Senate Vote

Yesterday the Senate voted once again to overturn Bush’s veto on TAX PAYER FUNDED embryonic stem cell research.?? They passed their measure 63-34.?? The good news is, once again, they did not achieve a 2/3rds majority and will not be able to override a Veto.?? This bill should go to the house possibly next week.?? Pray they meet with the same fate and President Bush will be just as resolute to veto this.

One article I read from the Family Research Council is worth sharing.?? I’ll paraphrase the issue.?? Senator Harkins, during his floor debate, was talking about all the children with type 1 Diabetes who were insulin dependant.?? He then alluded to the fact that if adult stem cells could have helped, they would have already.?? The Family Research Counsel sent a letter to Senator Harkins.?? Here is a portion of that letter.?? Unbelievable!

Well, Senator Harkin, it just so happens that scientists have treated Type 1 diabetes with adult stem cells. While you and your colleagues were busy arguing that embryonic stem cell research is the only avenue for success, scientists were announcing another revolutionary victory using pro-life alternatives. In a breakthrough trial, 93% of young patients using adult stem cell therapy were able to stop taking insulin because their bodies began to produce the hormone naturally again. As the co-author, Dr. Richard Burt, said, “It’s the first time in the history of Type 1 diabetes where people have gone with no treatment whatsoever… no medications at all, with normal blood sugars.” In 13 cases, the patients didn’t need insulin injections up to three years after their treatment ended. But don’t take our word for it. Details of this progress, which you hinted was impossible under President Bush’s current policies, are published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Although Dr. Burt is American, he was forced to move the trials to Brazil because doctors and leaders like you weren’t interested in his approach. As for the young girl you alluded to on the Senate floor, please give us her name. FRC would be more than willing to fly her and her parents to Brazil if they wish to take part in this trial, which, by your account, does not exist.”

It is NOT FAIR that this information is kept from the public.?? The human trials ARE out there and THAT is what we need to be funding.?? Adult Stem Cell Research reports successful research for a list of over 80 different diseases.?? Why don’t more people know this??? Even spinal chord injury!!!!!!?? But??you have to go out of the country for most of the trials!?? Here Americans are complaining about “brain drain” as a result of ESCR when THEY are responsible for not moving the money to the WORKING trials therefore the REAL research has had to move out of country.??

As Senator Brownback stated today, “Instead of having a culture that looks at USING life, let’s have a culture that VALUES life.”?? Brownback for President!??

Washington Post Article on Type 1 Diabetes

McCain voted FOR this measure in AZ but thankfully Kyl voted against.


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