Tanner Evening Update

I am getting pretty frustrated!??

Went to the pediatrician and he agreed with the ER Dr. that it is most likely viral but he drew blood for a food an environment allergy test as well.?? He said that the test will probably come back negative because of the high dosages of steroids he is on and so he will probably have to be retested once we get through all this and he is off the steroids just to rule out food allergies.?? He also added Zyrtec to his daily regime and told me to use the Benadryl if he had break through.

So Tanner had done really well all day until the last half hour.?? He had Benadryl at 4:00 and by about 7:00 he started getting symptametic.?? Once it starts, it tends to get aggressive.?? He looks worse than this mornings pictures right now.?? He was itching and again begged for benadryl early.?? I am suppossed to be going 6 hours instead of 4 but I know better than to wait considering what he looks like right now.?? He isn’t due for more steroids, zyrtec, or zantac until 9:00 PM (technically midnight but Dr. said I could administer early tonight).?? Good grief!!!!?? I gave him two tsps of Benadryl just now and hopefully in another hour he will be doing better.?? It seems to take the Benadryl at least 60 to 90 minutes to have much of an effect.

As for the strep infection….the Dr. did mention that and looked at his throat.?? He said the throat looked fine and didn’t look any further for strep.?? So Kristy…how did you find out your kids had strep infections if they had no throat symptoms and their throats looked fine??? Since both you and Sarah have now said this and the Dr. mentioned it as well, I have to wonder.?? IF it is a strep infection but not localized in his throat, is he on the right drugs do you think??? I don’t see any sores on his body that look infected.?? What else would I look for??? This is crazy.

One reason I don’t think it is strep is because he was symptomatic of a stomach flu virus – not strep AND…has not had a single fever – not even last week during his stomach flu.?? I was checking for that.

Also, I just noticed one eye is getting bloodshot like he is getting the rash on the eyeball itself.??

13 responses to “Tanner Evening Update”

  1. I did not have strep throat when I had the strep infection. We went through the whole food allergy thing too. I do remember that I had been sick a few days before the rash because I had already missed a couple days of school and had gone back. I don’t remember a fever either. They did a strep culture on my throat and I don’t think that was positive. I will have to ask my mom. I was so miserable I don’t remember all the details. Just the awfulness of the whole thing and never wanting it again.
    Poor Poor guy.

  2. Poor guy!! That has got to be frustrating and scary for both of you. Praying that Tanner gets better soon!

  3. That just sounds terrible. Are you able to apply hydrocortisone cream or what they sometimes call anti-inch cream? I have used that on William’s excema and it has worked great for the itchies and to help heal up any of the irriations on his skin. I know that the doctor’s office can prescribe a special one if you would prefer not to use over the counter stuff. I am not a fan of lathering on all that stuff if I don’t have to, but it really does help. I even used a little on William when he was a tiny baby.

    The allergy tests they ran, will be inaccurate more because of the current skin breakout than even the steriods effect according to what I was just told when I had William’s last tests ran a few weeks ago.

    I pray that the Lord will provide wisdom for you and peace too!

  4. Oh my gosh, Poor Tanner. I could not imagine what Mommy is going through. I would freak. I hope things are looking better for Tanner and that you find out what it is. I think thats the worse thing is not knowing, when its gone away and never really knowing what it really was. Hope all is well. Give Tanner my best.

  5. Oh my! This is lasting sooo long. He actually looks alot like Brandley did when he had an allergic reaction to (we believe) dry grass because it happened after he mowed the lawn. Have you bathed him? I’m sure you have because its been several days right? Also, have you changed any detergent, shampoo or soaps – even any chemicals you use to clean furniture, carpets, etc.? I’ve seen really bad hives because of that too. I’m sure the dr’s asked you all of these questions but I thought I would check.

  6. Doni my kids didn’t have sore throats,cuts,or any other symptoms other than the rash. If it weren’t for my Mom I wouldn’t have known,and known what to demand of the Dr. They did blood work and then sent the culture off to grow incase there was a false neg on the blood test. My mom was right they had strep! They put the kids on Penicillian (NOT z-pack). 2 of my brothers had this when they were 5-8 yrs old,again rash,no sore throat. My mom also had this same thing about a month ago. She had the flu one week,then got a rash,went into the Dr. with out a sore throat and sure enough,blood work/culture said strep. I’m not saying this IS what Tanner has,but if I were you I would take him back in and have them take a blood test and culture just to rule this out. Again,I’m not saying Tanner has this and I don’t want to scare you but you can NOT be too careful dealing with Strep,it can kill (and has in our family),that’s why it would just be super safe to atleast rule it out so that you can continue forward with finding out what this poor rash is,if it’s not. Atleast for peace of minds sake!

  7. *Yes that would mean he is on the wrong meds. He would need an antibiotic to fight it. Which has me wondering..would maybe make sense why his allergy meds aren’t working?! I can’t believe the Dr. suggested it,yet didn’t follow through with getting blood work/culture done. How’s he doing today?

  8. praying he’s holding his own today… that those spots are LONG gone! i’ll look for an update here later.. hint hint. 🙂 hope you are feeling better too!!!!!!!

  9. I had a friend who just had the same thing, Scarlet fever is what the doctor called it. She did in fact have a horrible sore throat but I have heard of it w/o the throat. I hope he is feeling better. I have had welts, rasied hives and i was alergic to formaldehyde..lol We were cutting open frogs in high school…lol I must have gotten some on my arm, it hurt! I feel for Tanner, it will be a memorable birthday 🙂 Feel better soon!

  10. poor baby!! my son has what looks like the exact same thing. Thought it was poison ivy at first. started at the ankles and moved up the legs. used posion ivy lotions and others (benadryl lotion etc…). no fever ever. complained his neck hurt about a week before the first bumps. emergency room md was really down on benedryl throw it away, said to looks like it almost caused cellulitis. gave him the almost exact same treatment you described earlier. 15 mg ranitidine(zantac), antibiotics etc…

    did he finally get over?


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