Weight Loss 2005

The DREADED subject!!!! Aaaaghhh! Sometimes I hate January! It is a reminder of all the things I have failed at and am having to try yet AGAIN. I always have a list of resolutions. Resolutions that serve to terrorize me.

I actually am quite good at being disciplined to stick to a resolution WHEN my heart is truly in it. Getting to that point is the real trick and I don’t know how one actually does that. It either happens or it doesn’t (for me anyhow).

In 2003, my heart WAS in it. I was sick of feeling chubby and I was going to end it. I started on Atkins in May and by December I had lost 34 pounds. I loose pretty slowly so it took awhile but I did it. I was certain that a new habit had been established and that my loss was going to be pretty permanent. I did not predict though that my life was about to plunged into the depths with the birth of my son nearly 4 months prematurely. Try doing Atkins while eating on the go every day rushing between home and the hospital. That was okay though right? That only lasted 12 and a half weeks and I was going to get right back on the wagon when Ty got home in May. Wrong again. Try dieting with a 3 year old and a newborn. A newborn who had a habit of not breathing and who required mommy’s complete attention. It just didn’t work. I needed comfort food…all year. I gained the weight back and I deserved every pound. My eating habits have been TERRIBLE!

So here we are 2005 and I am back at it again. I am determined to loose the weight again. I will be doing my monthly shopping this weekend and once I purchase a low carb meal plan for the month, I will begin. Why low carb? Years ago I lost 22 pounds on Weight Watchers and like it. I have found though that Atkins works better for me. I do love carbs (bread especially) but I also love cheese, mayo, ranch, sour cream, cream cheese…etc. I HATE the low fat versions. It was actually easier for me to use low carb products than low fat products, thus my choice.

I have created a new category called weight loss and I will post my weekly progress there (mostly for my sake so I can keep myself accountable). HOWEVER, I WILL be placing a password on these posts. I do not care to share my hit and miss success and failure with the whole world on this one:). IF you have also committed to dieting this year though, I MAY give you the password:).

Here are the conditions:

(1) You need to be trying to loose at least 15 pounds or more. None of these skinny minnies trying to convince me the 5 Christmas pounds are life shattering:). And JODI LYNN…don’t even THINK about it!!! You are PREGNANT! LOL! (Miss size 2!)

(2) You must be female. I do not plan on posting this info for the male population. Sorry.

(3) You must swear with your pinky finger that you will not share the password:)

(4) These posts will be used as a “bulletin board”. If you join the little weight loss group, than I will hope that you use the comments section to post your goals and your successes and frustrations during the week (as well as good recipes!) I don’t care which diet plan you are on…most will be effective if they are simply stuck with.

If you meet the above criteria and want the password, email me:)

Hoping I don’t regret this! LOL!

14 responses to “Weight Loss 2005”

  1. First, I would like to share a suggestion that you are VERY VERY careful who you share this password with. Especially brothers. ๐Ÿ™‚ They might pay you back in your regular comments sections with “slip ups” on private info.

    As to me meeting the criteria! OH YAH! I’ve been sick at heart ever since I heard any weight I have kept after my boy turned 1 year old is no longer considered baby weight! Boy – I don’t know WHO decided that but I DON’T LIKE IT! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, I’ll join join join. I’ve been talking myself into this for weeks before New Years and now the time has come. I’m so glad you are doing this as I was really hoping for some sort of online support team.

    YOU ARE GONNA DO GREAT! You have always been good at setting your mind to something AND you are beautiful to begin with. Take comfort in who you are and know you’ll just become the new and improved version of you… again. ha ha! (me too)

  2. OH Doni how I feel your pain. I have almost 45 lbs to loose of “baby Weight” and few I gained before hand. I was put on bed rest at 31 weeks and all I wanted was Peanut Butter Twix and any other carbs I could get my hands on. I look at my wedding pictures and want to hide in my closet forever! I would love to see your progress and let you know of mine. I am going to try South Beach. I heard it is easier on the heart.

    Best of Luck to you! I am hoping to be 20lbs lighter at least by my 30th bday in March!! Wish me luck!

  3. Hi Doni! I have been following your journals for quite sometime… I gradually made my way here the first time through several other links and I come back repeatedly to read about you and your wonderful miracle children. I appreciate your honesty and openess about your struggles and your JOYS! I have two little girls of my own that are similar ages: Nora just turned 3 on Thursday (Jan 6) and Ryann was born on May 17th, 2004, which is close to Ty’s due date (right?) At any rate, I’m writing because I also am trying to lose my pregnancy weight… Nursing – good for the babies… bad, bad, bad for the weight loss! At least in my case. I had 7 months of eating almost anything I wanted, but am ready to start trying to control myself a bit. Lets just put it this way – I GAINED an additional 5 or 7 pounds while I was nursing… I just started doing weight watchers 2 weeks ago and hope to lose 25 pounds by my 29th birthday in April. I would love to be a part of your online support group if you’ll allow it!

  4. Alright Doni….loosing weight has been on my mind for quite a while now. I have been making mini attempts at trying to change my eating habbits over the last couple of weeks, but without accountability, success has eluded me! My first goal was to give up my Starbucks addiction. Cutting it down was NOT working. I have not had a single Pumpkin Spice Frap for just over a week now. I’m sure you can identify with me about how difficult a task that was. I’m interested to see how week 2 goes. I drive by a Starbucks each morning on my way to work. After leaving Beau at the sitter’s, a depression sets in and I’m sure I’m using them for comfort. Aaahh…the comfort they provide. I miss them dearly and last week I think I cried even harder knowing I couldn’t have one! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Next on the list of “Forbidden Fare” are the deep fried chimichangas and the cheese filled enchiladas. This is where the “big guns” need to come out. I CANNOT do this alone. Tom is too sweet to hold me accountable when I fall off of the wagon. Please, please let me join you in your efforts! 20 pounds is my goal. I know I can do it, especially if I have others in my corner rooting me on! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think Weight Watchers is my plan. Tomorrow’s the day for me! YIKES!!! Good Luck!

  5. :::Planting all fours on the ground like Fetch::If you girls will have me I’d love to join. Doni this weight loss post was all God ๐Ÿ™‚
    I need this badly. I “started” a diet 4 days ago but Taco bell and a homeade banana split and grinning the whole time that I had no accountability so no harm done…ended it. I really need accountablity. I think I am a short term goal kinda person..so I’ll set my goal for 5lbs incremants. I need to lose about 30 overall. I can relate to all you girls that have posted ๐Ÿ™‚ Jana..we have alot in common.
    I have a baby born June 11th,2004..and just got done breastfeeding about a month ago. I would swear I added weight ON instead of losing weight while breastfeeding but NO one believed me!!
    Thank you for posting that I feel SO much better now..Ha! Also,I will be turning 29 in April too!
    If you want I will give doni permission to give you my email address so we can talk about our babies and such ๐Ÿ™‚
    Kristi!! I too have a coffee issue. Over the holidays I ate a pumpkin pie blizzard from Dairy Queen and the girl at the window raved about how good they were (which I knew already,hehe) and I told her about another ice cream place that had pumpkin milkshakes,she then told me Starbucks had their pumpkin spice fraps. Our local grochery store has regular pumpkin spice coffee (for the coffee pot,which I was sure to stock up on since I won’t see it for another year). I haven’t brought myself to try the Starbuck’s one yet because I KNOW I will just LOVE it and I’m already in deep as it is,I stare at the starbucks every time I pass it though,haha in hopes my van will just magically drive over there and I’ll be forced to try it..that good huh?
    Ps. Doni I have never laughed so hard as when I read about Tanner beating you with his bat. Did you by chance get his bat in a Mcdonalds Happy Meal?? I woudn’t know anything about that one! haha. My son is 2? and I could have written that whole post myself!!! That is totally me. Your too funny. Loved the Chocolate cake/big fork story too,I could see me doing that..oh wait I DO that which is why I’m starting this diet. How do you diet with kids is what I want to know?
    I have 5?yr old girl,2?yr old boy,and then the baby. I eat what they eat,I eat there leftovers,I eat on the go,whatevers convenient,COMFORT eater. ok…seeing I just wrote that I’m,
    ::Holding right hand up:: I’m choosing to do the Adkins diet (did well on it a year ago)and with God and you gals’s help we can succeed!

  6. Hiya Donni, Good luck on losing your weight and to the other mothers that are trying. I am also trying. Having a 3 year old son with many medical problems and other issues and a 6 year old daughter with a busy schedule and also helping mothers in the neighborhood with there children, it’s hard to keep on a steady diet. My goal is to lose 66 lbs. I started last week Monday and lost 3 lbs. I haven’t really started a diet plan like some of you are doing, but I did cut out all breads and potatoes and pastas out, and caffeine. I started excersising this morning because I was told by my doctor that if you do it all at once your body may go into
    shock. Has anyone ever heard of this? I do have some great recipes that I will be posting later on during the week. Most of it consists of chicken and fish. Let’s all pray for eachother and do this together!!! Good luck all you beautiful ladies out there!

    With love, Christy Beyer

  7. Hi Doni,

    I emailed you but haven’t gotten a response. Did you send out the passwords already? Was I rejected for some reason?

    Thanks for any reply ๐Ÿ™‚

    I emailed it to you last night and resent it again this morning. Your in! ๐Ÿ™‚ – Doni

  8. Kristy – LOL! Yes that darn bat came out of a happy meal! I am going to boycott McDonald’s until they are onto a new toy!! Actually, I guess I have to boycott them anyhow don’t I;). The salads are good:(.

  9. Okay Doni I have been with you from the beginning. Coming from the babycenter board May 2004! I am now with you on the weight. I am been going strong from Sep 04. I have 40lbs to go and I am very excited that I will reach that goal this year. I would love to share my downs (lots of those especailly over the holidays) and ups! One this weekend with a lost of 5.4lbs this week! And that was eatting the dreded McDonalds once this week…lol Well if you are inclinded to share your experience with me I will share mine. Thanks for letting me be apart of your extended unknown family! LOL

    One question: What are you doing for Ty’s first birthday? I haven’t seen anything on the site about #1! Thanks, Jere

  10. doni, i would love to join your weight loss group i need to do it so so bad. i know that i will feel so muxh better about myself. and i just need someone to help and encourge me to go and stick with it. my goal is to loose 50lbs. i know i can do it with you and everyone else thanks for doing this Doni.

  11. Hi Doni,
    I have been following your story for a while now and i think that you had a great idea about the weight loss thing. I would love to join all of you. My end goal is to lose 25lbs (my baby weight) My son is now one and i think that it is about time to get rid of it. Thanks.
    P.S. I don’t personaly know you but from reading your posts you seem very strong willed and you have inspired my life greatly. thank you!!!

  12. Hi Doni,

    May I join you? I have serious weight to lose. My first goal is 40 lbs. I had started atkins the week before Christmas when I got called to serve jury duty and selected for a trail last week. Had to serve all week and it ruined my diet. Time to jump back on.
    Suzanne BTW Ty passed Mary on height and weight

  13. Ummmmmmmmm……..is it time to start the weight loss for 2006? I may be alone, but count me in! It’s time I get off my tush & on my treadmill! Thought someone else might want to join me, using Doni’s site. LOL! ๐Ÿ™‚

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