
In the picture above Tori is swaddled in her miracle blanket.?? This blanket IS a miracle blanket too.?? Unlike the ones you buy in department stores, it doesn’t velcro (which I find often comes undone).?? It has really long arms that wrap around and around.?? She can still get her arms free if she is REALLY awake but she usually doesn’t try.?? This blanket has allowed mama much needed rest.??

SHE HAS BEEN SLEEPING FROM 10:00 PM to 8:30 AM FOR A WEEK!?? I call THIS Sleeping through the night!?? (So for mama’s records she was sleeping through the night by two months of age).?? AWESOME!!!!!

My girlfriend Kristi and I were talking about this and I had to insist that I have now proven that good sleeping is environment and not heredity :).?? I have managed with all three of my children.?? (Course now that I go bragging about that she is going to make a liar out of me ;).

The other thing I appreciate about a swaddle blanket is that it is keeping her fingers out of her mouth at night (I only swaddle her at night).?? She wants to suck her fingers and I keep trading fingers for her wub a nub.?? Tanner was super pacy dependent.?? We would put SEVERAL pacies in his crib every night because if he lost one, he would wake up and scream.?? Tori doesn’t like it once she has actually fallen asleep but she does like it to put her to sleep and it is a very necessary Brinkman defensive line tool.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

2 responses to “Sleepytown”

  1. Doni –

    She is absolutely beautiful. I need a new little one at home ๐Ÿ™

    What do you use to make those great scrapbooking borders? I so want to learn to digital scrapbook.


  2. I’LL ANSWER THAT! photoshop photoshop photoshop… and lots of free online tools (like filters, backgrounds, brushes, fonts, etc.) but doni is OH SO GOOD at knowing how to put those things together beautifully – isn’t she? and i hear she’s been creating her OWN backgrounds and such. ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m going to grow up to be just like her. ๐Ÿ™‚ hee hee!

    this is a beautiful picture and the blanket wonderful! i always wondered about those velcro ones – velcro would make so much noise if you had to reposition it when they were asleep or drowsy – could ruin the whole deal! ๐Ÿ™‚ your girl is just precious!

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