
Let’s rate this posting PG13 and for women only because I don’t think male readers want to discuss cycles this fine morning ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay so I feel a bit frustrated post my Dr. apptmnt.?? First of all, I was correct, it was my ferratin level that is a 3.?? Because the Dr. I have been seeing works at a teaching hospital, I always see one or two interns first and then him.?? Today I gave 5 minutes of very thorough info to the interns and about 10 minutes later all three came in to the room.

Very quickly the conversation got derailed to assumptions (may be good assumptions but still assumptions).?? The first thing the Dr. wanted to discuss was my pain level from my FMS because he assumed that was robbing me of sleep thus the fatigue.?? He started writing down prescriptions for anti inflammatories and an anti depressant.?? WHOA!!!?? How did we get here??? I wasn’t even complaining about FMS pain.?? I only cited last years issues to the interns as a point of reference.?? I told the Dr. I didn’t want to medicate my FMS/CFS and that I had made that decision months ago.?? I was here to discuss what place the IRON factored into my fatigue issues.?? (Although, I do admit that I have been having more trouble sleeping in the last 2 weeks due to neck and back pain so he could have a point).

I asked about iron infusions and the Dr. said he hadn’t heard of any benefit from them.?? What does that mean??? Simply that he doesn’t know or he has heard they don’t work??? I didn’t want to push this point too hard because it could sound insulting but I never got a satisfactory response on that.

He ruled out Celiac right off the bat because while I do have Celiac symptoms, I do not have the most classic symptom, irritable bowel.?? I have many gastro issues but not irritable bowel so he thinks that rules it out.?? Hope he is right – that is GOOD news.

He believes that I am losing too much blood every month thus the low iron.?? Without hearing all the reasons why the GYN thinks a hyster is in order, he suggested uterine burning.?? This conversation was interesting.

D – I can explain why I don’t want to do that but you may not understand my explanation.?? I am a prolife lobbiest and I don’t support destroying my uterus while I can still ovulate.

Dr. – I am very prolife too but I don’t see the correlation.?? Biblically speaking, I can’t see any reason not to burn the womb when a health issue is involved.?? (I think he thought I was anti contraceptive because of go forth and multiply principles)

D – Let me ask you a question.?? If I have my uterus burned and I still ovulate, theoretically could I conceive a child?

Dr – (Hesitantly)….yes…theoretically.

D – If a child was conceived and you burned my womb the child could not implant.?? (Then I just let that hang)

Dr – (Looks down and thinks a moment) I see your point.?? I admit I have never thought of it like that.

From there the conversation went all over the place.?? He does insist the Ferratin of 3 is VERY low and I must stay on supplements but he offered no other wisdom or alternative so I question how serious he is taking the iron issue.?? He also wants to do a sleep study to see if apnea is causing some of my fatigue.?? I agreed because I have this question??as well??but still I was frustrated because I could not keep anyone on track with the question on my mind – WHAT ABOUT THE IRON?????? In my mind, the answer could be staring us in the face so shouldn’t we first spin our wheels on that conversation??? He agreed to do another iron panel to see if the supplements are helping.?? I guess we’ll just go from there.?? I am considering going to a hematologist to ask about the infusions and Jim and I decided that I need to get a second opinion from another GYN to discuss the hysterectomy.?? Even thinking about doing a partial hysterectomy and leaving my ovaries if they looked good.?? This is questionable because I do have ovary risk factors but I do NOT want to be on hormones so that is why I keep fighting this.?? IF the monthly issues are causing severe anemia in ADDITION to all the other issues that the Dr. insist I get a hysterectomy for last year though, I feel I need to solve the root of this issue.

Now I have a new question though.?? If my ovaries are left and my uterus is taken, could I (ignoring the infertility issues because we are discussing principal here) still theoretically conceive??? I have never in my life heard someone address this.?? Can the sperm still get to the egg if you don’t have a uterus but you do have ovaries and fallopian tubes??? The developing baby couldn’t attach to a non-existent uterus obviously so the child would die.?? Would I then get my tubes tied in addition to removing my uterus??? I think so many woman who don’t understand biological function assume that if they have a non working uterus (as in uterine burning), they don’t get pregnant.?? That is not correct.?? The baby aborts.?? Remember though a DR. will say “No you can’t get pregnant” but that is only because the medical definition of pregnancy is implantation NOT conception.?? ENOURMOUS difference.??

So I now have more questions than I started out having and I don’t know what to do.?? In the meantime, I guess I will wait and see what my next blood panel says.?? If the iron supplements can prove to dramatically increase my levels maybe I am already addressing the problem.?? If not, I don’t know what to do next.??

On a side note, this morning Center for AZ Policy asked if I would speak briefly at a bioethics seminar in November.?? I was only too happy to agree to that at the moment especially considering conversations this week.


16 responses to “Results”


    GREAT QUESTIONS TOO! I would have assumed that the cervix would be closed off – as in healed over and closed so no opening to anything – if the uterus was removed – but a good question to ask. Also – I would have assumed the tubes would be tied too as you wouldn’t want them open to the body either – but again, I would ask to be sure. GOOD THOUGHTS!

    As to a second opinion on 2 points – gynecology and hemotology – I definitely say get 2nd opinions. Sometimes there is a slightly different perspective but it can make all the difference. I would get on that right away. Good thinking again – I’m for it.

  2. Heidi – from what I understand a “complete” hysterectomy removes the cervix as well. There are reasons to do that and not to do that and I couldn’t tell you if it factors in to the conception issue in either scenario. I’ll have to ask on this one.

  3. Hey Doni,
    I’m a labor room RN, so don’t deal with hysts. alot, but have some knowledge of it. When they take your uterus, that includes your cervix. It is really the bottom of the uterus. Also, when they take your uterus, that includes the tubes, b/c they are also attached at the top of the uterus. In any case (total or partial), they would make a “vaginal cuff” out of vaginal wall tissue. It would be about where your cervix sits now or a little lower. It would be a loop of tissue at the end of your vagina that is enclosed. This basically means a dead end road. So, no sperm can get into your pelvis, and thus to your eggs. I hope that helps. Google vaginal cuff and see what you find. That should help. I’m praying for you in your decision. My vote is the iron too. I’m also sitting with one foot in the OR and one on the banana peel for a hyst. but just can’t commit due to my age, and the finality of it all. Big decision! I’ll keep you in my prayers! Jana

  4. Jana that is a HUGE help! This is exactly the information I needed to understand. I will copy your comment and research more to make sure I understand. Do you also draw pictures LOL? Thank you!

  5. Doni,
    As you know I have porblems with my cycle as well, The Gyn said i have PCO (polly cyctic overies) and that a baby was out of the question. FALSE!! I can have children it is just going to be harder for me but I can (you know how happy iam about that) Anyways i was hospitalized last year for blood loss and had to have an emergency DNC. They put me on iron 500mg a day it has helped soo much. my ice cravings has decressed and i am not so tired. (though sonic ice is hard to resist ๐Ÿ™‚
    They also at a young age of 14 put me on birth control i did not know any better then i have been on birth control for 9 years and 17 different pills ๐Ÿ™ I stopped taking pills in April of this year and have had the best cycles ever. i have stopped taking iron and the PCO is getting a lot better. I think it is due to not being on birth control and weight loss of 15pounds. Iam praying for you through this love you

  6. Doni,
    As you know I have porblems with my cycle as well, The Gyn said i have PCO (polly cycstic overies) and that a baby was out of the question. FALSE!! I can have children it is just going to be harder for me but I can (you know how happy iam about that) Anyways i was hospitalized last year for blood loss and had to have an emergency DNC. They put me on iron 500mg a day it has helped soo much. my ice cravings has decressed and i am not so tired. (though sonic ice is hard to resist ๐Ÿ™‚
    They also at a young age of 14 put me on birth control i did not know any better then i have been on birth control for 9 years and 17 different pills ๐Ÿ™ I stopped taking pills in April of this year and have had the best cycles ever. i have stopped taking iron and the PCO is getting a lot better. I think it is due to not being on birth control and weight loss of 15pounds. Iam praying for you through this love you

  7. i was thinking they would HAVE to close it off somehow because the danger with risk of infection for an opening to the abdominal cavity would be horrendous… heck, they don’t even like to let women whose water has broken in labor go too many hours without inducing because there is an ‘opening’ and risk of infection to baby/mama…. makes perfect sense.

  8. question… did he ever mention the idea of burning but having tubes tied? what are the odds of conception in a tubes tying to begin with, i wonder? never looked into it so i have no idea… just occurred to me.

  9. 5 in 1000 still get pregnant with their tubes tied in the first year and 18 out of 1000 still get pregnant within 10 years. I have friends that are the results of their parents having their tubes tied. With the Essure implant they haven’t had anybody get pregnant in the 5 years that it has been administered. The Essure implant is put into your fallopian tubes and then it creates scar tissue and blocks the sperm from being able to get to the eggs. Once the implant is put in it takes three months for it to be effective and you have to have a special xray done to make sure it worked. It is the same xray they do to see if the reason you are infertile is because of blocked fallopian tubes. Because I actually wanted the 100% no pregnancy option, I had the essure implant put in last August. It worked well. It didn’t end up costing any less than a tubal ligation, but it will be more effective. I only have 5 years of statistics to go from so hopefully all will remain well with it.

  10. Thank you SO much for the info April! Good work!

    My guess is that would NOT be enough of a sure thing in this case – because if there was even a REMOTE chance of an egg getting through, conception could occur. A doctor would say you aren’t pregnant – but whose to say that isn’t because of the burning in the womb not allowing the baby to implant rather than actually not having conception occur. hmmmm… food for thought…

  11. Just a random question, is there a morality issue with having your husband get a vasectomy? That was the route we took to avoid future pregnancies.

  12. Not that I can think of Jennifer :). Some people believe any form of contraception is immoral and that God does not intend for us to ever prevent contraception. I, personally, do not hold to that viewpoint biblically. Actually, I wish they would just release male birth control pills – that would make things MUCH easier.

  13. Now that would have been really freeing Doni!

    I have been in circles where they don’t beleive in birthcontrol and having a full quiver….It would have been bondage to me to do anything different than what we have done. For me, my full quiver is my 3 precious babies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I’ve heard it said before that every quiver is not the same size. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, where the Bible refers to a blessing for the man whose quiver is full of arrows (babies, in this case) that does not mean everyone has countless children. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

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