The Latest Fashion

Age: 11.9 months
Corrected: 8.5 months
Weight: 19 pounds 8 ounces (as of yesterday)
Length: 29.5 (as of yesterday)

It seems that Ty will be sporting a pretty trendy look here shortly. Not only does he have a mohawk but he will have very stylish glasses by next week. We ordered a pair for him that looks quite adorable. I made sure to get AR lenses as I take so many pictures of him – can’t be editing reflection out of every shot now can I?:) The woman selling the glasses to us was quite insistent that Ty will deal well with these glasses because she thinks his far sighted prescription is quite strong (plus 3.5 in both eyes) and believes he will be a happy boy when he can see his daddy and mommy better. We’ll shall see. Ironic that his glasses will arrive the week of his first birthday.

Yep! It is that time! Monday, January 17th, will be Ty’s FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! We certainely have cause to celebrate don’t we? We are in awe with what God has done this year. As for the party….sigh…we won’t be having one right now. This was a dilema that Jim and I have been discussing for quite some time. Ultimately, we decided not to celebrate Ty’s birthday in January due to the high risk factor during a very germy season. Further, Ty would get more out of a first birthday if we wait a bit. So this year, we will throw a bigger birthday party for Tanner and Ty together in May. Tanner will turn four (aaaaghhh) on May 22nd and Ty was due for arrival on May 1st so the month of May will be a good month to celebrate (and it is out of the RSV window too – or should be). So Aunts and Uncles…hold those presents a bit okay? (And no, we will not make a habit of celebrating Ty’s birthday in May:)

On Monday, because we are not throwing a birthday party, we decided that Jim would take the day off work and we would head for the zoo. Jim and I and the kids have not seen the outdoors too much this year. We thought the four of us needed to spend quality time celebrating even without the party. We apologize to all of our family members who were not invited on this first birthday trip. Trying to weed through our “safe” options with all our family is very difficult so we decided that a private affair would be best.

We think Ty will love a day spent outdoors and you know Tanner is excited as can be. If we have to talk about which animals are showcased at the zoo one more time I am going to scream:)! Last night Tanner kept asking me to think of more animals at the zoo. When I would grow quiet he would say “Mommy! Are you shinkin”? (Are you thinking?).

In Honor of Ty

A friend of mine, who gave birth to triplets last February, had a really great idea. After the triplets were born, she has so many people offering any kind of assistance necessary. She posted and told them that she would love it if they would donate blood in honor of the triplets. What a fabulous idea I thought! Ty had 7 blood transfusions while in the NICU and we learned quickly just how important it to have our blood banks stocked. I am wanting to take time each January to donate blood as well…in honor of my precious son and in gratitude for those that gave their blood to save his life. If you have the opportunity to donate blood this month and it is safe for you to do so, what a blessing it is to those who recieve it.

Attack of the Glo Worm

When Ty was a baby he was petrified of his baby glo worm (which I thought hysterical). For reasons unknown, he got over it. This week Ty was on the floor playing and suddenly burst into the saddest fit of tears you ever heard with his face buried in the rug. I picked him up and comforted him and he seemed fine. Hmmmmm? What was that all about? I put him back down and a few minutes later it happened again. What in the world? Daddy, the ever perceptive individual that he is, pointed out that Ty had been rolling onto the glo worm each time the tears started. Not again. He couldn’t possibly be afraid of that glo worm again. Of course you can’t know until you test your theory so like any good mother I picked up the glo worm and squeezed its tummy. Ty puckered his little face into the saddest expression and cried anew. Come on now! This can’t be for real. I had to try it about 2 more times to be sure. Yep. He was afraid of the glo worm. How funny is that? The next day I tried it during daylight and he grinned at the silly thing. Why is it scary on somedays and not others? Is it based on the lighting in the room? When HE sets it off versus when I do? Can’t figure it out. Very very funny though!


Ty’s bottom two teeth broke through on Tuesday, January 12th – just 5 days before his first birthday! Unlike most kids who have a “first tooth”, he ended up with “first teeth”:)! Way to be an over achiever Ty!

2 responses to “The Latest Fashion”

  1. Madison (my preemie) is also afraid of her glow worm, but only at certain times. There are days that she laughs and smiles at it and then times (like last night) when she just gets the saddest little face and the tears start falling. Madison and Ty are very close in age (adjusted & actual), so maybe it’s the age? Although for the life of me I can’t figure out why it’s funny some days and terribly sad/scary on others.

    Madison, also cut her first two teeth (the bottom 2) this week. I was sure that she wouldn’t have any teeth for her birthday, I guess she decided to prove me wrong! These tiny miracle have a mind of their own!

  2. Brooke – how ironic their similarities! Thanks for sharing that. Glad Ty isn’t the only one afraid of a glow worm LOL!

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