Think With Me

No picture with this post…..GASP……

This is just a quickie.

Okay so I am about to go through like a box of pull ups.?? The kid is going to dehydrate.?? I keep giving him fluid but he is losing it ridiculously fast.?? He only threw up once but the other end is just not stopping. Do they make immodium for children?

Now here is what I need to talk through out loud:

At lunch Ty asked for gatorade.?? Hmmmm….should I give it to him??? Okay.?? I looked at the clock and it was 12:45.?? Gave him a sippie with blue gatorade.?? At 12:55 hives started appearing again.?? I gave him benadryl and it knocked them out.

So…..what in the world??? I am going back and forth trying to figure this out.

1.?? When Tanner had the flu, he got hives also.?? We never did figure out if it was allergy or virus.

2.?? Ty’s hives look just like Tanner’s did.?? Seems to be same thing.

3.?? Ty had blue gatorade two days in a row and within minutes broke out into hives.

4.?? The odds of Tanner and Ty both having a food allergy pop up during the flu is like a million to one considering the genetic factor.

5.?? Ty has had blue gatorade before.

6.?? I didn’t write down that Tanner had gatorade when he was sick but he likely did because we usually buy that when the kids are sick.?? I thought it helped hydrate but today I heard just the opposite with gatorade.

So….was the gatorade connection just really ironic??? Is he allergic to blue gatorade??? Is he only allergic to it when he is sick??? Is this the same thing Tanner had??? What in the heck?!!!!!!?? Why aren’t any of the rest of you complaining about bad hives and stomach flu symptoms??? What is going on over here??? Jim and I are even wondering if the boys are getting bit by something that causes the same reaction but we haven’t isolated bite marks.


11 responses to “Think With Me”

  1. That sounds like a definite allergy to something in the gatorade (whether it is the dye or what not). Also, allergic reactions can also create stomach issues and diarrhea. While it does seem strange that that Tanner would have the same reaction to Gatorade, the way you described Ty’s reaction occurring after the gatorade sounds like the gatorade definitely has something to do with it (There are food allergies in my house). So…. Have you tried pedialyte (I ped recommends this for the boys over gatorade) or a different flavor and color of gatorade to see what happens?

    Oh and the only thing I can think of as to why the blue gatorade is only bothering him now that he is sick is maybe when healthy he may have a minor unnoticeable reaction to the gatorade and his body’s immune system quickly takes care of it, but when he is sick his defenses are down and it flares greater. Just a thought.

    Definitely worthy of recording his reactions (intensity, how quickly they occurred, any other things that may have factored in, etc.) and talking to a doc to see what they think might be going on. Hopefully Ty starts feeling better really soon.

    Oh, my husband may ban me from your blog soon. We have 2 boys and he says he is finished. However, the pics of Tori, especially the petticoat, really make me want to try for a girl.

  2. You poor mama. Yes, they make immodium for kids, but if you ask me it taste nasty. Try giving him pure rice milk, it works fast and the taste is much better.
    Maybe he could be having a reaction to the Blue dye in the gatorade? I have heard some kids have reactions to dye’s, but if you say that he has had this before I would doubt that outcome.
    I too wonder if he has just picked up the same bug Tanner had.
    Hang in there, and remember small sips of fluid every half hour are the key.

  3. When Lily was about 1 she had hives and I didn’t realize at the time it was because she was sick with the flu or something similiar. Jodi actually told me how it had happened with Karsyn I think or else I never would have related the two things.

    Parker had hives last week out of the blue when we were in the ER with another issue, we were filling out the paperwork, I had just picked him up from being at my moms all day and said, wait a minute, he is covered in HIVES too! He was doing hardwork with his papa and said he got pricked by mosquitos, turned out he was talking about a mesquite tree! So obviously he was allergic to that, it is the only thing we could think of after going down the list of things he had to eat that day (all things he had had before). Frustrating I know!!

    BTW, still Pedialyte for little kids, not until they are much much older are they supposed to drink it at all, they just don’t need all the stuff that’s in it. – or plain water.

    Hope this helps, oh and call David, which I’m sure you have already!

  4. Sounds strange but several family members on my dad’s side are allergic to certain dyes like Susie said. Even my grandma is. I don’t know what is wrong with Ty, but I sure hope he feels better. Hang in there!!! 🙂

  5. Is it a different brand of gatorade? Maybe it was made in a place with some weird alternative ingredient! lol
    That is too strange….
    Hope it goes away soon!

    There is an immodium for kids.. it is green and chalky and mint flavored… Nate had to take a small amount last year!

  6. I would have to say it is the dye. Will has been having hive reactions when he comes in contact with Red dyes. If he has a red sucker he will get hives where ever the red touched. The Benedryl would wipe it out. Then the other day he was playing on a red stained play set and every where his skin touched he was all welted and itchy. So, I realized that there are many forms of dyes that can cause troubles for my little one. When he had an allergic reaction to something he ate wrong he definitely had the throw ups, but the diahrea gets other people just the same. Keep in mind too that if he had a virus then his system is compromised and maybe not as capable of fighting off the sensitivities he may have to dyes. Maybe it is something he can normally handle until he is sick. Same could go for Tanner regardless of genetics.

    TMI, if my hubby is immuniocompromised (not a word I know!!) he is very sensitive to preservatives and has the same problem as Ty. BUT, if he is in good health he has no problems.

    Hope you are able to narroow it down and Ty can have some relief, no fun!!!

  7. Sheesh, that has got to be frustrating. Poor Ty & you! I am praying the Lord will help you find an answer for this so at least you know what & how to deal with it.

  8. Doni we have seen tons of this stomach bug in our office for the last few weeks. This week the strep throat thing is coming in a close second. We never ever ever recommend gatorade in any color other than the original yellow/green and then for kids only if mixed half and half with water. It is too harsh for kids especially when they are sick. BRAT diet for 24 hours and by all means use rice milk.

  9. Is the blue gatorade the blueberry pomegranite by any chance? I have been sick for weeks and think i may be allergic to it (my doctor has had me drinking gatorade everyday b/c I’ve been having pre-term contractions (I’m 8 mos pregnant) and it just occurred to me that I am sick and feel horrible right after I drink the gatorade…

  10. I have been researching the causes of hives I have had for about a month. I have been to the ER because my feet swelled up and I could barely walk-they did not know anything and then I have been to my doctor and she had no idea. I get better and then all of a sudden they start up again. I took a nap and they were feeling better and then I finished off my blue gatorade with my dinner and they are back! So I was googling gaterade and hives and this site popped up. Could it be a reaction to the blue dye? I like the blue gatorade and have drank it on occaision, but about a month ago I started buying it because I had a cold and I was trying not to drink too much soda. I’m ready to throw it all away now. I’m calling my doctor on Monday! I hope the boys are great and thanks for writing-I would have never put it together.

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