
Oh yesterday was quite a day.

First of all, Tanner has been sick with a yucky tight cough for about a week.?? He is finally seeming better but the cough still nags him during the night.?? We have been hoping hoping hoping no one else would get it.???? We had to cancel Tori and Ty’s birthday party last week over it and were hoping to reschedule for this weekend but at this point, that is pretty doubtful.

Then, Ty had his hernia surgery.???? He was so cute when I got him up yesterday.?? It was still dark when we were loading the kids in the car and he looks at me (with his infamous Ty smile and bright spirit) and says “So Mommy…why did you think getting up at 6:00 AM was going to be so fun?”???? Ha!!!!?? He asked it so sweetly and innocently too.?? I assured him that I never said any such thing LOL.?? Imagine how rich Jim and I would be if we could bottle that happiness up?

When he came out of surgery, they gave him Clonzapane to help with the “come down” effect.?? Ty usually flips out on anethesia so the Dr. thought that would help.?? He came out of it a little confused but happy enough.?? He was in a bit more pain than I expected him to be in though and one of his first questions was “Why did we have to do this today??? Couldn’t we have waited until next Monday?”.???? I think I under prepared him for the endeavor.?? My hope was that I would keep him from having anxiety about it if I said very little but his reaction post surgery was much like mine after a C-section.?? “Hold up!?? This was not part of the plan!”.???? The surgeon again commented on how amazingly strong Ty’s stomach muscles are (he was really really shocked by it).?? I told him that I thought it was due to his tics.?? He jumps back and forth on those feet all throughout the day so that has to build muscle.?? I wonder though, if that might have worked against him with this surgery because there were more muscles to cut through thus more pain??? I kept him on Tylenol with Codeine yesterday and he was pretty loopy and out of it for most of yesterday but I haven’t given him any meds today and he seems to be holding his own with no complaint.?? I have to keep an eye out though because he has such a high pain tolerance.

Shot below was taken this morning when he curled up in my bed to watch TV.?? You can tell he isn’t 100%.

When I went to pick up Troy and Tori from my mom’s yesterday afternoon, I commented on how hot he felt.?? My dad is a bit of a pyromaniac with his wood burning stove so I assumed he was just not used to that heat.???? I took him home and put him down for a 3:00 nap.?? At 6:00 he woke up hot as could be.?? He had a 103.3 fever (rectal which is more accurate).???? I started the ibuprofen/tylenol swap routine and never did get it under 101.7.?? He got as high as 103.9 last night close to midnight (thus the reason why I had to keep the drug swap going because I wouldn’t have been able to control it without doing that).?? I debated bringing him in to the ER but he had 3 saving graces.?? 1.?? He was still eating.?? 2.?? He still had wet diapers.?? 3.?? He was cranky but not lethargic.?? I was really surprised by how well he handled a fever that high.?? Little Miss Tori would have been in the ER for sure.?? She gets so lethargic and quickly dehydrates.?? Maybe Troy’s extra reserves help him out in this area????? He was down as low as 100 this morning but is back up in the 101.5 range this afternoon.???? I would imagine I will be fighting high fevers again tonight.?? He has a tiny bit of congestion and cough now but so far it is pretty minor.???? I am really praying his cough doesn’t get tight like Tanner’s because that will be bad news.???? Preemies are such light weights when it comes to viruses in their first year of life and I REALLY don’t want to be hospitalized with him again.?? Hoping for the best here.

Have you seen the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse??? It was rated really high on Amazon so I bought it for Troy for Christmas.?? I want to submit my five star rating as well.?????? It was very helpful with a sick baby last night as it got him back to sleep for me twice (and I didn’t go to bed until 3:00 AM).?? In the first place, the volume is not super loud (which is nice).?? In the second place, it plays really sweet soothing music that is relaxing for even me (and I am particular about baby toy noises – I utterly detest most of them and beg Jim to remove batteries).?? In fact, I think that little blue seahorse got both Troy and I to sleep.

I took these in his crib this morning when he was feeling a bit better.???? Oohhhhh he is so beautiful.

Uh oh.?? Daddy needs to drop the crib rails tonight.?? Our little monkey is considering a jail break.???? His crawling is coming along.?? He still isn’t exclusively crawling but we have seen him full on crawl as many as 10 steps (crawls? lol) now.?? NOT bad at all for a 7 month/5 month baby.???? Strange to me that Tori and Troy crawled so exceptionally early considering…..

Tomorrow morning will be Tori’s bladder and renal ultrasound.?? Don’t think she is going to care for that.???? Whatever the issue is, it seems to be getting progressively worse to me so I am anxious to have her seen.

Oh does it ever ever end?

2 responses to “103.9”

  1. Thanks for the update. I have been thinking about you all day. Love you and we will keep praying for you all.

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