THAT’s the Truth!

Today’s topics will be centered around the incredible wisdom of toddlers. They say that a child knows everything there is to know by the age of 16 (a 16 year old believes it anyhow). Three year olds are not drastically different.

Tanner was playing outside this week and I left the door open for him. When he came in, he told me that I should shut the door because the bugs were gonna come in. I was busy and did not jump to obey his directive. A few minutes pass and the hysterics begin. He insists this is vitally important. Bugs ARE getting in the house and to save our house from crisis I best get up and shut that sliding glass door post haste. I relented.

The next morning a friendly little fly decided to socialize with both Tanner and Ty. Tanner took the opportunity to remind me that I had let him in. As I walked down the hall I said,

“Yes I know Tanner. Mommy did let bugs in the house. I should have listened to you – that’s the truth.”

In complete seriousness Tanner glanced up and said:

“Mommy. I know da truess.”

LOL. Yep you did. You did know the truth.

Growing Up

All week Tanner has been reveling in the realization that he is growing up. He has figured out that mom does not care to partake in this conversation which means of course he has to find every opportunity to bring it up! Each morning this week, he greeted me with a big smile and pointed at his chest with a twinkling question in his eye. He then say’s “Wook”!”

This is the point in the conversation where I am supposed to affirm that he did indeed grow over night. He also makes a point to let me know he gained 2 pounds each day. His 2 pound brother started the “2 pound” fixation and it is still Tanner’s favorite weight of reference. Why oh why did he have to make this part of his new morning ritual? What mother wants to spend each morning in a discussion on how her baby is growing up?

I thus told Tanner that we will be celebrating no more birthday’s in this house. Kids are only allowed to advance to the age of 3 and then they must stop. No getting bigger, no getting taller. Under no circumstances can they grow taller than their mother and they may never leave and marry. To all of this Tanner replies “You teasin’ me”. I am darn it.

It was particularly disturbing the other evening when I called Tanner into the kitchen for a chat. I let him know that I had watched his behavior all day and I was so proud of him. No whining or fussin all day. That makes a mommy very happy. Tanner is such a serious little person that sometimes his one liners really pack a punch. He said:

“Mommy. Boy is gwowing up.”

I wanted to cry.

4 responses to “THAT’s the Truth!”

  1. i have tears in my eyes! no tanner – no! do NOT grow up! listen to your mothers teasings… i want to get to know my nephew the LITTLE boy. oh i miss home.

  2. Don’t do that! You write that you have tears and then I get tears again. For real I am not kidding. This isn’t funny. It is tragic tragic tragic. The tears are slipping down my face right now.

  3. oh sister of my heart… you cry that MY boy doesn’t look like a baby. imagine my ache at not being near my tanner. tears. oh doni, i feel so homesick right now. Lord, would you please tell the military “powers that be” to move us to Arizona already? my nephews need another auntie! (ok, i NEED them…) by the time we are eligible to move ty would be out of the most dangerous times anyway so it would be ideal. in all things we must just keep submitting to Daddy-God, huh sis? i’m not kidding either, tears falling… some days it just hits our mommy hearts. i never dreamed those years ago i’d be so far from my sister and sharing joys & tears by phone & email… at least not for this long. hold on to your BABY boy and tell him auntie loves him. 🙂 thank the Lord you have AMAZING pictures to savor those tiny baby days. sorry it’s so hard on your mommy heart. i’m glad ty is a baby. 🙂

  4. It seems our boys want to be big so much. I find this true until it means giving up something that they really like that is still babyish. yesterday Noah told me “I not the baby, Graham is the baby, his names Noah” So I took this opportunity to point out that Noah still has a paci like baby Graham and big boys shouldn’t have paci’s. Noah then with his very stern face answers me. (Noah by the way has an answer for everything) Mommy, I need my paceefier. Only one. you see Tanner got Noah hooked on two pacifiers when they were young. So i have been gradualy moving him away from them. and we have just reached the milestone of only having one. Needless to say that battle is far from won. It seems our little men are growing up too quickly!

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