Boys and Bunnies

Meet Cole.?? Jodi’s nephew.?? His eyes are out of this world!?? He could crawl at about 205 mph so capturing him was quite a challenge but his mom and I were both pretty pleased with his beaming blues by the end of the shoot.

Took these in just the nick of time.?? Jennifer cut his hair the day after pictures and forgot the guard on the clippers.?? Oops!?? Sweetie did that to David once.?? We have it on video and it is hysterical.?? I should post that on here sometime.?? So so so funny.

Remember my first oil painting??? It was of Cole from this shoot.


Today Sweetie and I took the kids out real quick and ran to a local Halloween store because I wanted to get costumes for the boys for pictures.?? We about had to drag Ty in because he took one look and wanted no where near the place.?? Once we got in and walk around a minute, mom and I both agreed with Ty.?? Wayyyyy too scary!?? We skeddadled right out of there.?? Yuck.?? What was I thinking??? I was envisioning all these cute little costumes – guess I needed a reality check.?? Anyhow, the boys decided that they wanted to be soldiers from Call of Duty so I’ll hit Walmart later and get camo instead.?? However, it occurred to me on the drive home that I had one itsy bitsy problem with the boys choice.?? If I take pictures of all three kids together, I’ll have two boys decked in camo…and a bunny.?? :)?? Oops.?? Sweetie thought that was hysterical.

9 responses to “Boys and Bunnies”

  1. I have to agree with Sweetie – it is hysterical!!!! I think that will be quite a “shoot!” Ha! Ha! The Goodwill by us has costumes in the front right corner and is NOT a scary place. Also, Savers has a ton of stuff in the front left!

    Love you as always,

    Aunt Beck

  2. My oldest wants to be a soldier from Call of Duty too- he is obsessed! (btw, I am so glad I am not the only parent who lets their child play that) I am amazed at how well my 8 year old can use an X Box controller. Ive tried and I have NO hand eye coordination apparantly! So, please let us know where you found a costume. I looked already at WalMart with no luck. Online, you can find Special Ops camo desert uniforms but they are pretty spendy. I like to customize ours anyway.

    Loving all the pictures!

  3. That is too funny about the costumes! And I love those pics of Cole, what a handsome boy. He looks a lot like his daddy!

  4. bummer you don’t know someone in the military there locally… there are kids camo things there all the time. if your boys were older i’d send them one of jason’s old uniforms. OH! check your area for military supply stores. at this end of the country is a store called gi joe’s where people sell their old uniforms. you might find some more official soldier gear to go along with camo outfits for the boy.

    i think you need the boys in their camo gear with one of those great big military green backpacks or big bags sitting next to them with that darling pink bunny peeking out of it. that is my special request. ๐Ÿ™‚ binoculars and cantines would be a nice touch. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Wow, those eyes! They remind me of Braxtyn’s!

    Too funny about the soldiers and the bunny!

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