Belated Birthdays

FINALLY we had Tori and Ty’s birthday party.?? After waiting more than 3 weeks for everyone to be well enough, we had their party last Friday night but then 8 of their cousins didn’t end up being able to come because of illness and that was very sad.?? I saw Tori playing in her room with her presents all by herself at her party and it broke my heart.?? All that waiting and then…

BUT…sometimes moms get sad over things that kids don’t really register.?? Both kids enjoyed who WAS at their party and told me what a good party it was the next day so I was happy that they were happy.

I decided this year that I would attempt fondant cakes for the kids.?? I tried it once several years ago using Wilton’s premade fondant and it was pretty much a disaster (because I had no idea what I was doing).?? This time I made sure I had better tools, gathered inspiration, and watched some youtube videos first.?? The most important ingredient for success though was calling Sweetie to come help me!?? This was?? a two person project for sure.???? I homemade the fondant instead of buying the packaged stuff.?? It’s really easy (and cheap) to make.?? Basically just marshmallows and powdered sugar.?? It was fun to knead too.

By the time I took these pictures the next day, it was melting a tad.

The night before the party, Tori and Ty had a package arrive from their Grandma and Grandpa Brinkman.?? When my dad got to the house, Tori said “Papa do you want to come in my room and play Bows with my daddy and I?”?? Next thing you know both Jim AND Papa were playing dolls with Tori in her room.?? Thought Grandma Brinkman would appreciate that story (they were the magnet dolls you sent).?? Too cute.

I wanted something Xbox themed for Ty but I was not about to shape a cake into a controller or XBox unit so I had to imagine something more simple.?? I decided on just a big X.?? The M&Ms on the bottom are the color of the buttons on the controller.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

Two fondant cakes in one day though is a bit much so I may not try that again.?? It was fun playtime with my mama though.

Ty:?? Can I have a snack?

Me:?? I have some M&Ms.?? Would you like some?

Ty:?? Yes!!!!???? Uh….actually…how about some sour gummy worms?

Me:?? Ty it really aggravates me when you are continually trying to renegotiate everything with me.

Ty:?? M&Ms are good.

He makes me smile.?? Every single day.


Tori climbed into my bed this morning after Daddy left for work (as she does every morning).?? The birds were particularly animated outside my window this morning and I awakened to a little voice whispering the following in my ear:

“Mommy I think somebody has a duck!”



5 responses to “Belated Birthdays”

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to Tori and Ty!
    I wish all the best!!!
    Love the cakes ๐Ÿ™‚ Look so yammy.

  2. We are so sad that we missed it :(. I am over all of this sickness. The cakes turned out beautiful!! I need a fondant lesson from you and Mom.

  3. Doni, Those cakes are amazing, I’m so impressed! I do not have the skills or the patience to do something like that, but wow is it ever a show-stopper…

  4. Wow great job on the cakes Doni, I LOVE them. Tori looks so grown up in those pictures and Ty so handsome. I am sorry their cousins were sick for the party. I felt sad for Tori when you said she was playing in her room alone ๐Ÿ™ You are right though, kids dont feel the ways Moms do ๐Ÿ™‚ All in all I hope they had a wonderful time ๐Ÿ™‚ Great job Momma ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Those cakes were amazing, and she didn’t brag about her delicious Lasagna that she made for all of us for dinner….delicious!!! Doni is an all out kind of person. I am just too lazy because taking all that time to make a cake does NOT interest me but I sure appreciate it when others do!!!! I love how you go all out on these projects and can picture you looking up all the best sites for doing the fondant! Your kids wil never, ever think that you have not loved them completely, fully, intently, purposefully, and all the other “ly” words that fit here. Your love is intentional and I love watching you love your kids!!!!

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