
This picture was taken back when I did the other “favorite” picture (if you know what I am talking about).?? I always thought shooting light eyes was fun but now that I am having the opportunity to photograph BLACK eyes – WOW!?? The reflections are just amazing!

All is quiet at my house and I am anxious to get to bed but I thought I’d just post this real quick.?? I have at least a weeks worth of postings about ready.??

Briefly, did anyone hear about a national symposium trying to gain support for protecting plant life because of its innate value??? I didn’t find articles in my quick look tonight but my dad called me about it.?? CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? Oh would I love to have a chat with one of those lobbyists.?? How in the world could a person further a cause like that while not protecting the unborn????? ( I suppose that is an assumption on my part – but I seriously doubt those that were pitching this were also pro-life – as in pro HUMAN life!)?? This stuff makes me crazy!?? Called a man yesterday (thanks Marlene ๐Ÿ™‚ ), about politics brewing in Brazil over embryos.?? Apparently, there is political discussion in Brazil about the life of frozen embryos and how they begin to disintegrate after 3 years.?? Those supporting embryo protection wanted to submit evidence that many children have been born after being frozen that long.?? As Tanner is evidence to this, I submitted his story and picture.?? Tanner was frozen 3 years and 4 months.?? Having said that, I will admit that it is very possible that the freezing process and length of time frozen DOES in fact harm human life that is cryopreserved.?? Many clinics are refusing to transfer embryos frozen over certain time frames because they are noticing their clinic statistics declining when they do.?? This is NOT a case for destroying embryos post 3 years though.?? We MUST give every human life the protection it deserves – A WOMB!????Putting a time frame to when an embryo is past??the??ability to survive to birth is irresponsible and reckless but I do think this??makes a case for not cryopreserving embryos in the first place.???? What??hard lessons we, as a society, are having to learn and at what a terrible price.?? “Fingerprints of God” got me thinking about this topic tonight.?? Not going to take time to write much more tonight but I will, just for the fun of it, list my two favorite You Tube videos of the week.?? Dusty insisted I watch them.?? :)?? By the way…his car that was stolen over a month ago was found today in perfect condition but he had to pay 75.00 to get it released from the impound – what a hijack.

1.?? Charlie Bit My Finger…Again

2.?? Three Year Old Explains Star Wars

6 responses to “Fingerprints”

  1. so reminds me of the cartoon “Charlie and Lola” with that cute little accent. ๐Ÿ™‚

    the little girl was awefully cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

    yeah, i think we should definitely protect unusual plants and endangered animal species before humans – makes perfect sense… sheesh… all this when I’m getting slowly through Ann Coulter’s “Godless” – good gracious I bet she has a thing or 2 to say about this!!!!

    This picture of Tori is darling, by the way. I love the fonts you used to get such a creative, childlike, yet elegant look about them. Lovely work my dear! I NEED INSPIRATION! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I have “Godless” on my shelf! I really enjoyed that book I must admit:). As for the fonts, there is a growing trend towards “word art” and I am really trying to make creative use out of this because while I do enjoy digi scrap, I want most of my pictures to be more center stage but word art still adds interesting embellishment without interrupting the picture too miuch (IMHO) :). As for inspiration….I always need it so you need to get busy! You have been slacking lately! Make it a goal to add art to a picture for your blog soon would you? ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. yes ma’am – i will! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I NEED INSPIRATION THOUGH… As you can see if you refresh my screen, the changing headers do help for now… a picture of weeds in a mug from my sweet boy and some old fav pics just done in a new way. i’ve always loved the use of various fonts but sometimes it can look just WEIRD but you’ve got the flow down JUST RIGHT on this one. they fonts FEEL like the words should make you feel reading them. i always choose my fonts by feeling. ๐Ÿ™‚ so your work on this one works well for me and my need to FEEL the inspiration of the artist. (oh, uh, yeah, the gorgeous little model didn’t hurt the image any. ha!)

  4. I have been waiting for this one! I absolutely adore this picture of our little girl. What a doll! Those eyes just capture you, no wonder her big brothers adore her so!!!!

    Lovin’ you

  5. If you watched the 3 year old you also need to watch the parody by the 23 year old. Doni, this will probably only be funny to us homeschoolers at the end of it.

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