I started worrying that some of you might be getting Tori withdrawals so I thought I better take care of that.?? ;)?? I really love the top picture even though my husband said I blew it with the backlighting.?? I just disagree.?? :)?? Maybe it is technically incorrect but that picture speaks to me so I don’t care.?? This was my practice outdoor shoot last week before David and Aimee’s.?? Uncle Dusty helped me.?? We took these pictures in Papa and Sweetie’s front yard.

About Tori….

Yesterday I went to look for her and heard a suspicious rustling sound.?? I found her in the kitchen.?? She had opened my island pantry and had emptied an entire bag of plastic straws all over herself.?? I have cabinet locks but I must not have shut the door good.?? When I called her name she glanced at me, did the duck and cover, and then wouldn’t look back up.?? Pretty funny.

She has also learned to shake her head yes.?? Not sure she knows what she is saying but I think she is figuring it out.?? At first I thought she was just playing and had learned it but one day last week when she was crying I asked her if she wanted a bottle and she shook her head yes so clearly there is something to it.?? She won’t always respond this way but often times she will.

She is now eating 2 jars of stage 2 baby food at lunch and dinner and averages about 4 bottles in a 24 hour period.?? She is still taking three naps a day.?? One about 2 hours after she wakes up.?? One after lunch, and one after dinner.?????? This week she is not only just standing at the coffee table but she can transition back and forth between the couch and coffee table.?? I do NOT want her to walk this month (she turned 8 months on Saturday).?? Hopefully she won’t.

About Ty

Yesterday I was preparing to give Tanner his spelling test and Ty asked me if I would read the 16 word list to him.?? I read it and then he said “Mommy read it again.”?? I did.?? Once more he asked for it to be read.?? Then he took the list from me and read all the words.?? I was pretty astounded.?? First of all, I had only read them three times and I don’t know how he could memorize a 16 word list in order after hearing it only 3 times.?? Second of all, even if he were getting phonetic clues, they weren’t easy phonic words.?? Third, if I picked them out and asked him to read them out of order, he could.?? Fourth, several HOURS later he repeated the list for Sweetie and Daddy and that is without any reminders from me (making only 2 mistakes).?? What in the world??? Here was the list:?? any, about, around, want, don’t, how, boys, girls, streets, lunches, dishes, boxes, rooms, wishes, foxes, holidays.

I may have mentioned this, but along these same lines…

He was using the remote to scan through the channel guide recently and he was reading all the shows as they came up on the schedule.?? I intended to take the remote away (because he isn’t supposed to use it) but got fascinated with how many shows he was reading.?? I stood there quietly watching as he scrolled through the ENTIRE day reading the list.?? On one hand I get it because they he was looking at a familiar channel but he doesn’t watch all that much tv and many of the program titles I wasn’t even familiar with.???? It seems both my boys will be good readers.?? That makes me so happy!

Ty loves sitting on my lap having his feet and hands and back rubbed while Tanner is reading to me.?? I love getting that special time with both boys at the same time.?? Those are the moments that I am so glad we decided to home school.?? (Teaching Tanner 3 digit subraction with regrouping doesn’t make the top of the list however).?? ๐Ÿ™‚


Jim was happy tonight.?? I cut my hair above my shoulders and he told me if I would just slick it back now I would almost have Trinity hair.?? Better get that costume back out ;).

13 responses to “”

  1. Doni all the pictures tht you post are soo good you are doing such a great job at capturing the children in the momnent. i hope that after i reach my weight goal you will take pictures of me. thanks for your prayers on my accident iam still hurt pretty bad i cannot go to work till next monday. love ya

  2. back to trinity already??? ๐Ÿ™‚ ha! too funny that his favorite hair is practically no hair (slicked back is just NOT a style!) we need to see pics of the new doo, by the way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    AND NO YOU DID NOT BLOW IT WITH THE BACKLIGHTING. i actually think it looks creative and soft. it speaks to me too. that tori is a beauty and this colorful shoot really gets me!!!

    have you been focusing on reading lessons with ty? if so, for how long? I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE THE WORDS HE IS GETTING! SETH ISN’T EVEN THAT FAR ALONG! AMAZING! and tori – good gracious she is sure ahead of the game. darn near walking at 8 months? THAT IS RIDICULOUS!!!! AMAZING! what are we gonna do if she masters it in the next 2 months? ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love the last picture sooooooo much, something about those eyes.

    Ty……always amazing us.

    And where is the picture of your new hair cut???

  4. So cute!

    As for Ty, that sounds an awful lot like the twins. So much you wrote I could repeat about the twins at that age. They still amaze me with their memory and all the sight words they know.

  5. Ty is SO SO smart. He is above the charts on all that stuff and I think it is just precious how the Lord orchestrated that (love how He works all things together for good). Tori, that little princess is smart too and doing things so early! What a blessing as well! And I agree with Heidi, we need a picture of the new hair doo. I think it’s so cute how Jim likes this look on you:).

  6. Sorry Jim, I agree with Doni. I love the top picture and think the lighting just makes the picture! That was an amazing “practice” shoot with Tori – they all turned out great…and Aimee, oh my goodness do you not love, love, love your family pictures!!!!! They are outstanding (of course it would be hard to have bad pictures with you, our handsome fireman and those two adorable kids!!!!!)

    Aunt Beck

  7. Have Tori’s eyes doubled in size recently? I didn’t think they could get any bigger or more gorgeous! Great pictures!

  8. i was just following new comments and had to find this post again because there is no link in the comment section on the right of your blog (because it remains title-less) hint hint. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    i was looking at these pictures again and wondering, again, where you got this DARLING outfit! then it hit me – this looks like a photo shoot for the clothing company – a full page spread for some fancy magazine. you could SO sell baby clothes with your models and photos… so many gorgeous models to choose from between your friends and family! ๐Ÿ™‚ it looks superbly professional without a doubt.

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