Honey Bunny #9

Good morning! Still on the Easter collection and still more to post…

Didn’t get a picture posted yesterday because I spent the morning and afternoon at the zoo with Brooke and the kids and then the evening with my parents. It was such a nice day!

My topic for today is Ring Slings. ๐Ÿ™‚

My cousin is a SAHM who sells baby carrier products online from home (www.frogmama.com). I recently read something she wrote about “wearing baby” and loved the concept. If I could manage it, I would hold Tori all the time. We are very bonded her and I :)…and I can’t get enough of her (frankly she can’t get enough of mommy either LOL). I don’t buy into “spoil baby” theories. Bonding is essential and I am so glad I didn’t listen to naysayers when it came to Tanner because I held that kid sooooo much and now I have to beg to hold him :). Ty got a lot of undivided attention too but I couldn’t carry him everywhere because I had to haul oxygen, an apnea monitor and a pulse ox everytime I moved him :(.

In other parts of the world, “wearing babies” is very natural. Strollers aren’t used. Even toddlers are “worn” often. I had two main challenges to this. One – I have a pretty weak back. Two – managing these ring slings and wraps can be difficult.

Determined to become a pro and build up my back muscles, I took the sling to the zoo yesterday. I wasn’t brave enough to abandon the stroller. I brought her diaper bag and a picnic lunch and I wasn’t about to pack her on my front and everything else on my back. So I used the stroller for all the stuff and I wore Tori. I was very curious as to how long both of us could cope with it. By the end of the day I had worn her for nearly SIX HOURS! She seemed to like it and slept a lot and it was a lot easier for me than I thought. I loved it actually. Of course she is still tiny so it’s easier but theoretically, if I build my back up to it, I can carry her longer.

My children are at age spreads that result in completely different needs. Schooling a 6 year old, entertaining a busy 4 year old and nurturing a newborn has me in constant motion and this plate spinning act has been a real challenge. I feel the need to be a better multi tasker and I struggle with that. If I could wear Tori more often while I cleaned, taught, and during computer time – it would make both of us happier. Right now I am typing while on my excercise ball and wearing her. See….an old dog CAN learn new tricks LOL (with the right motivation). ๐Ÿ™‚

For those of you who have attempted ring slings and have given up because they are frustrating to learn, I’ll share a bit more about my experience lately.

1. Spending several hours at the zoo making myself cope with it was a good idea. By the end of the day, many hours later, I was feeling much more comfortable.

2. When baby sinks deeply into the pouch it isn’t a bad thing (provided you are keeping watch over air flow issues). Most babies love swaddling. My kids usually fought swaddling in the beginning but slept much more comfortably once they quit their struggle. I used miracle blankets for Ty until he was about a year old (maybe longer) and he got to the point of pretty much falling asleep when I put it on. Tori still fights me to be wrapped but I am getting so much more sleep out of her with it. Last feeding last night was at 10:00 and she woke up at 5:30 AM. Not bad.

3. I am trying to keep her in more tummy to tummy positions instead of cradling and we both prefer that.

4. Having to learn to let her struggle to get comfortable and fuss a bit first. If I can wait that out, she falls asleep and then sleeps snug as a bug in a rug. She is a VERY happy little girl right now.

5. Learning to manage the fabric at the rings (learning which side to pull when) has been key.

6. I can bottle feed her with ease while I am walking when she in in the sling. It is also easier to hold her on the couch in the sling because it gives my arm a break.

7. I didn’t get to have Tori in my tummy but now it feels like it and I love it! LOL. Just a little side benefit! I love the thought of her being so close to me throughout the day. Newborns sleep so much anyhow…why not make the most of the time (if my body can take it). We shall see! So far I am really loving this.

Brooke and I are going to attempt to make a wrap this weekend (like EllaRoo wraps – very native looking and simple). Jodi – want to try that? Not sure which I would like better so going to give them both a try.

Enough rambling for the morning. Off to teach school now.

4 responses to “Honey Bunny #9”

  1. can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    my shoulder got so tired with a wrap but this post makes me think i’d try it again. ๐Ÿ™‚

    the picture and quote are peeerfect!

  2. I have the New Native sling. It’s not adjustable you just buy your size based on measurements. I absolutely love it and it’s super comfy. It would be a great option for someone as grossly uncoordinated as I am. ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus, I got it from a SAHM who is a Christian and she was willing to take it back if you were unhappy with it or if you bought the wrong size. Her website is http://www.mom4life.com for anyone who might be interested. She actually sells a bunch of different slings and she has a comparison page for people who don’t know what they want….
    Okay, that was significantly more sales-pitchy than I intended, but seriously they are cool. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Okay on that site was a Moby wrap for 69.00. That is what Brooke and I are going to make (for cheap). All it is, is about 15 feet of cotton. How hard is that? I had a long piece of lace today that I experimented with. Obviously scratchy but very easy. Watch the video located on this page if you are interested. http://www.mom4life.com/catalog.php?item=1273

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