My Name

For all my web friends who have never actually met me….out of curiousity, how do you pronouce my name??? This came up at the Coupon Sense meeting last night and it got me thinking.?? Often times people assume “Doni” is pronounced “Doe” – “Knee” – long “o”.?? Wrong.??:)

The proper pronunciation is “Don” “eeeee” (or Donny if that helps more).?? No long o sound.

My dad’s name is Don and my Mom is Deanna.?? Therefore, as the firstborn child, I was named Donielle DeAnn.?? Donielle is pronounced “Don” “Yell” – the same as Danielle just subsititue a short “o” instead of an “a”.?? My dad was “Donny” as a child and didn’t like it but he thought it would be adorable on a girl so he quickly switched the family nickname to me when I was born.?? I would tell you the mispronunciation that I hate the most but some of you are onery enough to use it if I give you the ammunition.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

Most people call me Doni because Donielle confuses them.?? At work and school I often just answered to Danielle because that’s what I ended up anyhow.?? :)???? In my younger years, only my family and church family??called me Doni and I used my full name everywhere else.?? After I had Tanner though and quit working, you find yourself in more intimate crowds 90% of the time so I got more accustomed to just introducing myself as “Doni” since that is what I hear the most these days.?? Take that back – I hear “mommy” the absolute most and that is THE best but you can’t call me that LOL!



9 responses to “My Name”

  1. I just about panicked when I saw this as I’m SOOO bad as annunciation and grammar. I thought “when we spoke did I say her name wrong?” …. the pressure… LOL ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m always so impressed with speakers and writers. Neither are a gift that come naturally but I am determined to make one of them work someday :).
    I now have hope. I’ve said your name right and never thought it was hard ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I’ve always read it as “Donny”. It would drive me crazy for people to regularly mispronounce my name.

  3. smart not to share the one you hate the most. ๐Ÿ™‚ you better screen replies here in case someone gives you up! (ie an ornery brother or two) ๐Ÿ™‚

    i don’t know how anyone could get the pronunciation of ‘doni’ wrong. i’ve never heard the name doh knee (has anyone else? if that is YOUR name… sorry, i’m just not very alert to today’s names i guess… ๐Ÿ™‚ but i didn’t think this was a hard one DONI! ๐Ÿ™‚ goodness… glad you clarified for the confused… now try telling someone that heidi is not spelled hydee or hidee or or hIEde or hiedie.)

  4. LOL – actually yes I have heard of “Doe-Knees” but mostly it is “Donielle” that gets mispronounced as opposed to “Doni”. Just thought I’d check ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I actually know another Donielle. You aren’t alone. I immediately thought your name was pronounced Donny, but like Missy, I freaked when I saw this post. Whew!

  6. I was concerned too! That is the funny thing with the internet isn’t it? You never know how things are pronounced. My sister asked me the other day about some characters in a book her and I had read long ago. We both weren’t sure if we said them the same or not. I just told her, this is what my head hears when I am reading…I have no idea if it is accurate, but it works. Thankfully though I did hear your name correctly in my head Doni :)!

  7. I love this post.
    As a former co-worker I only knew you as Donielle. It took me until about 2 years ago to call you Doni and I still have to refer to you as Donielle when I talk about you to Eric.

  8. I usually don’t comment on your site, just log in every once in awhile to read the Tanner and Ty stories but I just had to comment on this entry. I have such a hard time with people pronouncing my name. People think Gini is me it looks simple Gin (Jin) i (long E) Comes right out of my given name Vir{Gini}a which is also mispronounced even though it is a state and our country’s capital is right in/by it. BTW my sisters name is Jeannie so being called that growing up was annoying just for that reason alone lol.

  9. Well, as it sits for the longest time I always called you Doni L… NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ANYTHING DIFFERENT!!! So here I sit reading my demise, not really knowing how it ever came about. Doni, I’m sorry for all the years I mispronounced your name and the times that I still do it just for fun, well, let’s just pass those days under the bridge, could we? Thanks! Love ya ‘sis.

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