Mama’s Going Postal

I am frustrated frustrated frustrated and I need a quick vent session so here it goes!

Remember last month when I was furious because Ty’s synergis shot (RSV) was more than a week late? Two reasons for this (a) the insurance company switched drug companies and no one bothered to tell me that they cancelled my order and (b) the company they switched too just couldn’t manage to get it done in the time frame I needed. Amazing how many people are so bound by their policies and locked in the box, it’s a wonder they can breathe. Don’t give me your policy garbage when my child’s health is at risk due to YOUR negligence. Won’t fly with this mother! To add to the aggravation, do you remember how they finally called me and said “Sorry we can’t distribute this drug to you because we don’t carry it”…this call was made to me the day AFTER they had already shipped the drug they “don’t make” and it was IN my fridge. AAAAGHHH!!! I told them “This will NOT happen again.”

On December 23rd, 12 days ago, this company called me and told me they had their ducks in a row and would I be available on Jan 5th to receive the drug. This is a $3500.00 drug and it has to be refrigerated so I have to be home when it arrives. I was very pleased with their proactive approach on round 2.

I had a sinking feeling by 11:00 AM when my door bell did not ring today. Why oh why did I trust them? I called them and ask to speak with their speciality pharmacy. I was told “I am sorry. The prescription for this drug say’s no refills so we will have to speak to your Dr.” I said, “No. I am sorry. You must be confused. Your office called me on the 23rd and confirmed that it would arrive at my doorstep today. Where is it?!”.

According to this representative, the prescription say’s no refills. Hmmmm…this is interesting to me. Are they suggesting that my child’s pediatrician cancelled a synergis order on a micro preemie during the height of RSV season who has only been off oxygen for a couple of months? Right. Months ago, I confirmed with first and foremost my Dr., then my insurance company, then the first drug company, then the second company how many months this drug was approved for. EVERY time without exception, the answer was 5. There was never and has never been any confusion on that point. I explained this to the rep. She said “Sorry. I am reading you what the prescription say’s and our pharmacy will not ship it until we talk to your Dr.” I said “That is unacceptable. The drug WILL be shipped today. I WILL recieve it tomorrow. You WILL do whatever you need to do to get that done and my son’s health will NOT be put at risk for the second month in a row because of your company’s negligent practices. If you knew that you didn’t have this information why did you confirm a delivery date and why did I HAVE TO CALL YOU when it didn’t arrive to discover that it was not sent??????

She apologized but still, poor little gal stuck in the box. IS THEIR ANYONE BRIGHT ENOUGH TO EMPOWER THEIR EMPLOYEES TO PEEK OUT OF THE BOX FOR ONE SINGLE SECOND? I told her that if she waited on the Dr. and I waited on her, we would be right back where we were last month.. outside the RSV window. I explained to her that the RSV shot is only good for 28 to 30 days and that Ty must have this shot by January 9th (Sunday) to stay within the window of protection. I explained that I could not schedule the administration of the shot until I had the shot which as it stands forces me to get a nurse to come out over the weekend to do this now (wish me luck with that). I explained that my household is sick and that Ty is surviving it better than anyone else at the moment which makes me wonder if that is BECAUSE he is the only one who has been vaccinated for RSV. Side note: Do Jim and Tanner have RSV? I don’t know. They both have been sick with cold/upper respiratory type infections for a week and they are not significantly better. One of Ty’s little NICU buddies IS currently hospitalized WITH RSV at this very moment so I know it out in full force. Ty does have a runny nose off and on but his body is fighting it better than Tanner and Jim. Why is that? As a result, does anyone think I can afford to let Ty’s risk window open?????

I am going to call this chic Chloe for the moment. (Remember my favorite 24 gal that is Miss Policy and Procedure? Only funny when it isn’t happening to me!)

Is Chloe the problem? No. The system is the problem. I am okay with human error. That is forgiveable. What is inexcusable is the lack of accountability that I am constantly facing. Here is what Chloe should have said to me: “Yes ma’m we screwed up. Yes ma’m, I see how we have put your child’s health at risk by this screw up. Yes ma’m, I will do everything in my power and my bosses power to make sure this shot is delivered by tomorrow and I will follow this all the way through to make sure it happens.”

Chloe did assure me a call back on my cell phone after she talked to her pharmacist (who was out to lunch). I gave her two numbers. I never heard from her. She also gave me the number for the pharmacist. By 4:30, I left a message with the pharmacist that probably sounded like I was about to hunt someone down and I said I do expect a call back today. I didn’t get it. The shot will not arrive by tomorrow. It is questionable at this point whether it will be to me by Friday and even if I get it, I then will have very short notice to schedule a nurse. If Ty does not get this shot by Sunday, the president of this drug company will be getting a certified letter from yours truly. I am NOT going down silently on these issues. OWN UP and I will forgive you and work kindly with you. Ignore me and you just challenged a pretty ferocious mamma bear. As I have said before, there have been too many things with my baby that I could do nothing about this year. When there are things that I CAN do something about…I will. I am not a mom to shut up and sit back. My child needs an advocate and I am it. I will do my job and that means doing everything I can think of to make you do yours…and I will.

Yes, I know mama is out of control right now. I am scared. Ty is doing good…very very good. We also protect him and try very hard to keep him safe. While he may handle an upper respiratory infection fine, he also may not. This child was on oxygen until he was nearly 10 months old…what does that tell you? You just don’t want to corner a scared mommy and think you are going to get the better end of the deal…just isn’t going to happen.

Please pray that (a) I will control my temper tomorrow because I feel downright hostile at the moment and that I don’t take out my frustrations on the wrong people (b) that someone will rise to the occasion and do the right thing and (c) that both the drug company and the nursing company will be accomodating enough to protect my child by making sure this shot is administered by Sunday.

Signing off while still growling!

3 responses to “Mama’s Going Postal”

  1. You go girl!! Don’t hold back! You need to do what you can for your child and don’t second guess yourself!
    Prayers for a speedy delivery!
    Carrie (Michigan)

  2. I know how frustrated you must be, we have been going through the same problems with the pharmacy that produces the Synergis for my daughter. Finally after months of problems I was able to get them to directly ship the medication to my pediatrician. This has helped SO MUCH! Now that my pediatrician’s office is in charge of recieving the medication, it is ON TIME, EVERY TIME (something that NEVER happened when I was dealing with them by myself.) Maybe this is something you could look into as well? Hope the issue gets resolved quickly.

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