To Be Loved By You 2

Saturday morning Sweetie and I went to the Anthem Mall for just a couple of hours to shop.?? Keep in mind, I didn’t have 9 months to prepare for a baby and because she was born premature, haven’t been able to get out much.?? I have been sooooo appreciative of all those who rescued me and brought baby items and clothes but I have also been very excited to shop for my daughter so I finally got a chance.??

I am not a label snob…in fact, I really like second hand shopping because you get to see everyone’s clothing line all in one place :)…but I can’t help but love Pumpkin Patch Wendy Bellissimo and Naartjie.?? I did go in to Pumpkin Patch to buy an outfit a couple of weeks ago and when ONE outfit ensemble rang up to 70.00 I changed my mind.?? Come on now -that is truly insane.?? But I was sooooo happy when we found sales at Naartjie today and we went a little nuts.?? I am pretty clothes particular for my girl.?? I don’t like plain clothes and I don’t favor yellows, blues (except a bright aqua)??or peaches for her.?? I love soft dresses, polka dots and stripes, baby ruffle bottoms, tights, leggings, and skirts with leggings and of courese bows bows bows!!! Guess when you are married over thirteen years before having a baby girl, you get a little particular LOL.?? Unfortunately, I did buy her things over a decade ago now that I no longer like.?? Jim warned me that would happen but I never predicted I would have to wait so long for a girl.?? (I do like SOME of the things I bought years ago thankfully).?? Most of the clothes I bought today were 3 to 12 months so it will be awhile before she can wear them but I can’t wait to take pictures of her in those outfits – sooo cute!?? I even bought a St. Patricks day dress at Carter’s today so I need to get busy on a green bow!

Look at her sleep smile!?? So precious!?? I just love dressing her in soft dresses.?? I get to buy dresses now!?? Wooohooo!

For Aunt Jodi – I made that bow myself!?? Do you like?

I have to have lots of feet pictures.?? I love baby feet.

Think she didn’t want the light in her eyes??? My little princess needs her sleep shades.?? :)?? Tanner and I got such a giggle when we found her like this.

I have been posting more frequently because I am writing several posts at once and then saving them for a slow release.?? :)?? It is almost 1:00 AM on Friday night and I have been sitting at my computer for 30 minutes trying to ignore Tori’s sad hold me cry.?? Last night I was at my witts end with realizing that she is getting less and less tolerant of being put down.?? After her bottle, she wants to sleep on my chest or in my arms…OR ELSE!?? She doesn’t make idol threats either BELIEVE ME!?? By 6:00 AM I was begging her to sleep on her own because I wanted my dead arm back.?? So tonight I determined to make her cry it out awhile.?? She has been quiet for about 5 minutes now.?? Think it will last?

Was thinking today that we are really covering the adoption gamet well aren’t we??? We now have experience with semi open, open, and closed adoption as well as embryo adoption, domestic adoption, high risk and special needs adoption (due to Ty’s extreme prematurity), and transracial adoption.?? Any questions LOL??? ๐Ÿ™‚



7 responses to “To Be Loved By You 2”

  1. oh yes – you’ve hit most sides of the story. ๐Ÿ™‚

    you know, i don’t feel so bad that she’s been held SO much in these early days – for one, she’s a princess. ๐Ÿ™‚ but beyond that, you’re technically still pregnant with her – right? And that means she wouldn’t be put down yet anyway, right? ๐Ÿ™‚ i like that logic… uh, except when your arm is falling asleep and it’s so bad that you are risking gangreen (sp?) – that’s not good. ๐Ÿ™‚ ha!

    she has dainty little girl feet. precious.

    awesome job on the bow! let’s hope you need to teach me one day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. She is just so cute.
    I cannot wait to meet her. Hopefully after we get back from PA and we have all been healthy for a few weeks and the lockdown is over, I will be able to come and meet her.
    I am still laughing at you (in a good way) and my dear friend Amy for all the frilly things you are buying for your girls. I still think if I had a girl I would still be buying just the everyday run of the mill girl clothes. But you never know.

  3. Beautiful… both Sweetie and Tori. It broke my heart that Sweetie couldn’t get her hands on her at first. I can just about imagine how bad she wanted to rock her and snuggle.

    I often get asked where Sam gets his red hair. Actually, all 4 of my boys look totally different but they all have characteristics from both families. Usually I just tell people that Sam has red hair because that’s what I wanted!

    I think I’ll go steal my red, circle-haired boy from his daddy and rock him to sleep myself tonight.

    I’m looking for the perfect bows but I’ve yet to see anything that compares to Tori’s beautiful, BIG pink bow band. I’m not going to give up though!

  4. Doni, I just love these pics – can’t get enough of them. Tori is just beautiful (and I think my sister is too!!!!) Little boys are fun to dress in jeans and tee’s….but there is just nothing like dressing a little girl, is there?!!!

  5. I think someone needs to change the pictures on the top of your web site!! Tori is just a little doll and she has the cutest chubbiest cheeks ever! I love you so much. Hope Tori brings a big blessing in our family.

    Love from her big cousin Jenna

  6. I have the CUDDLE SLEEVE!!!! Now, I just have to get it to you!! That will surely save the dead arm and you can hold Tori longer! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also may have picked up a couple or two or three other things!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Much love!

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