Urban Kidz

Ty turned FIVE on Saturday (17th)!?? Can you believe it??? That marks the date that??some of you started reading this blog – feel like you know me quite well??? LOL.

For Ty’s birthday, I decided to try an urban shoot.?? Been seeing this a lot with seniors lately and thought I’d try.?? The urban look typically uses a cityscape as a backdrop and then “punks” the color.?? (I just made that up but the color popping in urban shots tends to be extreme).?? It’s also pretty grungy (which??I like).?? I actually wanted graffiti walls but didn’t want to go look for them.?? Anyone know of any good graffiti in Phoenix in a safe area??? How about great outdoor locations for pictures??? Really cool walls, doors, lakes, parks??? I wish we had a train depot nearby but I don’t think we do.

Jim and I, the kids, and my MIL went to downtown Phoenix Saturday afternoon and hunted for interesting walls and architecture.?? Fun day.?? For those of you unfamiliar with AZ, our downtown area is very different than other major cities I have visited.?? Phoenix is SO large that the majority of jobs are not in downtown Phoenix.?? In fact, I can’t think of anyone I know that actually works in the downtown area.???? There is a rail system that opened a couple of months ago – I won’t sidetrack on my thoughts on that expenditure – that was pretty interesting to see.??

The bad news was Ty was not in the mood for a shoot.?? Further, we lost his glasses two weeks ago (new pair on order 260.00 later) and he was having trouble with the light.?? His eye issues cause him to be very light sensitive.?? That is, in large part, why he does that??cockeyed squinty expression in a lot of pictures.?? It dawned on me on Saturday that the poor guy is trying to see.?? His left eye has the most trouble and I started noticing that the expression is always the same.?? He raises his right eyebrow really high and then squints his left eye in response to my flash and bright sun.?? I’ll post another picture of that this week and you’ll see what I mean.?? I did get a small handful of real Ty expressions though.?? He is a cutie that’s for sure.?? I think I am noticing more crossing issues without his glasses on too.?? You can see it in some of these pictures a bit.

I know I am “the mom” – but I just gotta say it??- my son is beautiful.?? I am not finished processing this session so, as usual, you’ll see these in??a series through out the week.???? Turns out – I like urban shots.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

This is right outside Chase Field.?? Speaking of sports…how about those Cardinals??? :)?? Not a sports fan personally but even I was curious enough to look up the score tonight.

My MIL said Tori looks like a little Indian Princess in this picture.?? I must agree.?? I went ahead and bought shoes at Stride Rite and they look a bit like moccasins on her.?? Combined with that colorful skirt and black hair – and Indian Princess indeed.?? :)??

Jim and his mom.???? I think she will like this picture.?? I do.?? Ty just looked over my shoulder and said “That’s Grandma and Daddy.?? I love my Daddy.”????Have I mentioned lately how nice it is to have another affirmer in the family??? ๐Ÿ™‚

As usual…more where this came from.?? Have lots of ideas in my head for Tori’s first birthday (2/5).?? We’ll see how much I actually get done.??

11 responses to “Urban Kidz”

  1. I am so sorry Ty, belated Happy Birthday. I have been so busy this past week with the boys hockey and running around, I am so tired today. I know I need to relax and take it easy but its hard when there is so much to do. Excuses excuses!!, Ty hope you had a wonderful day.

    Love all the pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. i’m loving your interpretation of urban photography. i’m excited to see more.

    and you are right… your boy IS beautiful. mother or not.. .you’re right. ๐Ÿ™‚

    i think i had an appaloosa model horse named indian princess. if only tori had that in her hand in that picture. ๐Ÿ™‚ she looks darling in those bright colors – a beautiful contrast with her dark hair!

  3. Beautiful beautiful. I think this is my favorite look so far. Can’t wait to see more. Happy Birthday Ty!

  4. I love the image of Ty against the yellow door. I love everything about it. I think I would be tempted to print it on metallic paper or something cool like that. And what a great mother-son moment you captured between Jim and his mom. These are all fantastic. Look forward to more this week!

  5. hi doni,
    please say happy bday to ty for me! i didn’t reply to your post the other day about shoes, but my parents always bought me stride rite shoes. i remember we had to go a few towns over to get them, and i was sad when i couldn’t find my size there any more! of course, now i can still wear kids sizes…!!! but i always try to buy good quality shoes that fit my feet. i have two pairs of heals that i think i’ve worn twice each (weddings). i hate when my feet are constricted and hurt after wearing shoes. never felt that i should have to go through pain for fashion! :o) i loooove birkenstocks, even though some people might like them or think they’re too expensive, but they last for years and years and are well worth it. both parents have foot problems and i figure i should do everything i can to avoid bunions, etc by wearing only good shoes. so, i think you made the right choice buying stride rites for tori. i know she’ll grow out of them soon, but it’s worth it to have her learn to walk properly in well-fitting shoes.
    p.s. love the “urban grunge” look. i’ve seen it a lot too and i also love the grungy borders and bright colors! maybe you can find some stock graffiti pix online and then greenscreen them into the background??? (then you don’t have to brave a tough area!)

  6. Doni, I love the pic of Jim and his Mom. So precious! Just a natural shot that says…..”we share a special bond” Happy Birthday Ty!

  7. Happy Birthday, Ty!! You are a beautiful miracle boy!!! Love the pictures, and I love their little outfits. You always dress them so cute: )

  8. I love these pictures. There is a skateboard park on59th ave and union hills. Plus a few small lakes in the arrowhead lakes area going north on 59th ave I will keep my eyes open for other areas.

  9. I guess I should confess that I’m one of those that started reading your blog right after Ty was born. I found it through a link requesting prayers on a message board. I’ve cryed with you and prayed with you more times than I can count. I can’t tell you how excited I was last year when I checked in on your blog with my second newborn daughter in my arms (born 2.1.08) and saw the anouncement for Miss. Tori.

    Happy Birthday Ty!! So many people are so proud of you!

  10. There is a ton of new graffiti at 19th ave and Village Dr, down the street from the church on the brick apartments. Nice stuff..if you like graffiti. Get it quick, Phoenix tries to repaint asap.

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