These pictures are from a shoot in August of Brooklyn and Chase…Jodi’s sister’s kids.??

I don’t usually post twice in a day but I need a moment to vent again.?? Did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?

I wake up gimping this morning because when I was doing Ryker and Karsyn’s pictures Wed I was laying on my floor??and I caught my ankle under my coffee table and scraped off way more skin than I was willing to part with.?? It wasn’t a bad injury in and of itself, but it’s right on the back of the flex part of the ankle so I am continualy stretching it.?? I needed speed this morning and gimping around angry just made me grumpier. ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s just “a day in the life of a mom”…nothing worth this whine.?? Sometimes it’s those tiny things that make a person edgy though don’t you think?

It started when I felt secure that if I started packing up the boys (who were mostly ready) at 11:00 that I would have no problem getting out of the house for AIT by 11:15.?? Wrong.????

1. ??Tanner couldn’t find his red AIT shirt.?? It was found buried in the laundry that I had not done.?? The laundry he swore he looked carefully through.

2.?? Ty couldn’t find his shoes.?? They were under the chair in the playroom.?? He said he looked there.

3.?? I couldn’t find the sun block.?? It was on the counter where I left it last week.

4.?? Ty couldn’t find his glasses.?? I had to call Jim at work.?? Found them in the pajamma drawer.?? Tanner had knocked them off the drawer while searching for the red shirt.

5.?? Couldn’t find Tori’s headbands.?? Never did find them.

6.?? Couldn’t find my wallet.?? It ended up being in the car.

7.?? Tanner needed me to tie his shoes.?? Yes he is seven and still can’t tie his shoes.?? Welcome to the world of velcro.?? Jim just bought him soccer shoes thus the shoelaces.?? Guess Daddy will have to get busy on that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Finally got in the car.?? Started complaining about being late.?? I hate being late.?? Looked down at the gas gauge and it was?? on empty.?? Checked fuel level and it said I had only 7 miles to empty.?? Nice.??

Pit stop at Circle K for gas.?? Notice the High School has just let out for lunch and 2 million teenagers are swarming Circle K.?? THANK the Lord for pay at the pump!

Wait a minute…debit card not working!?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!?? It’s going to work!?? I am going to M A K E it work!?? I am NOT going into that store with 3 kids and half the high school.?? As Ty would say “I am not not not not not not NOT!”??

I give the pump a second to reboot while I try to contain myself.?? Jim recently put a tank lock on our gas.?? SNAP!?? I can’t make the key work to get the stupid (yes Ty I said STUPID) cover off!!!!!?? Now I am really really really aggravated.?? I smacked my STUPID truck as hard as I could and hoped my kids didn’t feel the impact.?? :)?? Have I ever mentioned that I lean towards being a hot head??? The good news is, the steam blows off farily quickly.??

Finally get gas tank open but the pump has now asked for the same pin number 45 times.?? No choice.?? I have to go in.?? What else can I do??? Get three children out of the car.?? Everyone wants a snack and drink.?? I say NO WAY but then decide that I do in fact need a diet coke.?? I NEED it.?? Get in line behind some teenagers.?? Boy in friend of me tells his gal pal that he thinks they should let me go first because I have a baby.?? Sweet.?? Girl??? Not so sweet.?? The second it was her turn, she flips her hair back, grins wickedly (well it looked wicked) and approaches the counter.?? Boys says “I can’t believe you just did that.?? She is standing there with a BABY!”?? She grins at him looking devilish and quite pleased with herself.?? I wanted to tell the boy that I thought he was a kind hearted soul and the thought does count but my blood pressure was raising by the minute so I thought it best to keep quiet.?? (And the girl had every right to approach the counter first – no dispute there).

Guy at counters says “Oh just say credit – debit won’t work out there”.?? Oh nice.?? I didn’t need to come in at all.?? I say “No thanks.?? Please just run this for me.”?? Overhear another employee discussing how someone just drove off with the circle K pump still in their tank.?? I giggle to self because I did that once.??

Get to AIT 15 minutes late.?? Get boys were they are supposed to be.?? Get blanket spread out for Tori.?? Get ready to relax and sit down.?? Kick over my diet coke and spill the whole thing.?? I have nothing left to say.

UPDATE:?? It has been about 2 hours since I posted this and I have more to add.

Ty is in his room – possibly forever.?? He has done the exact opposite of everything I have told him.?? Clearly he is in the same mood I am.????

I spilled a jar of Tori’s spinach all over my brand new grey pants.

I called Jim to discuss a few things on my list that are aggravating me (thankfully none of them include Jim hee hee).?? While we were talking I turned the garbage disposal on.?? I leaned over the sink, earring fell out and was immediately eaten by the machine.?? I AM SO MAD!?? Aimee – these are the earrings you loved that I wore last week!!!!

If you don’t hear from me by Monday, Jim had to straight jacket me and lock me in the closet.

Update TWO:

I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts.?? I failed to mention before that everyone is coming over her tonight for Sweetie’s 60th birthday party (her birthday was yesterday).?? Her favorite cake is black cake with buttercream frosting.?? I should have realized when both Grammy and Aunt Beck asked me if I was SURE I had time to make it, that the real point was that Sweetie preferred HER mom make her favorite birthday cake.?? I called mom when my earring got destroyed and she said “What I want to know is…how is my cake?”?? I said “Worried are you??? Well you should be!?? It is going along just fine thank you but the day isn’t over so expect a call back and a KFC black cake for dinner.?? There is way too much time left in this day.”?? ๐Ÿ™‚

20 minutes later I had to call her back.?? I was laughing so hard I could hardly talk.?? I went to a cake school with Jodi and learned that one should always put the flattest cake on top – it will ice better.?? So I did that.?? While icing though I couldn’t figure out why the top cake was leaning way over the side.?? WAY over – especially since I did center it when I laid it down.?? Weird weird weird.?? As I kept turning the problem was getting worse.?? LIKE A WHOLE INCH OFF!?? What in the heck is going on here??? I went over and grabbed my cake pans.?? One is a 10 inch and one an 8.?? The 8 inch cake is on the bottom.?? Nuff said??? SAVE ME SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!

Update Three:

Let Ty out of prison for all of five minutes while I typed update two.?? Returned to cake which I had not finished icing yet due to the unfortunate series of cake events only to discover that Ty attacked the top of the cake during his few precious moments out from behind bars unto which he has now returned.?? Pray I do not open this post to write anything AGAIN.?? Off to attempt repairs.?? Physically and emotionally.?? ๐Ÿ™‚


10 responses to “I am GRUMPY”

  1. Doni I’m sorry you’re having such a rough day! your story did give me a good laugh though, and I’m only laughing because I can so relate. My day was not quite the long list of comedy of errors that yours was but work (or I should say people that I have to work with) were aggrivating me so much that I had to exercise deep breathing on the way home from getting Devin from school so that I could face the rest of my day… do it with me… In through the nose… out through the mouth…. ahhh there that’s a little better!

  2. Oh my GOSH! What A DAY! I kind of don’t want to tell you that I’m laughing hysterically by the end of your post (not trying to make your day even worse:)..but just how is all of that even possible?! SERIOUSLY! I totally sypmathize with you, especially about having to take 3 kids into the store (that’s never fun) AND then they all want snacks! And that girl in line, hmm…I think she will regret that at some point, at least I hope. Glad to hear at least her boyfriend’s heart wasn’t made of stone. I have experienced the same problem with my card on a number of occassions at that Circle K. Wonder what it is? Thank you for posting this, I must say (at least for me) that it helps to know that other moms have these kind of days! Good news is, the pictures you posted are absolutely beautiful, great job:).

  3. OK, this is just getting ridiculous! What in the world is going on?! As for the cake, you know I can relate. Every expedition of mine in the kitchen seems to involve some mishap:). Oh and I DID love those earings, really cool…bummer! It really stinks I can’t come over tonight, I’d love to cheer you up in person and hear about whatever happens between now and then – hee hee.

  4. Did this day really just happen to you??? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ROLF! I can sooooo relate.

  5. Oh. My. Goodness.

    Thank you for posting this ‘series of unfortunate events’! I’ve SO had days like this, and while I can empathize, I admit to not being able to stop laughing while reading this. Too funny! Oh, and many hugs to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    You’re a better woman than I am….girl in line at the Circle K might have heard a few choice words from me…had the right to go first, or not, I would have had to work VERY hard to restrain myself from telling her how proud her mother must be of her! :{

    Ty…how exasperating, but geez he’s cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Everything else…well, I just love you, Doni!

  6. I’m sorry you had such a rotten day, but is it terrible that you had me giggling with your story telling? Hope your day got better!

  7. i don’t think i would have said a WORD to the girl at circle k. i would have spoken directly to the boy. i think i would have simply asked him to mark this moment in his mind and to never forget it. should he ever be so enticed to get overly tangled up in emotion over her, he should remember what she is like when she has the opportunity to offer a simple kindness to a woman with a baby (and 2 other kids!)… would he want her to be the mother of HIS children? likely not, because her kids would be raised by her live in nanny while she sends her maid to circle k for her. i hope he has the kind of career he needs to support a woman like that!!!!!!

    ok – now i know i should be loving my enemies (yours are mine sister – ha!) ๐Ÿ˜‰ but i can’t help but hope this woman (when she grows up) has FOUR children and has the exact same thing happen to her. then i hope she runs into you somewhere at a circle k when YOU are in line in front of her. you can smile and heap coals on her as you say, “no dear, please, you go ahead of me… want me to hold your baby for you???… oh no, i don’t mind at all. it’s a simple kindness really… oh yes, i know… yes, i remember you…. i forgive you.” ๐Ÿ˜‰ HA!

  8. Doni, absolutely laughing in commisseration with you….for me…when it rains it pours…Either everything is great or its all falling apart! LOL

    The good news you may ask? At least your miserable day brought entertainment and laughter to numerous people. LOL

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