Baby Shower

Tori’s Baby Shower and Dedication was last Sunday. I had already decided that we would wait on a baby shower until after we had a baby in our home due to the fragility of adoption situations – didn’t want to have the shower while I was “pregnant” and then not end up bringing baby home. That would be too hard. I didn’t intend though to wait until she was TWO months old before celebrating her…such is the way with premature babies though. Been there done that. ๐Ÿ™‚ We are so happy to be back out in the world with her now and she has still remained very healthy and happy. Yeah.

Jodi is my co-chair for our Celebration Committee at Church and she insisted on chairing my shower even though she knew she would be days away from delivery. I thought this a bad idea for her sake but was grateful none the less. She did such an amazing job. She is very creative and this committee has been a great outlet for her creative energy. She was responsible for our Christmas party this last year and we were all so impressed with her talent. (She had to take the glue gun away from me though – I was only trying to help! I have no idea why I wasn’t arranging the garland good or why my candies kept sliding off the sugar tree!) Think I need to stick to photography and ribbon bows LOL. That is about the only glue project I can manage thus far.

Here is a little running commentary on the picture above. (And yes I realize you can’t read the writing on the picture above…that is for the purpose of the video thus the reason for my explanation below).

Because my nursery theme is pink and brown polka and stripes, Jodi chose that for the shower decor. Behind the “parent” table, the wall was striped with pink and brown crepe with a hanging umbrella. The parent table was covered in a pink cloth with brown polka dots painted on (Michelle and Jodi hand painted it). The center pieces were those pretty pink flowers in ivy bowls with tooling. On the right you will notice a ribbon ball. Jodi made a ribbon topiary for Tori’s room and it was decorating the gifts table. Isn’t that cool? I L O V E D it! In fact, I am trying to coerce her into making smaller size ribbon balls for Tori’s mobile and fan pulls. She is a little busy at the moment but I am still hoping. ๐Ÿ™‚ She also made that pink name plate for Tori’s room. In the picture you will also notice an ivy bowl with brown and pink polka dots. ๐Ÿ™‚ These were chocolate and strawberry malt balls. I thought that was so cute I bought a big vase and filled it for Tori’s room. Hoping they will last quite some time – if I stop eating them when I go in there LOL. In the background, there is a mini donut bouquet. Adorable or what? The kids loved that. (Stephanie – Jodi said this was your suggestion – very cute and smart!) Lasagna, breadsticks and salad was served and cheesecake for dessert. Thank you to all my friends and family who helped put the shower together. It was beautiful.

Here are some shower gifts spread out in Tori’s room.

See the bracelet? My brother Dusty designed and made that for Tori. Isn’t that special? He is a jeweler and very talented at this trade. He engraved her name on it as well. I love bracelets on little girls. (Speaking of jewelry, did you know that if you decide you want your gold wedding ring to be silver, you can just have it dipped? Dusty recently dipped my rings for me and I like them much better silver).

Sweetie bought that brown and pink polka dress for Tori and I am thinking I might actually hang that on her wall (when she isn’t wearing it) :).

The Dedication was also beautiful. Papa was holding Tori but she kept her eyes on mama the whole time…until Papa prayed. Then she was smiling at him the whole time. And now you want to know how I would know that…because I was peeking at her – couldn’t help it. ๐Ÿ™‚

9 responses to “Baby Shower”

  1. Jodi did a great job, everything was perfect. One question, are you going to have room for all of the cute little outfits she got?
    The dedication was heart moving and I agree, she was locked with your eyes for awhile, no doubt she knows her mama.

  2. OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SHOWER THIS MUST HAVE BEEN! I’m near tears that I couldn’t be there… too weird to be this far apart during motherhood. ๐Ÿ™

    Her room is going to be so pretty… all of the gifts look amazing… that bracelet – I DIDDD NOTICE IT! DIDN’T KNOW DUSTY WAS A JEWELER THOUGH! I’m SUPER impressed! There have been several times I wanted to take a jewelry makers class – not just beaded earrings – but learning to mold and design silvers and golds… oh SO glad Dusty is doing that!!! Maybe I’ll have to do my own designing (like I did for Jas’ wedding ring -bummer Dusty wasn’t the jeweler at the time!) and pay him to be the producer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Dreaming…. ๐Ÿ™‚ OH I KNOW! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED A DIFFERENT BAND FOR MY WEDDING RING – TO INCORPORATE GOLD AND SILVER – MAYBE DUSTY WILL BE THE MAN TO HELP WITH THAT ONE DAY! You never know. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Well most of the painting is done and about 1/2 of the nursery decor is done but my MIL leaves for Chicago in two weeks so it will be done before then. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Everything looks gorgeous! What a beautiful shower!
    And that bracelet was the first thing I noticed in that photo!

  5. Oh my goodness- it turned out perfect!! What a great job the girls did!! I am going to be selfish and ask for more pictures though because those are just too small for us to get the full effect (for those of us that weren’t there) ๐Ÿ™‚ Tooooooo cute!

  6. got to thinking about your maltballs and wondering how long they will last. wonder if they make those stones that people use in the bottom of vases or candle/bowls in the colors you need – do you know what i mean? sometimes they are like a marble and some are more like a flattened marble or little pebble/stone?

  7. They have those at Michaels in every color under the rainbow in the little mesh bags. They are in the aisle with the styrofoam. I just happened to know because I work there ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Good to know! I am wondering about the Malt Balls too. I’ll let you know how that works out long term because they really do look cute and are the perfect matching colors. And Stephanie…here is the bad news. I didn’t take very many shower pictures because I was so distracted. Not sure that I actually got any that showed the whole room.

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