Cracking Y’s

Tanner yelling to his father from the backseat of the car this week:


It took me a minute to figure that one out.?? Interpretation:?? Daddy! Ty keeps wise cracking!?? Now the better question is where??Tanner heard that phrase to begin with??? Who knows.?? I like it though and no doubt, TyJo??IS a cracker of y’s!


Yes it hurt!?? It hurt bad AND it actually looked WORSE after this picture was taken.?? Posting this for Heidi – I need more sympathy from her.?? It was only indirectly her fault – if I was after true pain and suffering I would go after another party but that is another story that doesn’t need to be mentioned on the world wide web ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is how this injury occurred.?? I was teleconferencing with both Heidi and Susie.?? Susie and I had worn each other out with details and conversation and we needed fresh insight so we brought in Heidi.?? Heidi did her job well and turned our frowns upside down.?? HOWEVER, at one point in the conversation she told us something that both surprised me and made me laugh.?? This resulted in me aspirating the tea I was drinking.?? The aspiration caused me to drop my tea.?? Then I slipped in it.?? Then I slid on my back across my kitchen floor.?? I must have slammed my arm into the island on my way down.?? And by the way, Susie and Heidi were continuing their conversation all the while and I had to make them both be quiet and give me a moment of silence.?? Susie has seen this bruise in person and can testify to the fact that I did not photoshop it:)

What do you think of Ty’s tonsils??? They aren’t kissing but they ARE huge.?? Sometimes I wonder if part of his aspiration issues is due to such a narrow throat entry.?? Don’t you think those tonsils look big??? I need to take him to an ENT about this but if they suggest surgery that will scare me so I guess I have been stalling a bit.

I thought my little buddy looked adorable sleeping like this.?? He actually had one leg crossing the other for awhile too.??

If you notice, Ty’s bedroom door is at the head of his crib.?? Last week one morning I went in to get him out of his crib and I peeked over the rail at him and he was wide awake lying just like in the picture above.?? He smiled at me and said “Hi Mommy!?? I am upside down.?? Can you click the right side up button?“?? LOL – compliments again of the Upside Down Shown (played on Noggin).

As usual, he has had me laughing this week.

One day he brought me his pirate pajamas and said “Mommy can you put these on me so I can be the pirates who don’t do anyfing?”?? LOL – only a true Veggie Tale lover can appreciate that.

When we were picking out our homeschool cabinets at Lowe’s recently, I was going crazy trying to contain Ty.?? I finally made him set at the cabinet desk in a swivel chair and told him he couldn’t get up.?? It was pretty funny when I later heard him holler across the aisle to the “Lowe’s Guy” – “WE ARE BEING REALLY GOOD SIR!”?? That silly man didn’t even stop to smile but I thought it was funny.

We FINALLY took one rail off Ty’s crib yesterday!!!?? Big step!!?? We waited so long because frankly we could.?? I think Ty’s depth perception issues kept him from climbing out (he only did it about 3 times in his life) so it was just more convenient to leave the rails up.?? You will notice another BIG step in this picture.?? There is a pillow and blanket in that bed!!!!!!?? Last night I told Ty that big boy beds have pillows and blankets.?? He didn’t like that idea and threw them right out.?? Later though when I checked on him, he had decided to put them back in his bed.?? When I got him out of bed this morning he seemed shocked that the pillow and blanket were there.?? Guess he just needed to control his environment.?? We’ll see if these items stay long term.?? If so, he needs a green pillowcase instead of a purple one ๐Ÿ™‚



4 responses to “Cracking Y’s”



    Wait a minute… this sounds NOTHING like sympathy! Doni, I am SO sorry you got so hurt! It is just horrible of me to be laughing and of all things, to not even NOTICE you slipped and fell (in your own tea) while I continued talking and telling you my story (that was surprising enough to make you spit tea)… I feel just awful (sort of) that you are bruised as a result!!! How awful. I do think if you decide to sue for pain and discomfort there is certainly another party who is responsible (no WAY it could be ME!). Well, two… one was only a bystander of the first. ๐Ÿ˜‰ HA HA!

  2. Both my older kids have had their tonsils out and they were a bit bigger than what Ty’s look like. BUT, most likely the ENT is going to be interested in taking them out none the less. My opinion is that most likely his aspiration issues are partially caused by this because they gag a lot easier when their tonsils are enlarged. Both of my kids had terrible gag reflexes that are “no more” since having the tonsils out. One bit of encouragement when it comes to getting them taken out is that at the lovely age of 3 (both of mine had them out at 3) they never, never experienced any pain. Keeping up with pain meds and their young age where they heal well, they never once experienced any pain. AND they also never complained about the whole experience or had any trouble eating. In fact we got home from Clarisse’s out patient surgery and she was ready to eat and looking for some goodies. When William is 3 I plan to get him in and have him checked over. I have had mine out and so has my brother and my dad. So, I would be surprised if Will’s were worth keeping! Anyway, just wanted to encourage you that it isn’t too bad, in fact I was there when Clarisse’s was done, but I felt so good about it that when Duncan had his done, I sent Minsan in without me and he handled it all. It really wasn’t too bad! PTL!

  3. That is AWFUL that your still laughing Heidi ๐Ÿ˜‰ (I giggle as I say that) That is a nice battle scar and I sure hope that other party involved is sorry:D

    Go Ty! Big boy beds are the best, does he have a side rail? If not can he convince my 5 AND SIX year old to let me take theirs off… I think they may break in some misfortunate accident ๐Ÿ™‚

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