The Most Beautiful…

– time of the year!?? And it’s finally over…Christmas was awesome but I need a break from all this partyin’ :).

I have been so behind in writing about my boys.?? This will get ya good and caught up though!

Noah Update

Our little pumpkin is doing well all things considering.?? He still isn’t able to walk and has this little tiny wheelchair, which, thankfully, he loves.?? One of the pins did get an infection though (typical) and he was on antibiotics.?? The pain seems to be manageable and he has kept in very good spirits about this.?? From what we understand, he will start walking on it in another week or so and then he will have the pins removed in 8 to 10 weeks.?? Brooke is having a MUCH harder time than Noah!?? Trying to manage all three kids in highly mommy dependent states is tough business.?? This week he did start using a walker though.?? I found it harder to watch him with the walker than the wheelchair.?? Can’t explain why – you’d just have to see it.?? He has been so sweet about this.

Medical Stuff

I am saving that posting.?? It needs to stand on it’s own.

Mommy Update

In November??I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromylagia.?? Ah ha!?? That made sense of several ongoing issues.?? This is nothing new – I just didn’t know what my problem was.?? Now I have a name for these mystery ailments.?? I am relieved actually to realize the root cause of my fatigue and often achiness.?? It makes me feel old somedays and I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I felt so much older than my 33 years.?? Now I know.?? Nothing to be done about it except get a lot of rest, eat good, diet and exercise, take vitamins…blah blah blah.?? All the stuff I should be doing anyway.?? However, I did discover my own little sleep forumla that is all natural that I really like.?? I take one Melatonin capsule, two Magnesium capsules, and one Valerian root capsule before bed.?? It just gives a heaviness to my sleep and helps me really relax my muscles.?? I need timed release because it doesn’t necessarily keep me out but since I won’t take sleeping pills at this stage of my life…it helps and doesn’t have any side effects for me.?? CFS and FMS is a chronic condition that never truly goes away but you can put it in remission.?? Anxiety and/or poor sleep can cause it to come out of remission and I think that the last 4 years have just pushed the button over and over.?? Now that I know though, I think I have a better chance of getting it back into remission in 2007.?? So that is about as much time as I want to give this topic.?? By the way…I am leaning more and more towards a hysterectomy in early 2007.?? Recently I found out that I am anemic with a low hematacrit – probably from girl issues.?? One more reason to just get this over with.

Update:?? Temporarily nixing sleep forumla because my ulcer/hernia is REALLY acting up and I think something I am taking is aggravating it.?? Darn.

Daddy Update

Jim has been working like crazy the last few months.?? He has put in so much OT that they gave him last week off for comp.?? Yeah for us!!!?? His hobby of the year has been his motorcycle.?? He bought a Ninja this year.?? I consider her the other woman and could spit on her everytime I walk by.?? That’s about all I will say about HER.?? SHE does not get time on my page.?? (And no, Jim doesn’t spend too much time with her – that isn’t the issue.?? I just don’t like her renting space at my home AT ALL.?? She causes men to flirt with disaster and seems to be a temptation they just cannot refuse.?? She can’t possibly give all that she could take.?? As you can tell, it’s taken me six months to even admit to her existence.?? I probably should be in a 12 step program for this.?? Jim would probably pay for it.)


The day after Thanksgiving we went to San Diego again.????We also spent three days at Disney.?? Since I posted extensive vacation notes last winter, I won’t repeat much except to say…I need a baby girl.?? I discovered this year that when you go to theme parks with boys, all you get to ride is Autopia, and Buzz Lightyear all stinkin’ day.?? Nice.?? (Okay…I admit to a tad bit of exaggeration but not by much).?? When do I get to do pink and princess stuff??? I added pictures to the winter album.


We had five – yes FIVE – great Christmas celebrations.?? Ty sang in his first little Christmas presentation at church “Happy Birthday Jesus” and he was adorable.?? Mainly he just stood on the platform and said “Hi” to both Sweetie and Grandma over and over.?? No stage fright whatsoever.?? Meanwhile, Zane and Graham were scrappin’ and Aimee had to rescue.?? That was funny!?? Tanner sang in his play too. He REFUSED a part but he did sing.?? He was quite serious about it.?? Oh so precious.?? I finally got their Christmas pictures done the week before Christmas.?? Loved how they turned out.?? They are also in the winter album.

Pictured above is Graham and Karsyn watching Aunt Becky’s Christmas tree go round.?? I loved this picture!


My Funny Boy’s


Remember back in October when I dressed Ty like Dash (though he kept insisting he was “Mr. Incredible?”) ??? I figured getting his painted mask on was going to be a hassle so I gave him a hand mirror to watch me??do it. (Did I already post about this??? My notes seem so old now.)?? When I was done, I told him to go show daddy his mask.?? He runs straight to daddy so proud of his costume and then thrusts the mirror in Jim’s hand.?? He kept insisting that daddy look at his mask – in the mirror!?? LOL??

One problem has arisen though.?? I am a MAC user.?? I have used MAC since my early 20’s.?? All my MAC products are in my makeup case.?? So is the black paint I used on Ty’s face.?? Post Halloween, he regularly gets my make up case and asks me to put his “MAC” on.?? 8D?? LOL – He is getting confused and leaving the very important “S” out – as in MASK.??

Ty’s Name

Is no longer…Ty Jordan.?? If you ask him his name you get one of two answers.?? “Buzz Lightyear” or “Mr. THE Incredible”.?? He say’s this quite seriously and is very consistent with it.?? I refuse to change the birth certificate.?? Although, naming oneself, Mr. The Incredible does reflect a positive self image don’t you think?

Back Pack Guy

One morning this week??when I got Ty out of his crib he said,
“Mommy. That back pack guy is boverin me!” All the while pointing at his dresser. Hmmmmm…
He has continued to talk about “back pack guy” and when it’s approaching bed time is saying “dat guy scares me!” At one point he said something about veggie tales guy’s being in his room too. Is there a veggie tale movie where one of the characters wears a back pack? He was watching some veggie tale last night – may have to go watch it myself and see if I find the missing link.I assume I am dealing with nightmares? Funny but a little sad too.
Favorite Words
In the last couple of months, Ty has added some new words/phrases to his repretoirre.?? Some of my favorites are:

In the last couple of months, Ty has added some new words/phrases to his repretoirre.?? Some of my favorites are:”Probably”


“Just In Case” – I was waiting for something to come in the mail and day after day it had not come.?? One day on our way to the mailbox Ty say’s “Mommy??? Are we going to the mailbox just in case?”?? LOL!?? I guess I kept telling Jim I was checking the mail just in case and Ty was listening.?? He exercises the phrase in a variety of way’s now…often incorrectly.?? Recently it was “Is it my nappy time just in case?”

“I can’t get my feet off” – Meaning he can’t get his shoes off.

“ARE you serious?” – While on vacation, Jim was aggravated that Ty kept throwing sand at him.?? After several warnings, Jim say’s “Ty do NOT throw sand at me again.?? I am serious!”?? And in a quite “serious” tone, Ty with eyes wide, repeats “ARE you serious?”?? Can a 2 year old patronize?

“President Bush Surprise” – This is what he calls the Jack In the Box of President Bush that Tanner brought back for him from DC.?? I giggle every time he asks for that toy and I think he named it quite appropriately.

“Hide N Sink” – I got a giggle this week when I heard Ty standing outside the bathroom door yelling in to Jim “Daddy!?? Are you playing hide n sink wif me?”?? When it’s ME that is in the bathroom, I think the appropriate retort would be “I am hiding but I do NOT intend for you to SEEK.”?? When it comes to toddlers, you can run but you most certainely cannot hide ๐Ÿ˜‰


Tanner at 5, speaks too clearly for much funny stuff these day’s but somedays I still get a little blessing thrown in.

This week he has been asking me how many “sleeps” it is til Christmas.?? That’s a keeper ๐Ÿ™‚

And my recent favorite…

When we were watching Braxtyn last week, I relied on Tanner to help entertain and watch her (and protect her from Mr. The Incredible who does not know his own strength).?? He was so sweet.?? He would ooh and awe over her, get her toys out, he even tried to set up the playpen for me before I barely got her in the house.?? He pulled his little chair beside her playpen and would play and talk with her while I took care of Ty.?? As a side note, Braxtyn spent all of 7.5 minutes in that playpen all weekend.?? Brooke is still trying to think of some act of vengence to pay me back for that ๐Ÿ™‚ .

When Jim got home from work, I was quick to brag about how well Tanner helped take care of Brax.?? Tanner say’s “Daddy, I was babysisterin Braxtyn!”?? Oooohhh you got to love it.?? Babysisterin really should be a word!

While on the topic of Tanner…did you??know that Tanner has a bumb leg??? Weirdest thing.?? It tends to act up in the early morning when he is supposed to be getting ready to go somewhere.?? Sometimes right before cleaning time.?? The pain is such that all he can do is sit on the couch and watch morning cartoons.?? The last time this mystery illness came out of dormancy, I told Tanner that he probably needed to go back to his room and stay in bed until it felt better.?? I certainely didn’t want to risk him loosing his leg just over helping mommy pick up.?? Would you believe he regained his health lickety split??? Miracles do happen.

Along with everyone else, 2007 means new diet.?? I am not talking about this so let’s not go there but my boys are hearing about it.?? I cracked up yesterday because Ty was asking Tanner to get him chocolate and Tanner say’s “Ty – are chocolate days are OVER!”?? LOL.?? At first I thought Tanner must have heard me say that but then I realized the true irony in it.?? Ty’s VT had bought the boys Christmas calendars that had little tiny pieces of chocolate in each day.?? Tanner was simply telling Ty that since Christmas was over, the chocolates in the calendar were all eaten.?? That made the whole thing even funnier to me :).

Ty Antics

*Loved it when he drenched his hair in Spot Shot.?? It actually lathers in case you are wondering.?? That required a full bath and he smelled like a freshly cleaned carpet.?? Perfect.

*Ty has learned to pull “an Aunt Beck”.?? Aunt Beck, 8 years younger than my mom, learned early on that if she told on herself before my mother told on her, she was likely to experience a lesser degree of consequence.?? Ty has the same theory.?? I regularly hear Ty screaming “Mommy!?? I just hurt Tanner’s eye!”?? “Mommy!?? I just pulled Tanner’s hair!”?? “Mommy I just him em’!”…Tanner is of course chasing behind crying trying to get the same words past the lump in his throat.?? It really takes away from the victim’s testimony when the perp confesses first.??

*Lately when Ty does have to experience “consequences” for his misbehavior, I have been sending him to sit in his rocking chair in his room.?? (Shhhhhh…don’t tell Little Grandma…she won’t like to hear that the rocker she bought him is being used as a tool?? for solitary confinement).?? I can’t say whether this timing out is highly effective or not.?? On the one hand, Ty is removed from the situation, and one annoyed mother.?? On the other hand, he seems to be happy everywhere he goes and he often behaves as though sitting in his chair is exactly what he WANTED to do.?? Case in point, he has begun to sing “Jesus Loves Me” at the top of his lungs while sitting in timing out.?? Often he sings it this way “Jesus Loves Me Sooooooooooo”…..and repeats over and over.?? Such a wasscaly wabbit.

*Dennis the Menace Strikes Again – While coming in from groceries one day I holler over my shoulder to Tanner to hurry up and get inside.?? I put my bag on the counter, checked my email, went to the restroom, attended minor tasks.?? I then hear the doorbell ring.?? Tanner had been complaining about the bag he had to carry in one hand with a toy in the other (which is why I was telling him just to hurry up).?? I realized that he was still trying to communicate that he couldn’t possibly carry two things in two hands and ring the doorbell.?? A bit annoyed, I decided to let him figure it out.?? The doorbell rang and rang and rang and rang.?? Good grief kid!?? Put the toy down and open the door.?? How difficult could this be??? Ring ring ring ring.?? Finally in a huff I head towards the door.?? The closer I get I hear hysterical sobbing.?? My heart leaps wondering what the emergency is.?? I quickly discover the problem.?? The door was locked.?? Poor Tanner thought I had locked him out.?? For the first time, MY finger was in a great big hurry to throw someone else under the bus on that one.?? MOMMY would NEVER lock Tanner out.?? TY DID IT!?? Should have figured Ty would try that.?? How will I ever keep a step ahead of him?

*One day Susie told me this hysterical story about her kids and a highlighter.?? I am not asking her permission to share this…I am just doing it because it is a good opening for my story ๐Ÿ™‚ .?? When Jacob was a baby, due to his CF, he??was prone to jaundice issues.?? One day Jacob looked yellow…I mean VERY yellow.?? Susie rushed him to the pediatrician who ordered an ambulance.?? When they reached the ER, a nurse quickly started to put an IV in him.?? When rubbing the alcohol on his skin, she noticed something interesting.?? He was losing that yellow tint on contact.?? Turns out, his sisters, full of Easter joy, tried to turn their brother into an easter egg using yellow egg dye and a sponge.?? Has Susie only seen the mess in the bathroom before her dash to the Dr. LOL!?? I was laughing my head off at that story.?? The very next day, Ty found my yellow highlighter.?? Dissected it and liberally applied it to several surfaces including himself.?? I found that I enjoy laughing at Susie’s kid calamidies better.

*Have I ever mentioned Ty’s bed idiosyncracies??? He cannot have ANYTHING in his bed.?? Not a blanket, a toy, a sippie cup.?? Nada, nothing.?? If you try to give him anything, he hands it right back and say’s “NO”.?? I discovered recently that he also ONLY like his John Deere crib sheet.?? Amanda D. what will I do when the thing falls apart??? Usually I wash it during the day so I have it back on at night.?? One night though, I gave him a drink of water and he spilled it so I had to change it right away.?? I put a plain yellow fitted sheet on the bed and he had a fit.?? I heard “No mommy!?? Not THAT one!”??over and over.?? I, of course, ignored it and told him to deal with it.?? He did.?? When it came time to change the sheets again, I put the John Deere one back on and had the yellow one on the floor until I got laundry done.?? For two day’s everytime he got up from nap or bedtime, he pointed at that sheet on the floor and said “Mommy I don’t like THAT sheet!”.?? Quite strange if you ask me.?? The sheet is flannel and the JD one is cotton so one could assume it’s texture BUT he started freaking out about the yellow sheet when he saw me bringing it towards his bed before he even touched it.?? I think he just hates change.?? Now he doesn’t like any toys on the floor when he goes to bed and he tries to clean it up too.?? What is with Ty and “his space”?

*On arguing….oh this is driving me crazy.?? Ty is starting to hold his own in arguments now which just seems to drag them out longer.?? The other day in the car Tanner and Ty are singing 5 Little Monkeys.?? For awhile they were enjoying each other’s company and the song.?? Then Ty decides to make the song his own and he changes some words.?? He starts singing “I called the Doctor.”?? Tanner naturally doesn’t like the rewrite and say’s “No Ty.?? Mommy called the Doctor.”?? Ty yells back “I CALLED THE DOCTOR FIRST!”?? Imagine me rolling my eyes from the drivers seat wondering how in the heck 5 Little Monkeys could cause a back seat brawl.?? For crying out loud.

*Christmas Secrets…do NOT confide in Mr. The Incredible any Christmas secrets.?? We found out the hard way that he is not trustworthy.?? He met daddy at the door from work before Christmas and said “Daddy!?? We got pirates for you!?? Shhhhhhh….it’s a SECRET!”?? Tanner cried.?? Mommy rolled her eyes.?? Daddy laughed.??

*Don’t feed the child mashed potatoes lest you be holding him over the sink while he gags.?? Amanda (Ty’s birthmom) fed him cotton candy while we were all at the zoo yesterday and it took him a bit to acclimate to that but he caught on :).?? Who rejects pure sugar???

*On a sweet note…on a whim, after dressing the other evening for a girl date, I asked Tanner how I looked.?? He just stared at me blankly as if to say “First…why would I care and second why are you asking such an irrelevant question.”?? My eyes then lock on Ty’s.?? He grins wide and say’s “You LOOK GOOD!”?? Ah he knows how to work me.?? He is going to be dangerous isn’t he?

Tanner Antics

My mild mannered laid back boy is usually not prone to “antics” but once in awhile, he’ll surprise you.???? For Christmas, Uncle Dusty bought Tanner an automatic play gun that shoots big foam bullets.?? You will notice on the Christmas slideshow that Tanner is shooting Aunt Beck’s window with them.?? On Monday when Ty’s physical therapist was over, she was preparing to leave when all of a sudden her eye’s grow large, she swings around and say’s in a VERY stern voice “That was NOT nice!”?? Yep – you guessed it.?? She got pelted with foam bullets so fast and furiously on her exit that I didn’t even have?? time to respond.?? I stood there open mouthed trying to form an apology.?? Boys.

I’ll go ahead and throw this one into the “antics” category too.?? Tanner was having a rough day recently.?? I think he was wanting to trade baby brother in for a new one.?? Siblings have day’s like these – that’s just how it is.?? You always wonder how much of what you tell them actually sinks in and settles.?? Well on this fine day, I got an education.?? Tanner proudly announces to baby brother that he was in my tummy but Ty wasn’t.?? He was in Amanda’s tummy.?? Hmmmmmmm.?? Now what?

Every time I have repeated this story everyone say’s “Oh my gosh!?? What did you say?”?? Well I processed the whole thing as quickly as I could and arrived at the following assumptions:

1. Tanner was trying to pay brother back for a day of squabbling.

2. Ty had no idea what he was talking about and not the slightest bit offended.

3. What Tanner said was 100% true.

4. Tanner is starting to get “adoption”

5. Tanner was using adoption as ammunition.?? Is womb time something to brag about because neither will be able to pull the “genes” card?

6. Mommy had to tread carefully because too much attention could increase the value of the ammo.

So I said “Yep. That’s true.?? Tanner is totally right.?? Tanner grew in mommy’s tummy and Ty grew in Amanda’s tummy.?? Pretty cool isn’t it??? It doesn’t matter where kids grow though, it matters where God puts them.?? God picked Tanner to be my son and he picked Ty to be my son.?? That is THE BEST part of the story.?? God did it different but had the same plan didn’t He??? Very cool.

Then I shut up and walked on.??

Later that night Tanner decides to go round two.?? “Mommy!?? You love me the MOST don’t you?!”?? Stated like a fact not a question.?? Oh sheeeshhh.?? Here we go again.

So then I say “Tanner I love you with my whole entire heart.?? It ALL belongs to you and only you.?? I love you so much that love takes up the whole thing.?? However, God does a miracle for mommy’s.?? I love Ty with my whole entire heart too.?? It ALL belongs to??Ty and I love??Ty so much it takes up the whole thing.?? God gives mommy’s so much love for their kids that they can love all the kids God gives them with their whole heart and not have to share any of that love.?? When they have more kids, they just get more love.?? That’s neat huh?

My best guess is that Ty’s extravert behavior is so attention getting that Tanner is starting to come out of his shell a bit so he can share some limelight.?? Personally, I was grateful that both of these things came up because Tanner is usually so self assurred that it would seem he never contemplated such things.?? What a great opportunity to remind him of HOW MUCH he is cherished.?? I am sure this won’t be the last time though that we are lauging at how he tries to put little brother in his place.

Maybe Tanner is just finally in a place of learning to be more expressive??? I think Ty has been good for Tanner in this area.?? For the FIRST time, Tanner was leaving somewhere with Jenna, glanced back at me and yelled “I love you mommy!”?? Yes – at FIVE YEARS OF AGE – it was the first time he said “I love You” unprompted.?? I got tears.?? That’s my Tanner though.?? He is just like his daddy.?? Words don’t come easy.?? Expressing his heart even more so.?? The fact that he is making conscious choices to learn and express and give…that moves me.?? Thank you Ty for making this look easier.?? In this way, you have helped your big brother and mommy is VERY appreciative!

And finally….

Brooke and I were discussing what will happen when the believer and unbeliver compare notes.?? Noah believes in Santa.?? Tanner….what DOES Tanner think??? I can honestly say I don’t know.?? Jim and I have chosen to keep Santa out of our CHRISTmas.?? This is not a judgement on Santa or those who include Santa – just our personal choice.?? As a result, we just talk about him like a fictitious character (like Frosty the Snowman).?? Since he gets little to no attention in our home, we haven’t had a Santa conversation this year.?? My suspicion is that Tanner wouldn’t buy the whole thing anyhow.?? I didn’t as a child and Tanner is much like me in that way.?? In part, I base this assumption on the fact that my practical child thinks I am often teasing him – even when I am telling the absolute truth.?? Recent case in point.?? I told him when he is six his teeth will start falling out.?? He laughed hysterically.?? Doubled over even.?? He told me I was “funny”.?? Boy will he be surprised!?? (End note:?? The santa thing never came up all season long.?? Year 5 – mission accomplished and Noah is none the wiser ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

9 responses to “The Most Beautiful…”

  1. this is one of the most humorous updates you’ve ever written! i loved it! toooo much to even comment on – it ALL had me cracking up! seth even came out of his room to ask “what’s so funny? what she said??? i ASKED what SHE SAID????” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. So are you saying that if you are at the computer and laughing…Seth automatically thinks *I* must have said something funny? Grace gals get equal if not more credit for that. And imagine me taking a bow for me comedic routine. I am workin’ on it LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. so funny that Ty wants to change his name…if Ben had his way we would have named Sam Ben and changed Ben’s name to George Strait…

    Then again, it was also Ben’s idea that we name Sam Walker, Texas Ranger…

  4. I forgot how much I love these updates! Ty would fit in REAL well w/ the Cowart Gang…I think he might give my boys a run for their money.

    Please tell me you weren’t checking for the package I was supposed to mail MONTHS ago!

  5. No Jennifer but I WAS thinking about that package just today. This is not one stress you need to take on right now though. I’ll wait on that one. Don’t worry about it.

  6. You know Ty can’t technically be Dash because Sam assumed that identity about a year ago. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sam also sleeps with a Buzz Lightyear.. you know the hard one that so nice and cold to cuddle with! sheshhh, every once in a while I’ll here “Buzz Lightyear to Star Command” or “I am Buzz Lightyear I come in peace” over the monitor at 3am. Doesn’t even scare me anymore. LOL

    I really enjoyed your update, maybe Tanner and Eric could compare notes getting in the spotlight! It always amazes me how well you write about you guys and how ‘there’ I feel when I read about them.

    Glad Noah is doing better, poor Brooke ๐Ÿ™

  7. Doni, I love reading your updates. I know we do not know each other personally, I feel like I can hear and see your boys saying and doing all those precious things. You are so blessed. They are just so cute. Treasure those moments. They grow to fast. Take Care.

  8. My son is 6 months younger than Ty, or just a few months younger than Ty’s adjusted age, and he is showing signs of stubborness about what pajammas he will wear and what blankets and sheets can be on the bed. The last few nights I have had to frantically search for “fire truck jammies” because they were the only ones he would wear. I suggest you find more John Deere sheets pronto! My son has a stomach virus and both of his blankies were in the wash and it took me three hours (starting at 2am) to convince him to accept an alternate. Luckily the dryer finally finished drying one, or I think I would still be arguing with him. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Anyway, sounds like your little Ty has a case of the Terrible Threes! ๐Ÿ™‚ All of the little boys I know got a lot more “stroppy” around their third birthday. Prior to puberty, boys get their biggest testosterone surge at age 3.

  9. SO THAT’S IT! THE TESTOSTERONE SURGE!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ i certainly have found the 3’s to be MUCH more challenging than the 2’s… twos schmooos! (moms – don’t let ANYONE tell you the 2’s are “terrible” – no one forewarned me about how exponentially more challenging threes would be – so, consider this your warning now) ๐Ÿ˜‰

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