To Be Loved By You

It finally happened!!!! Sweetie got to hold her girl!!!! Yeah!!! Some sweet bonding time happened this week.?? Sweetie stayed from Wed thru Saturday morning and Tori LOVED her.?? Papa got to hold her as well and he would come stay with us in the evenings.?? Papa swears that Tori kept smiling at him.?? I think that is not fair….but then again…not surprising. ๐Ÿ™‚

On Saturday mom and I went shopping for just a couple of hours.?? One of the salesclerks asked me what my nationality is.??:).?? This comes up frequently.?? People often guess middle eastern (Arab), Hispanic??or Italian.?? I am neither.?? My dad’s side is VERY Austrian/German.?? My mom’s side has German influence as well but also some Blackfoot and Cherokee Indian which is where we assume I get my coloring from.?? Mom and I were discussing today how confusing it will be when we have Tori with us.?? As sometimes people guess me to be Hispanic, Tori and I may or may not generate questions but if Tanner and Ty are with us I doubt we will avoid it.?? I already get tired of EVERYONE asking me how Tanner got his red hair everywhere we go.?? My favorite answer is “God” and then I say nothing more and they usually go on and on about how amazing the red hair gene is to have come from me and I don’t comment but swap a smile between my son and I.?? I love to share Tanner’s story when it is appropriate but Tanner is not my “adopted” son – he IS MY SON.?? Therefore, this doesn’t need to be the topic of conversation EVERYWHERE we go.?? In adopting Tori…I can only imagine what comments we are going to get – praying the Lord gives me wisdom.????Adoption is how God brought us together but the center of the mark is that God picked us for each other and we were always intended to be a family.?? It matters not how that came about…only that God designed it just this way.?? That is the message I want them to carry and deliver.

Tanner’s nationality is….bet you can’t guess…Irish.?? :)?? He also has German and Italian in him.?? Ty is German/Italian as well.?? Tori is Hispanic though I don’t know from what country her ancestry originates.?? Mexico would be the most likely as we live in a border state but??because Tori’s adoption is completely closed (their choice not ours) – I don’t have very much information to go off.?? Do you know how many nationalities would check the “Hispanic” box??? A lot!?? Mexico, Spain, Cuba, several South American countries, Puerto Rico…????I think she has a bit of an Indian look as well so maybe that is what creates the similarity in our looks??? :)???? Whatever genes and heritage God gave her…it’s beautiful on her.?? I have to admit, and several people could confirm…I have long hoped for a daughter that was at least part Hispanic.?? I would, OF COURSE have loved a daughter of any coloring but in my mind’s eye…my first daughter had dark hair and dark eyes like mama.?? God just indulges me sometimes doesn’t He??? I love how He plants even these dreams in our heart because He is preparing us for the gifts He plans to give.?? What an awesome and loving God.??

The??funniest comment I have received about Tori’s nationality came from my five year old nephew Noah.?? He asked his daddy why Uncle Jim and Aunt Sissy would adopt a baby they couldn’t talk to.?? Daniel didn’t understand his question and told him that all babies can’t talk.?? Noah clarified the question and told Daniel that Uncle Jim and I don’t speak Spanish so how were we going to understand her?????ROFL!?? Clearly, all Hispanic babies speak Spanish as their first language so we better learn it pretty quick I guess.?? Way too funny!???? My boys wouldn’t have thought of something like that and I doubt they even realize that Tori’s heritage is different than theirs.?? Daniel, however, is fluent in Spanish and has been teaching his kids for years so Noah having this question makes perfect sense….at least to Noah.?? Heidi and I both took Spanish in High School and we both got kicked out of class by the same teacher repetitively!?? Can you believe that??? Who would kick US into the hall??? And no…we weren’t even in the same class.?? That situation rendered me English only.?? I might have to start over though if my kids choose Spanish as their secondary language seeing as I will have to be the one to teach it.?? I will be much nicer than “Heidi knows who”.?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good glory she is beautiful.?? I know I am being a brag book mommy but I truly can’t help it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Did I mention Ty was sick??? Doesn’t he look miserable??? You can always tell Ty is sick by his eyes.?? Because of his eye issues, he has a very hard time centering and holding focus when he is ill or tired.?? This picture actually looks good of his eyes.?? At least they are centered.?? This morning when he got up it must have taken him 5 minutes or more just to hold his eyes open because every time he would open them they would drift all over and he couldn’t hold them to center so he would just close them again.?? Broke Sweetie and mommy’s heart this morning.?? Please pray he gets better soon.

This is “Sassy” Sweetie LOL.

More from the Sweetie collection tomorrow.


9 responses to “To Be Loved By You”


    GOODNESS – DOES SWEETIE EVER LOOK BEAUTIFUL OR WHAT! OH MY GOODNESS! (yes yes, Tori too – but I have GOT to comment on Sweetie first! You look stunning Mama Z!!!)

    The picture of 3 generations of girls is really something – it is amazing how fitting the look of all 3 of you is together. God must be winking at us with a crooked smile. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Backatcha. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I look forward to hearing how you answer the questions Doni. No doubt you’ll have some clever ones to grace us with in the days to come.

    Poor not-so-tyny-Ty! He DOES look pitiful… little darling needs his Auntie HJ to snuggle him. I wish. (Though I’d want an anti-bacterial mask on.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    How’s Tanner’s loose tooth coming along?

    That Tori is a beauty… my my my.

  2. I have been waiting to see these. Beautiful. Looks like a instant bond, but than again why wouldn’t it be. Seeing little Tori in the arms of her Sweetie warms my heart. I am so happy Sweetie’s health is back and she is able to be with all of you. One question though, where is Papa and Tori’s pictures together?
    Doni, can’t people just look past the genetics and quit asking for a rhyme and reason of how, where and when? Although each one of them have a unique story behind their precious little life’s, I just do not understand the position some people have put you in. And I strongly believe that the stories behind your children’s life’s are to precious to be towed with by passive aggressive people. I know some are just sincerely curious, but the ones who feel justified to know seem to get me a little upset. Grrrr, I am sorry for the positions who and Jim have faced and especially sorry for the comments that have been made in front of Tanner. I do, however love your response about his red hair coming from God, that has had to shoot a few people back on their feet. You go girl, tell it like it is.
    Poor Ty looks so miserable, but if you look close enough you can see his little spunky self inside. Keeping him in our prayers.

  3. We’re all curious though – aren’t we? We see little ones – often notice family resemblances? We like to figure things out? Naturally researches I guess?

    Clearly the people who comment on Tanners amazing red hair and the amazing genes… they are in awe – it’s complimentary and they just don’t know the whole story. I’m assuming most of them mean well, right?

    It’s so great that you can turn it into an opportunity to glorify the creator of that marvelous red hair! I am thinking it’s more of an open door… these people open the door and then they are STUCK having to hear the REAL answer… ๐Ÿ˜‰ God gets credit for it all. ๐Ÿ™‚ And at the right time, at just the right time, God prompts your heart to share a little bit more of the story with the person whose heart has soil ready for the seed or the watering… and the seed of God’s great love, His master plan, His Sovereignty, His grace… it all comes pouring in as they hear of the beautiful way He designed love and family new depth of meaning… and then we see how he adopted US into HIS family and just how beautiful and incredible and how powerful a gift that really is! I rarely consider my adoption by God – I simply AM His. Adoption seems just as natural a means for me to be His Heavenly family – just as Tanner, Tori, and Ty are yours. It’s just part of the beauty of how family IS.

    I pray that as people ask questions the Lord gives you just the right answer for the specific situation. Some, sure, they need to have their eyes opened a bit and perhaps a bit of sensitivity training. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But there are some who will have the roots of Savior’s love go deep into their hearts as they see the beauty of family through the beauty of yours. God has amazed me again and again as He see His beauty there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. no no no – i was just adding in to the conversation. ๐Ÿ™‚ we’re two aunties who, bottom line, want to protect our little nieces and nephews, honor our sister, AND see God glorified!

  5. SUSIE – LET ME JUST REASSURE YOU BY ADDING THAT IF I HEARD OF SOMEONE MAKING AN INAPPROPRIATE COMMENT TO ANY ONE OF THE BRINKMAN’S – ESPECIALLY THE KIDDOS – I’D BE RIGHT NEXT TO YOU READY TO SET THEM STRAIGHT FOR HURTING OOOUUURRRR FAMILY!!!! I love your heart and your mama lion instincts. It’s a gift and has been what’s kept your family standing through so many hard times. You’ve got fight in you girl and I LIKE that about you. God knew you’d need the kind of tenacity He built in you… and I LIKE IT! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My previous comments were just “looking on the bright side” because tonight was the kind of night where I needed to be personally hopeful. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Oh I am SO glad you posted these! How wonderful that Sweetie got to FINALLY snuggle that little treasure!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. LOVE the picks of Sweetie and Tori! They are both beautiful inside and out and it just makes it that much sweeter that she had to wait so long to hold the newest member of the Brinkman/Zimmerman family.

  8. looked at your pic again after talking on the phone… i can see a bit of the new mama tired in your eyes – but mostly you look like you have the new mama glow. i still love the picture as much as when i mentioned it to you earlier today… there’s not enough tired in it to overshadow the glow. ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s a good one. ๐Ÿ™‚ (but ty is another story!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

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