Potty Watch

How cool is that?????

Sammie (another micro preemie mom), put a link to this product in the Lucky Number 7 comments and I just checked it out.?? I am ordering one right now!!!!?? It is a “potty” watch that can be set to alarm every 30, 60 or 90 minutes to remind little one to go to the bathroom and it is only 10 bucks.?? It alerts them with music and lights.?? I think Ty will think this is cool.?? I wish it had a 15 minute setting though because somehow I got to get Ty going even ONCE.?? This will be great for ongoing reminder for a little while though.???? My attention issues are making it harder to keep on top of this so maybe the watch is what we need!


Here is the link.


****Special Update:?? I read the reviews on this watch and most of them said it is great but VERY cheaply made.?? I am afraid Ty would break it in a heartbeat.?? Besides that…we have now moved on to another most unusual problem.?? I’ll blog about that after I teach school today.

One response to “Potty Watch”

  1. i need a watch like this for other tasks! i too get so off track with time and would love an EASY way to press one button for a time limit FOR MYSELF! but i do NOT want to wear a potty on my wrist. 🙂 i wonder if ty will be able to wait for the timer to go off without constantly resetting the buttons???

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