Dear Tanner

(Post written for Tanner’s birthday, Thursday May 22nd.?? These pictures taken at Papa and Sweetie’s on Friday.?? Lots more to come this week).

To my dear son on his seventh birthday,

Seven years ago my grandest dream became reality.?? You made me a mommy.?? I knew motherhood would suit me – that it would fill the deepest longing of my heart but I could never have imagined the depth of love I would feel for you.???? As I told you this morning, I didn’t lay you down – not even to sleep for your first three weeks of life.?? I slept in a chair at night so that I could hold you even when we slept.?? I feel in a conundrum this evening.?? Part of me is desperate to turn the hands of time back.?? Part of me relishes in watching you become the man God created you to be.?? When we walked through the toy story yesterday and you told me that all the toys were now too little for you I wanted to cry.?? How did we get through the toy stage in only 7 short years??? No one told me this would happen so soon and I was completely unprepared for it.

You have matured so much this year…especially in the last few months.?? You are a wonderful big brother and I am so proud of the example that you set for both of your siblings.?? Your character looks more and more like a reflection of Jesus all the time.?? You have such a tender conscience and you yearn to “do right”.?? Your giggle is infectious and when you grin at me it sets my heart aflame.?? I love the way you say “Mommy did you know…” every time you want to tell me about some new thing you have learned.?? You are very introspective like Daddy and you take time to consider your decisions and choices.??

I see you putting on the mantle of manhood each time I watch you face a new challenge and make a conscious and obvious choice to face it with courage.?? I marvel at the fact that I trust a seven year old with so much that is precious to me – including and especially Tori and Ty.?? You have been such a help to me since Tori has been born and she and I both appreciate it.?? You will be her hero you know.?? Ty’s too.??

I love to watch you with Tori.???? You are so loving and nurturing.?? She has brought out the very best in you and what a privilege that has been for me to get to watch.?? What a wonderful daddy you will make some day.??

Did you know that I look forward to spending my days with you (and Ty and Tori too)??? I wake up in the mornings and smile and I thank God for my life.?? I thank Him for making choices in my life that have enabled me to be your full time caregiver at home.?? To be allowed the privilege of being with you all day is something I will forever be grateful for.?? I love the time we spend in school together because it gives me a chance to spend individual time with you.?? To watch you grow and learn and discover new things.?? To watch you travail and triumph…stumble then succeed…be humbled then proud….what a gift that is for me.

Sometimes when I look at you I imagine what kind of man you are going to be…then I smile because I am proud already – I have such confidence in you.?? I hope that Daddy and I always make wise and discerning choices in your life and do our best to demonstrate love without condition.?? We are praying and asking God to help us with that because we love you so much and to the best of our ability, want to do right by you and for you.??

Tanner, more than anything, I have loved watching you grow in the Lord this year.?? Your questions about your faith and your love for God’s word inspire me.?? I will never grow tired of hearing you quote Isaiah 41:10.?? You are also developing a love for worship and I pray that you will always feel a deep innate need to be in worship.?? We worship God everyday…by how we live.?? Your life looks more and more lovely to me each passing day.?? I hope that we will teach you to be a giver because you have much to offer the world.???? Papa has always taught us that life is ministry and I hope that Daddy and I can instill that in your heart.?? I pray that we fill up your love tank to the brim so that all that love poured into your life will be spilled out and overflowing on other people as you grow.?? That is one way that I can be a missionary from my home.?? Raising up a generation that returns to Christ.?? That is one of the most significant life goals a mom could aim for and you help motivate me to press on toward my calling every day.

Today you reached for my hand in the parking lot and gently held it all the way to the car.?? You still call me mommy and I love that.?? Those are two gifts that I will not have much longer.

I rarely read to you what I have written about you or for you in my blog diaries but this time I am going to read this now instead of waiting until you are older.?? This week has reminded me that life is short and we can never know how many days our God will give us to live out His dream for our life.?? I don’t want this moment to pass without again telling you that I love you with everything in me.??

Love Mommy

(You grinned at me hearing this whole letter.?? Not sure how much you took in at seven but you liked hearing it).

7 responses to “Dear Tanner”

  1. A Tissue please, Tanner is so blessed to have such a wonderful family. You are all so blessed to have him. You are a wonderful Mother Doni. I wish you all the best this year and always. Happy Birthday Tanner. God Bless you all.
    p.s. enjoy them calling you Mommy, mine dont anymore. I really miss that.

  2. The reason I follow your blog as closely as I can, is because you seem to be able to put into words feelings I have for my son which I just cannot seem to express. Doing this you help me communicate verbally more with my son. I thank you for this.

  3. Your postings are always so precious, just like your family. You could not have picked a better backdrop for Tanner’s pictures, just gorgeous!

  4. Dear Tanner,

    Uncle Dave and I love you so much and are so proud of you too! We have watched you mature before our eyes. It seems the moment Tori joined the family you took a giant step forward and have been growing more each day – we have watched you take your little brother by the shoulder and lead him where he was supposed to go, we have watched you gently lift your sister and straigten her head when she was too little to hold it up for herself, we have heard you tell Bible verses that really mean something to you, we have seen your smile that lights the room and your eyes that sparkle and heard your laugh that is contagious. Little man, we are so greatful to the Lord for the gift of you. What a treasure you are and how Jenna loves you. You bridge the gap for her being the youngest of all her cousins and the oldest of the great-grandchildren. We think that your mom, dad, Ty and Tori are very, very blessed to have you in their lives. We love you more and more each day and can’t wait to see the young man God is growing you up to be. Aunt Becky wants a copy of the picture of you in front of the barn…I love that grin! Thank you for being the best you possible!!!!!!

    Lovin’ you,

    Aunt Beck

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