Amazing Grace


Last night Jim and I, Mom and Dad, Darin and Jodi, and Uncle Dave and Aunt Beck went to see “Amazing Grace”.?? GO SEE IT!?? PLEASE PLEASE GO SEE IT!!!!!?? I haven’t wanted to stand up and cheer that much since Rocky IV:).

It isn’t the kind of movie you go see for entertainment value.?? It is deep and stirring and will move you.?? When we left the theatre, I was doing my best not to start sobbing and the rest of the??women didn’t do any better than I.?? Even Dad was so moved he could hardly speak leaving.?? Sadly, we were 8 of probably 16 people in the theatre.?? I don’t know how well this movie has done at the box office but I wish more people would be exposed to it.?? It was very well done and the acting was great.?? Some may struggle a bit with the older language but after the first few scenes you get really engaged.?? Pay close attention to the dialog because it is witty and compelling.??

The movie is about the sequence of events that caused Britain to abolish slavery.?? In America, our historical understanding of slavery typically starts and ends with the Civil War.?? Britain abolished slavery first and it is a wonderful story.?? If you don’t know already why the great??hymn of our faith??Amazing Grace was written, you need to watch this movie.?? Because of its pace, it may be hard for young children to watch but I will insist my boys see it when they get older.

There was this scene in the movie that I identified with so well it was difficult to see through blurred vision.?? The lead character awakes from a nightmare and the subsequent dialog is related to his battle with his own passions.?? He is frustrated with the way his passionate spirit is haunted by life’s injustices that spur him to action.?? It is exhausting.?? During that scene, I couldn’t help but glance at Aunt Beck.?? I had the same conversation with her yesterday afternoon.?? I have a similar nature and I have spent more than one night trying to work out the passions of my heart even in my sleep.?? In fact, Wed night I spent my dream time waffling between theological arguments and I woke up totally spent.?? I really bonded to this character because I understood him.

Reminded me of a time when I did an interview for the AZ Republic.?? The journalist had been asking me questions about my political involvement in regards to ESCR.?? It was apparent that he favored ESCR and seemed to be amazed that I “really” believed these tiny one’s were unique human individuals and not just a clump of cells.?? The morning after our interview he called me back and he said “I have been thinking about this and there is one more question I have to ask you.?? Believing the way you do about life, wouldn’t this keep you up nights?”?? I answered him solemnly and sincerely.?? “Yes it does”.

As I watched the movie, the parallels between slavery and abortion and ESCR lept off the screen.?? How I wish America would wake up.?? History looks so unkindly at the slavery movement.?? It is a grand embarrassment and heartbreak to us and it SHOULD be.?? There is no party line in 2007 on this issue and there is no confusion about it.?? Hindsight makes the picture crystal clear.?? The question is, why could so few see the truth of it at that time in history??? The answer to me is simple.?? Because they profited too much from the institution of slavery and had grown callous by their indulgent arguments.??

Sounds quite familiar doesn’t it??? I won’t belabor this point because I shouldn’t have to.?? I only pray that the generation we are raising will find abortion and embryonic stem cell research so??repulsive that they will rise to the occasion and say “NO MORE”.?? As the movie pointed out, even one lone voice can make a difference.??

I am sure we can all agree that irregardless of the “ends” that slavery met – the means were NOT justified by it.?? Our irreverent disrespect for life when we kill unique human individuals in their tiniest stages of development is no different – no I recant that – it’s worse.?? At least most slave owners fed and clothed their slaves.?? They didn’t kill them off and use them for spare parts.?? I am ashamed of us America.?? Deeply ashamed.?? Will one day my great grandchildren watch a movie about what we have done and leave the theatre broken hearted with tears streaming??? I can only hope.?? The other option is far worse.

I believe we can make a difference.?? One by one we can change the hearts of the people.?? I am raising my sons to realize their value.?? They were hand made by the King of Kings.?? He dreamt of them, fashioned them in His image, wove them in the womb with a purpose already in mind for them.?? God didn’t come on this scene when they were 9 weeks in utero, 25 weeks in utero, or the moment of their birth.?? What He began in them He will finish and “the beginning” can’t be more obvious than when their first cell with all the blueprints of their life divided at conception.?? Maybe the next generation will lead the way.

Conversation this week with Ty and Tanner

Ty – I am tiny Ty

Doni – No way!?? No one would say you are tiny Ty anymore.?? You are big Ty. But you were the tiniest little baby I ever saw in my whole life.?? You wouldn’t believe how teeny tiny you were.

Tanner – No mommy.?? I was the tiniest baby you ever saw.

Doni – I stand corrected.?? Tanner was definitely the tiniest little baby I ever saw.

May my sons never be afraid to stand up for truth and defend their God given right to life.?? It has already begun.?? Praise God.


5 responses to “Amazing Grace”

  1. that conversation just tops off this post PERFECTLY… THAT is where my eyes started welling…beautiful. i can hardly wait ’til this movie comes out on dvd as i don’t think i’m going to get to the theater in time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. All I want to do is shout AMEN with you! What a beautiful picture of a world I hope our future generations live in.

  3. I love, love reading about what your kiddos say. This definitely topped them all! Where are the wub and happy face smilie when I need them?

    Sonia ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. My tears were welling when reading the conversation with your kiddos as well. Your story has helped me to teach Kylie about her worth as well. I have shown her pictures of Tanner that you have posted when you can see that he is just a few cells and teeny tiny. I told her that she was that little once too and that God had a plan for her even when she was that tiny. So thank you for sharing your story as it is has helped me to teach my child of her worth as well! Love you!

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