He Loves Me

Took this picture a couple of weeks ago.


Yesterday Dad calls and says “Are you done with the book I need it back”.?? Holy cow!?? He gave me the book the day before.?? Apparently Rick cleaned out Barnes and Nobles yesterday taking the last copies so I am on my own to go find another one.?? I don’t want to wait for it in the mail so hopefully I can find it in a??local store.

So what book??? He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen.?? My NEW absolute favorite!!!!??

??I have such a plethora of things to say about this book I don’t even know where to start.?? It was recommended at the back of The Shack and my mom ordered it.?? She called and told me that I was going to be in love with it and she was so correct.?? The unfortunate thing is she now retains the original copy and that is not a good thing in this family.?? She read it and gave it to Dad.?? Dad always marks with a yellow highlighter.?? Mom didn’t have time to mark it up in a different color because Dad gave it to me.?? I used a black pen and put underlines and hearts and then when I give it back to mom she’ll probably add pink.?? And who is it that gets that glorious highlighted copy with notes??? Mom.?? The original purchaser.?? That’s what stinks about being second or third in line.?? Now I have to copy all the highlights to my copy still unpurchased.??

Because I love this book so so so much, I want to write about it as part of my own spiritual journey.?? Therefore, I want to (1) encourage you to go get it and read it so it will make it easier to follow my train of thought in my posts – if you are interested (2) be posting snipets and thoughts about it in my weekly postings.??

It is so hard for me to invest the time to “write” due to a hectic kid schedule but I really want to spend deeper time studying this book because I just feel in my soul that if I could really embrace the truth of how much I am loved – every moment of the rest of my life will be completely different.

You can purchase the book on Amazon for under 10 bucks.?? HERE.

And I now need one second to gently chide.?? :)?? Who has bought and read Shack????? I was hoping you would come back and submit your thoughts!?? This week I did get a sweet note from a woman in Australia that read that post and went out and bought her last store copy.?? Hoping she is loving it.?? Did you read it yet?

Dad’s Shack study starts on Thursday night at his house if you are interested.??

18 responses to “He Loves Me”

  1. I’m so upset. I purchased The Shack from Barnes and Nobles.com at the end of June and they never shipped it to me. When I called to complain, they just re-issued my money! So I still don’t have it!!!! I’m going to have to go this weekend and find it. I’ll let you know how it goes ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love the pictures. She is just so precious.

    I also just went to amazon and ordered the 2 books. Used some of my b-day money. I will let you know what I think when I finish reading them. They should be here on Thursday since I get free 2 day shipping with amazon prime.

  3. I bought the book while I was in Utah and as bad as it sounds I have not had the time to even crack it open. I am also on a very tight and busy schedule. I need to find some time.

  4. I ordered the Shack from amazon but I wanted it to read on vacation this weekend and it wasn’t going to arrive before we left. So I cancelled it off my amazon order and I’m going to go buy it from Costco before we leave. I did buy a copy as a bithday gift for a friend this past weekend.

  5. Rob and i have both read the shack (he made me buy two copies because he couln’t wait for me to finish mine!) and we both LOVED it we used the long drive to apple valley last week to really dive into a discussion about it, oh such a great book! As a newer believer it really gave me a deeper understanding of RELATIONSHIP and the trinity. I’m really looking forward to your dad’s study, unfortunately i work until 9 this thursday…any idea on how many weeks he’ll do the study? i can’t wait to read the new book!

  6. I JUST HOPE PAPA IS GOING TO PONDER IT ON HIS NEW BLOG! HE NEEDS TO LEAD AN ONLINE STUDY TOO! I SO want to be a part of that… oh and I’m COUNTING on a personal copy of the guide he’s writing. Autographed would be just fine… got that PapaZ? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ (I’d bat my daughter eye-lashes at you if I could.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    SPEAKING OF A DAUGHTER’S EYES – OH MY GOODNESS I WANT TO TAKE THAT TORI HOME WITH ME! WHAT A DARLING! The more of her personality I hear about the more I MISS HER. That black and white photo is PERFECT the only dark contrast needed is perfectly shown in her eyes and hair. I LOVE how soft everything else looks and how SHARP and deep those eyes are. LOVELY!

  7. I read The Shack and can’t believe how much it change my perspective on so many things. Since I am still such a young Christian, I always have a ton of questions on the “hows” of my new life. Now I see that I really didn’t need to worry about how. I have always had conversations with God but never really thought I was praying! Silly me huh? I am so happy to know that I can have that friendship and I am not being disrespectful or “too familiar” in how I talk to God! I don’t think I will ever hear the wind and think of it in quite the same way…

    Now…I am halfway through He Loves Me…:)

    What an incredible journey this is!

  8. So sorry Doni, It wasn’t my intent to short change you by purchasing every copy of He Loves Me, the book, however, so excited me and gave me insight and opened my heart to the Lord that I felt I needed to share it with others. So if you still haven’t gotten a copy call me and I’ll give you one. For others who visit here, I am a young christian and starve for input, and if you have the same appetite for understanding God’s journey for you, this book will open your heart.

  9. Hey Doni Girl!
    My father in law is one of the guys buying crates of the “The Shack” and passing it out to the world. He gave me my copy and it is one of my summer reads. I’m working on it when I get a quiet moment… I honestly had to take a break after being so shaken by the camping trip…I am one of those who puts myself right there in the novel and of course was moved to tears (I use those reading strategies that I teach and the imagery the author uses is incredible.) I’m right there!! I’m picking it up right where introductions are being made and I know that there is great things ahead. I will definitely give some thoughts when I finish!
    Beautiful Baby Tori makes me smile!

  10. Rick – I don’t want to take any of yours but I do hope I can find it soon. Where can I look next I wonder?

  11. Hi Doni,

    Lovely child! Someone sent me this link today and told me I’d be blessed to read it. I had no idea it was about my book! And I was blessed by what you wrote and so grateful that God has used it to encourage your own journey. May he continue to lead you and your family and friends into a greater reality of his life and freedom.

    And tell your dad to share more! Isn’t that what dads do! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Your brother,


  12. I know NO ONE who gets more connections with real life authors she loves… way to go Wayne for the encouraging comment! ๐Ÿ™‚ Be prepared – Doni will be talking about this book for ages to come by the looks of things. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Hi there Doni. I just purchased my copy of the Shack from Ebay new for 12.50 with free 2nd day shipping. If anyone is interested there are plenty more on ebay for the same deal.

  14. I just got He Loves Me. It wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow but it came a day early. The Shack should be here tomorrow. I think that’s pretty quick considering I ordered it yesterday. Did you find one yet, Doni???

  15. I finally got my copy of The Shack! I got it at Borders for 30% off! Now…just have to find time to read it ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Doni, Rick found more copies of HLM last night at Barnes and Noble at Desert Ridge! He tried Family Christian Bookstore in Scottsdale today but they are sold out of The Shack and He Love Me. We are off to another book store later today to see what we can find!

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