Round Two

Ty is a joy…even when he is sick.?? Here we are three weeks out from when Tanner and I got the never ending stomach flu and today…Ty starts it.?? (Please pray for Jarrod – he is in the hospital with a 9 day raging fever and headache and we don’t know what is wrong yet – possibly viral meningitis)

What a nightmare.?? I was talking to Sweetie for awhile this morning discussing deep theological points of??interest and wrestling with our love/hate relationship with grace when Ty begins following me around trying to get my attention.?? Next thing I know he is throwing up all over Tori’s?? CARPETED bedroom??floor.?? That’s the thing about crying wolf….this time I wish I would have listened.

I make him sit in the bathroom while I set about cleaning the carpet.?? How does one clean vomit out of cream carpet??? How is it possible that he threw up on the cleanest patch of carpet in my house especially considering most of the house is wood laminate??? Murphy’s law.??????I call Papa and he tells me to douse it with tons of water and use a wet dry vac.?? Worked wonders for future reference.?? Good thing too because I later had to try the same trick on the couch!?? Bulls eye twice in a row.

He is so stinking precious about it though.?? He just threw up for the fifth time about 30 minutes ago and then said “Mommy you are beautiful”.?? :)?????? By the way, this posting has been a work in progress..paragraph by paragraph through the day.

Tanner has been sweet too.?? Often I have been feeding Tori when Ty threw up so poor baby girl is getting neglected.?? Twice now I have gone back to her only to discover big brother intervened, picked her up, and fed her the rest of her bottle without me even realizing.?? No wonder Tori loves Tanner (as do I) :).?? It has taken both of us today that is for sure.

Picture this scene.?? I am sitting on the couch just got Tori to sleep.?? Ty tells me he is going to throw up again.?? Ty is positioned on a queen size air mattress because I don’t intend to wet vac one more thing today if I can help it.??

My “mommy to the rescue” instincts kick in.?? I jump off the couch with Tori still in arms.?? I grab the bowl for Ty and quickly jump onto the air mattress hoping to avoid another natural disaster.?? Realize one second too late that one should never leap onto an air mattress.?? Boomerang occurs and I find myself first flat on my back catapulted onto the coffee table and then the floor all the while dropping the bucket and enraging my daughter.?? No time to contemplate the comedy of errors.?? Ty still threatening to vomit – Tori still crying, find bucket I dropped.?? Get Tori to the couch safely.?? SOFTLY sit on the air mattress with Ty.?? Save the day.?? One more crisis averted.????Another day in the life of a mom.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

6 responses to “Round Two”

  1. ty’s joy in the midst of strife is unbelievable. ๐Ÿ™‚ what a little light you have shining in your house!!!! he’s like sunshine with skin on isn’t he? ๐Ÿ™‚

    (love the boys laughing together in their pictures!)

  2. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! I really needed a smile right now and Sweetie called to tell me to read your blog! Heidi Jo, you took the words right out of my mouth. I told Doni earlier that everybody needs a little sunshine in their lives…she said you said the same thing, I love the way you worded it though ๐Ÿ˜‰

    How thankful we are that God is in charge of the drama of our lives, even when we want comedies or romance!!!!!

    Lovin’ you

    Aunt Beck

  3. LOL. I have a perfect visual but in my mind you have on a cape ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope Ty-man feels better soon!

  4. Wow girl I feel for ya, but I am so proud of you for sticking it through. Ferris and I were reading this posting last night and he made one of those wise crack statements…….”maybe your boys are allergic to the extra hormones of females running in your house”. Such a guy ๐Ÿ™‚
    I sure hope things improve soon for All of you. Thanks for posting the tip on the clean up, I will be trying this. YUCK!
    I love the pictures of the boys, they are really growing up and so darn cute.

  5. *jennifer – i LOVE your vision… i’m totally rewiring my image of the event to include a cape! SHOOT A MONKEY! ๐Ÿ™‚

    * aunt beck – we are closer than bloodlines with our adopted at the heart familiness – don’t you think? so no wonder we would see this sunshine thing the same way. ๐Ÿ™‚ i love my aunt beck.

  6. I’m loving this! Blogging is so much fun, I wish I had started it sooner! I hope you’re enjoying being on vacation in Colorado with us…LOL! I’m looking forward to seeing pictures from your trip! Hope Ty is feeling better!! LOVE the pictures of your boys!!!

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