Last Fall

I got a little behind and never posted the Fall shots I took of the foursome last November.?? Better late than never right?

My intent was to get fall shots of the baby but right before I went out the door I made the last minute decision to coordinate the other three JUST IN CASE baby didn’t cooperate and I needed his siblings to help.?? I was later patting myself on the back for that insight because sure enough – baby wanted NONE of picture day.?? I ended up getting shots that I loved of his brothers and sister though and cute ones of them interacting with him so I chalked it up to a day well spent despite the necessary plan change.

Troy LOVES his brother Tanner – I mean LLLLOOVVVEEEESSS.???? He follows him around and crawls up his pant leg crying to be held.?? He sits on his lap often during school time and even when Tanner is playing Xbox.?? It’s adorable.?? He just lights up when he sees Tanner.?? He attacks Tanner’s cheeks trying to eat him up too.?? I love watching these two together – one of the most precious experiences of my life.

(These pictures taken were before he had his DOC band.?? Can’t you tell such a difference between then and now?)

Top left – very familiar expression.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

I know the spit up picture is pretty icky.?? Sorry for putting you through that BUT it was Tanner’s favorite picture.?? I wish you could have heard Tanner’s contagious laughter when he saw how perfectly I captured the entire line of spit up.???? Wish I could say this reflux thing was a thing of the past but still ongoing unfortunately.

My little skinny boy who can never keep his pants up.?? Thank the Lord for the elastic drawstrings in pants these days – they help him at least somewhat.

With my big zoom lens, it makes it easy to catch my children at play without them realizing I am shooting from a distance.?? I don’t recall what they were doing but Tori was having a grand ole’ time playing with her brother.

This would be the coyote that was way too close for comfort.?? There were three of them that kept just out of distance from us.?? I watched my 25 pound girl pretty closely because you never know with wild animals that are THAT comfortable around people (and I am a scaredy cat).?? This area is a run off between a golf course green and the coyotes hang out on the greens all the time so they are used to the people traffic.

Trying to keep 4 monkeys out of the barrel all together can be quite a feat.?? Ty was trying but she wasn’t making it easy on him.

I just love her point wink thing.?? Makes me laugh and she does it all the time.?? Don’t ask me what the lower right was about but she often does that when she is excited about something.?? This often preceeds “YYYYEEESSSS!!!”

This picture of her just makes my heart sing.

I usually don’t take shots of Ty in his glasses because they are transitional but it was an unusually overcast day.?? Isn’t he just precious?

And look at this heart breaker!?? He is getting too old!!!?? But still just as sweet…

I love how Tanner bites his lip.?? So Tanner.

Wearing the hat was her idea by the way.?? She has lots of ideas.???? Lots and lots of them.?? ๐Ÿ™‚


4 responses to “Last Fall”

  1. Doni,

    Tanner and Troy melt my heart. It is so like Cole and Chase. I have a fourteen year old boy who loves his little 4 year old brother. He drags him everywhere, and Chases friends are so good to him to, kinda like a mascot. I will say that Cole never sleeps in his own bed, he climbs in with Chase every night, and I spend a lot of time answering Coles question of When will Chase be home. I agree, it melts a mommas heart. As usual your pictures are beautiful, you are amazing and those are some cute kids!

  2. These are great. I love sometimes to go back and edit pictures I took awhile ago and never got to. You really see how they have changed in not so long a time.
    I love the images of Troy and Tanner together. I love Tori’s experssions and body language. Her personality comes right through. I love Ty’s twinkly in his eye.
    Beautiful images. Beautiful children!

  3. LOVE those pics, better late than never ๐Ÿ™‚ Love how Tanner pulls off the orange shirt, he looks awesome in it. Wish I were that brave! I love how close all the kids are, you see the love in their eyes. No matter how icky you think the spit up picture is, I love it! It is perfect ๐Ÿ™‚ a wonderful memorey for everyone and one that will always bring some laughs. Great job ๐Ÿ™‚ Anymore hiding away?? Can’t wait for more. I could just sit here all day looking at your wonderful pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

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