Cindy Lou Who

I call this “Cindy Lou Who” hair (you know??- Cindy Lou from Whoville – Dr. Seuss).?? Mom calls it “The Fountain”.?? :)?? It curls quite nicely actually.?? If I don’t curl it, it stands STRAIGHT up.?? I thought her FIRST Christmas dress needed to be painted.?? I really love full composite paintings but they aren’t for “every” painting.?? You have to have just the right picture and just the right background to pull off a nice composite (IMHO) and that takes some think time.?? I do like to embellish though.?? The original picture was taken on my wood floor in front of my green wall but I darkened the floor and embellished the wall a bit.?? Here is a closer view:

Technically, she had two Christmas dresses.?? The red pettiskirt and black velvet top and then this green one.?? She looked fabulous in both if I do say so myself.?? :)?? And would you believe I already bought NEXT years Christmas dress!?? In December I was shopping with my mom and found a G O R G E O U S dress at Dillards.?? It was a long red velvet dress with a matching long red velvet overcoat.?? I wanted to buy it for Tori so bad.?? HOWEVER, both pieces were about $80.00 and I couldn’t justify $160.00 on her Christmas dress especially after buying her pettiskirt.????I asked Cat to keep an eye on it for me and was hoping I would get a smoking after Christmas sale.?? Sure enough -on Dec 26th there was a one day only sale, Cat saw it and bought BOTH pieces for $40.00!?? Woohooo!?? Sweetie was as excited as I was!?? Some things you just NEED (hee hee – and yes Dad I listened to your sermon Sunday – this is a hyperbole) you know?

Last night Cindy Lou’s coughing was better.?? I still don’t think this is allergies we are dealing with.?? She has been a handful this week with getting in to stuff.?? I had a freak out while??on the phone with Brooke due to a Tori minor emergency – I’ll share that picture another day.?? She just gets into everything.?? The worst is when someone leaves the bathroom door open and she rifles through the trash or plays in the toilet and boys NEVER close the lids NEVER NEVER NEVER.?? We tried a toilet latch but turns out I was childproofed out of my own potty so we had to take them off.?? :)?? Besides that, she can’t lift the lid so what is the point of the latch??? You have to close the lid and the latch and if ANYONE would ever close a lid in the first place we wouldn’t have a problem.?? Not forward thinking on my part when we purchased the latch in the first place.

Another thing I did not consider until late in the season was the issue of a Christmas tree and a mobile baby.?? When Tanner was 8 months at Christmas, he was good as gold.?? Never even occured to me to protect the tree because he never got in to stuff.?? When Ty was almost a year at Christmas, he still wasn’t mobile at all – not even crawling so again no concern.?? Just before I started decorating it occured to me that I was going to have a big problem.

She undecorated for me several times.?? Isn’t she a sweetie??? LOL.


12 responses to “Cindy Lou Who”

  1. I am laughing at your story about the toliets. I must brag here. I am the only queen in my castle as they say and my king and princes (9,7,5) all put the seat down and close the lid. I truly am blessed in a big way I know. Dan and I have always had a lid closed fetish I guess and so our boys just learned it’s the way we do it. It’s funny when someone comes to visit and uses our bathroom and doesn’t put the lid down the boys make a huge deal about who in the world leaves the lid open ๐Ÿ™‚ Laughing laughing although it can be embarassing.

    Love the pictures as always!

  2. I love her dress!! As always the painting is gorgeous! She just gets cuter and cuter, doesnt’ she??!!!
    I thought our little Ty was in to everything this year, but I think Tori has him beat: ) That is so funny.

  3. I LOVE all of your paintings! They are just beautiful! Zandi’s is beautiful, Graham’s is precious and this one of Tori is adorable! She sure is a cutie! What fun to be so talented and have a family full of beautiful models!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. The green dress is my FAV. absolute Favourite dress. Green is my fav. color. She looks so sweet. I dont think there is a color that doesnt look great on Tori!
    The painting is amazing, something to cherish for sure. I love the hair too ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I love the green dress so pretty.
    I also love the last picture. I am glad you got a picture of it. We didn’t have any ornaments on our tree until 2 days before Christmas. The twins were fascinated with the lights this year and would stand behind the tree and shake them. Luke joined in by taking different colored lights and making new colors, i.e. red and blue lights make purple. This was actually the worst year for the tree which is a little hard to believe because the twins are 7 and Luke is almost 4.

  6. Again, I am soooooo glad you learned how to do this!!! We need a family art gallery where all of these beauties can be hung for us to admire! I also am always glad that you do a “close up” for us – that is where we can really “see” the painting effect! Oh my goodness she looks beautiful and I absolutely love this dress. How did I miss her wearing that one during Christmas???!!!

  7. i want zooms even closer of parts like eyes, lips, fingers, backgrounds… and more. selfish me. i want it all. ๐Ÿ™‚ BEAUTIFUL work again my sister -love that gorgeous girl… beautiful patterns on the wall… and do those socks match tori’s jammies in the lights picture? ornery girl… play-yard supergate around the tree – only way we lasted the first couple Christmases. ๐Ÿ™‚ took it off Christmas eve in time for presents. ๐Ÿ™‚

    toilets…. i’m really irritated with boys and toilets at the moment. i taught seth how to wipe it with a lysol wipe starting with the handle – then top of lid, under lid, top of seat, under seat, then on the rim. i’m SICK SICK SICK

  8. i want zooms even closer of parts like eyes, lips, fingers, backgrounds… and more. selfish me. i want it all. ๐Ÿ™‚ BEAUTIFUL work again my sister -love that gorgeous girl… beautiful patterns on the wall… and do those socks match tori’s jammies in the lights picture? ornery girl… play-yard supergate around the tree – only way we lasted the first couple Christmases. ๐Ÿ™‚ took it off Christmas eve in time for presents. ๐Ÿ™‚

    toilets…. i’m really irritated with boys and toilets at the moment. i taught seth how to wipe it with a lysol wipe starting with the handle – then top of lid, under lid, top of seat, under seat, then on the rim. i’m SICK SICK SICK

  9. accidentally returned on my post… continued….

    sick of boys not giving me one bathroom to myself. mind you, my boys aren’t the worst but they aren’t the best. if seth forgets to flush or leaves even one visible drip anywhere, i make him clean the toilet. he did it about 3 times last week and he was NONE to happy about it… upset even that he had to wash his hands twice – once after the cleaning. well, there’s an easy way to fix that kiddo! LEAVE NO DRIPS AND FLUSH THE STINKIN’ TOILET!!! (no pun intended) ๐Ÿ˜‰ hee hee…

  10. Daughter you are truly amazing, and your painting is not bad either. Actually it is disturbing to me right now because your mother wants to turn a room into a gallery with ALL the paintings pf the grandkids, actually so do I. I also want one of mom. I can just imagine waht you will do with her incredible hair and eyes. Do I get a discount for quantity?

  11. I WAS JUST THINKING THIS! Doni will have to do one of EVERY grandchild for Mama and Papa Z ๐Ÿ™‚ OH YES! I can’t wait to visit and see it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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