Little Sister

Don’t you just want to take her home??? And can you believe that is EXACTLY what I got to do??? I am still reeling I think.

Time for a little Tori update:


Well…she is 3 months now officially but unofficially not 2 months.?? I don’t know her exact weight but I haven’t moved the newborn stuff out of her closet yet.?? It will probably go soon but there is actually a lot?? she can still wear.???? Anxious to try new outfits though, I have been letting her wear some 3 to 6 month also.?? They are big on her but not so big I can’t use them.?? (Heidi – Tanner asked me to put her back in her Little Sister onsie today.?? LOL).


She is still eating only 2 to 3 ounces every 2 hours during the day and then sleeping through the night.?? I am trying to work with her to get her to 4 ounces every 3 hours but we are struggling with this still.?? She is so funny when she is full.?? She purses her lips shut real tight and locks her jaw down so you can’t force the bottle back in without a lot of work.?? If you do manage to break her hold, she wrinkles her nose and spits it out.?? Cute.?? Waiting until at least 4 months to start her on cereal.


As I mentioned, she is a champ in this department.?? 10.5 hours of straight uninterrupted sleep is IMPRESSIVE!?? Yeah for me.?? She still sleeps a lot during the day as well.?? So much so that I can’t really say when she “naps” yet.


If you recall, I was a bit concerned about this because she wasn’t noticeably startling.?? She is now!?? So much so that the boys keep waking her up with their screams and playing.?? Why do they have to run like wild Indians through my bedroom when they know their sister is sleeping in the swing??? Why oh why??? We have had one too many talks about this today.?? I am not trying to keep it “quiet” for her but I do think it would be kind and respectful to not scare her out of her sleep don’t you??? Sheeeshhh!?? Trust me she agrees.

Motor Skills

Her head control is great.?? I am anxious to put her in the bumbo chair because she is ready for it now (hint to Jodi and Susie LOL).?? She still balls her little fists up a lot but can grasp her wub a nub.?? She pulls her clothes into her mouth too.?? Got a call from Darin yesterday asking me if MY kid could roll over.?? Ryker rolled over about 4 times yesterday!?? He is only THREE WEEKS old!?? Crazy??? Tanner was 3.5 months before he rolled.?? Jodi told Darin that Tori wouldn’t roll because she is never put down.?? LOL.?? You caught me. ;)?? For the record, she is sleeping in her swing as I type.?? Often though, she enjoys being in my lap during computer time.


She learned to blow rasberries already!?? The cutest thing about this is she learned via mimic and will often do it when she is copying.?? She tries to copy tone of voice to when she is talking.?? That is another reason I think her hearing must be good – I can tell she is copying the tones of what she hears.?? I really think she will talk early and talk often.?? :)??


Unlike her brother Ty, Tori has a VERY low pain tolerance.?? If you injure her in any way – no matter how slight…she will make you pay for it.?? She cries and cries and cries.?? Stops.?? Thinks about it.?? Puckers.?? Cries more.?? Repeats this cycle for several moments.?? She doesn’t get over things very easily and wants to make sure everyone understands exactly how she feels.?? When she got shots last time she didn’t quit crying until we got home!?? My boys never did that.?? Usually they don’t cry over shots at all and if they do, it is only for a second.?? Cowgirl up honey bun! :)?? Mix that with her high pitched squeeling (another thing my boys didn’t do) and I am already convinced that Tori is going to be the resident drama queen.?? Jim and Tanner could use one.?? I don’t tend to be that way so they are in for a surprise.?? :)?? (Okay I AM expressive but I am not a drama queen and I have a fairly decent pain tolerance).


She is mama’s girl BIG TIME right now.?? It has become very obvious that she wants and needs mama.?? I love to hear Tanner say “She just needs her mama right now”.?? There have been several occasions as of late that someone other than me was holding her, she decided she didn’t like it, puckered up her lips and started wailing.?? Due to the drama issues above, even when I take her back and hold her she continues her tirade for a bit to make good and sure I know that she wasn’t in favor of that decision.?? She likes people though so she is more prone to this when (a) she is tired or (b) someone else has held her for too long and she starts wondering where I am.?? The boys didn’t start this type of behavior until they were older.?? Tanner was about 18 months old when he would have separation anxiety.???? Part of the issue is that she is an easy baby IF you meet her needs on HER schedule and in HER way.?? She knows what she wants and she knows mama knows what she wants.?? If you do it wrong, she will be angry until you correct your behavior.?? Example:?? do not attempt to cradle her when she is awake (unless she is eating).??

Tanner keeps asking me why God gave her brown eyes and brown hair.?? I think it is because he likes my explanation.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

“Tanner – I prayed and asked God for a baby with red hair and God said ‘Okay’ and gave you to me.?? Then I asked God if I could someday have a baby with really long eye lashes.?? God said ‘Okay’ and gave me Ty.?? Then I prayed and asked God if He would someday give me a baby girl that had dark hair and eyes like mama.?? God said “okay” and gave me Tori.?? God really loves me.?? A lot.?? He thought you three would be PERFECT”???? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚



5 responses to “Little Sister”


    I love a girl who has a made up mind and knows how to speak it… BUT also is delightful and sweet. ๐Ÿ™‚ She sounds just PERFECT for your family… she’ll rock the world there a bit but it will be healthy for all. She even learn not to be quite as demanding ๐Ÿ˜‰ when she realizes the boys in the family don’t let her get away with it forever – I’m assuming that will be the case… UNLESS they actually end up loving it and you get more responsive men out of the picture! ;)Hmm??? Time will tell! ha! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love this update and LOVE the picture – SUPER dreamy and yup – I want to take her home. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Doni – Tori and Beth truly ARE meant to be each other’s BFF!! I could have written so much of your post!

    **Part of the issue is that she is an easy baby IF you meet her needs on HER schedule and in HER way.**

    Beth goes on and on when she gets hurt, scared, etc., too! Oh, and the startling thing…just in the past couple of weeks she’s started to startle. I was concerned for a while because she NEVER did as a newborn. I couldn’t lay the boys down on the changing table without a huge startle and she would always just lay there perfectly calm, until recently. WEIRD, huh? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Our little ladies are such a joy!!

  3. All I can say is, “for this child I prayed and God gave me the desires of my heart!” (My translation of 1 Samuel 1:27!)

    Lovin’ you,

    Aunt Beck

  4. I haven’t checked in for a while and just LOVED this update!!! And am very envious at the 10.5 hour overnight sleep. But we don’t have to feed every 2 hours during the day though. Still think 10.5 hours sleep would be heavenly right now! ๐Ÿ™‚

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