us that Landen does well through this procedure and that this implant will curb his seizures!!!!!!!!?? How awesome would that be???

God is good all the time – all the time God is good!!!!

Landen showing Sweetie his sticker

9 responses to “Unbelievable”

  1. What an amazing little boy, so precious and sweet, so happy to hear such great news. Go Landen Go!! God Bless his little soul.

  2. i’m just in amazement… so grateful and amazed!!! i’m near laughing and crying and back and forth i go. ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you Father for such mercy…

    i’m so thankful the Lord spoke to their hearts to continue life-saving measure after life-saving measure… oh thank You Lord for making that message clear to their hearts. ๐Ÿ™‚

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